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Is this even a question?
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Is this even a question?
I don't see an S, blue, red and gold on it.

Both of those are fucking garbage.
File: 1989Keaton.jpg (37 KB, 306x670) Image search: [Google]
37 KB, 306x670
best suit reporting in
That's not even a real image of Batfleck, fuck
File: muppetfreakingout.gif (105 KB, 200x200) Image search: [Google]
105 KB, 200x200
I still want a Batman suit the actor can actually move around in

No stunts and CG stunts are just bummer city. I know the cape probably has to be CG but... COME ONNN
Ah yes. The suit where you can't turn your head.
bale couldnt either in OPs pic.
File: ew8Ayud.png (3 MB, 1223x2174) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1223x2174
Whenever we get one that looks like Zero Year
The best batsuit was the arkham asylum one.
The one from Arkham Knight.
Fight me.
Did you watch BvS? Batfleck's suit is perfectly mobile, including his neck.

That's not his Zero Year suit.
His lips make him look pouty 24/7
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