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You are currently reading a thread in /co/ - Comics & Cartoons

Thread replies: 40
Thread images: 28
File: Chris Langham.jpg (49 KB, 580x350) Image search: [Google]
Chris Langham.jpg
49 KB, 580x350
... as was Chris Langham, who wrote for The Muppet Show...
File: Lex Luthor (Lois & Clark).jpg (68 KB, 786x584) Image search: [Google]
Lex Luthor (Lois & Clark).jpg
68 KB, 786x584
... and John Shea...
Did Superman really just dump this guy into a black hole cause that rules. Fuck Mongul.
File: batman - black & white #4 pg40.jpg (305 KB, 907x1265) Image search: [Google]
batman - black & white #4 pg40.jpg
305 KB, 907x1265
... Katsuhiro Otomo was 62...
File: batman - black & white #4 pg41.jpg (318 KB, 904x1269) Image search: [Google]
batman - black & white #4 pg41.jpg
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File: batman - black & white #4 pg42.jpg (311 KB, 901x1264) Image search: [Google]
batman - black & white #4 pg42.jpg
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File: batman - black & white #4 pg43.jpg (346 KB, 903x1264) Image search: [Google]
batman - black & white #4 pg43.jpg
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File: batman - black & white #4 pg44.jpg (299 KB, 906x1271) Image search: [Google]
batman - black & white #4 pg44.jpg
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File: batman - black & white #4 pg45.jpg (294 KB, 898x1259) Image search: [Google]
batman - black & white #4 pg45.jpg
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File: batman - black & white #4 pg46.jpg (310 KB, 900x1257) Image search: [Google]
batman - black & white #4 pg46.jpg
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File: batman - black & white #4 pg47.jpg (252 KB, 898x1256) Image search: [Google]
batman - black & white #4 pg47.jpg
252 KB, 898x1256
this guy is pretty edgy
File: Charlie (The Mask).jpg (25 KB, 309x337) Image search: [Google]
Charlie (The Mask).jpg
25 KB, 309x337
... Richard Jeni would've been 59...

File: 12th Doctor.jpg (382 KB, 1600x1145) Image search: [Google]
12th Doctor.jpg
382 KB, 1600x1145
... Peter Capaldi was 58...
File: Lobo (DCAU).jpg (33 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
Lobo (DCAU).jpg
33 KB, 640x480
... Brad Garrett was 56...
what did he meme by this
File: Clowes_Death-Ray-Large.jpg (2 MB, 5400x3600) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 5400x3600
... Daniel Clowes was 55...
Didn't realize he was that old.
File: Seventh Sister (Rebels).png (625 KB, 1365x767) Image search: [Google]
Seventh Sister (Rebels).png
625 KB, 1365x767
... Sarah Michelle Gellar was 39...
It blows me away that he did a Batman story. That whole mini is really underrated.
File: Sam the Snowman.jpg (6 KB, 260x194) Image search: [Google]
Sam the Snowman.jpg
6 KB, 260x194
... Burl Ives died 21 years ago that day...
File: Priscilla (Rango).jpg (58 KB, 550x349) Image search: [Google]
Priscilla (Rango).jpg
58 KB, 550x349
... Abigail Breslin was 20...
File: disney-amimator-ollie-johnston1.jpg (224 KB, 925x742) Image search: [Google]
224 KB, 925x742
... and Ollie Johnston, one of Disney's "Nine Old Men", died eight years ago.

Well, I'm done for today. I'll be back tomorrow, knock on wood, to give you some more Gil Kane goodness, as well as the usual stuff.
>It blows me away that he did a Batman story.
Pretty much every top artist did a batman story
[jaw dropping intensifies]
The justice league episode of this was pretty good
That is a hardcore ending.
Thanks, OP.
bumping for others.
Pretty good?

Thread replies: 40
Thread images: 28

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