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Is Hercules a better Superman film than Mos or BvS?
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Is Hercules a better Superman film than Mos or BvS?
Thematically yeah, though it's not a 1:1 comparison. For instance there's no Phil analog in Superman.
Did you mean to post about Iron Giant...

Phil can be the Legion of Super-Heroes as a whole
Superman was trained by the Legion of Superheroes?
They do have training facilities and (depending on the continuity of course) they are a big part of his time-relative early heroic adventures
>[Michael Bolton intensifies]
>there's no Phil analog in Superman.


It had one, a very shitty one where the father raised and trained him not to kill or save anyon without giving himself away
Yes it is. Herc was a 1000 times more inspiring than depressing Snyder Supes
Why do people compare Hercules with Supes? He's more like Cap.
They have the same basic backstory. Superpowered baby falls to earth, gets adopted by farmers, feels out of place due to his powers until his parents tell him of his origins, moves to the big city to become a famous hero.
Cap had a start as a wimp and a military background that do not mesh with Herc.
I dunno about better but I know "That's Phil's boy" always makes me choke up whereas the melodrama of the Snyderverse loops back around to funny.
There's something weird going on with his face there.
Of course it is.
Freaking Age of Ultron is a better Superman movie than those, and Superman is only in it for like 5 minutes.
That's correct, because Disney's Hercules was basically Superman + Rocky with a Greek Mythology coat of paint.
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