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Who is the better fishmen? Goldfish or briefs boy? For that
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Who is the better fishmen? Goldfish or briefs boy?

For that matter, Batman vs Moon Knight
Superman vs Hyperion, Superman vs Sentry
obviously Superman, everyone is else is just Superman but X

OGs > Wannabes

Batman > all
Superman > all
Namor > all
Namor has never had a good run
Aquaman has one in every decade.

As the the other 2.

There's no need to give you an answer.
Briefs boy. No matter how many times they try to make Aquaman cool, it can never quite make up for the fact that he's a bland rip-off.
In this case, I prefer the DC characters to the Marvel comparisons, though that is not true of all characters, just in these 3 examples.
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Aquaman can keep an ongoing alive. Namor can't.

Moon Knight
Namor is a better character, but I dare say Aquaman is more successful

Moon Knight by far, Batman's autism became a caricature of itself over the decades

Superman, but only because neither Hyperion and much less Sentry are his counterparts. Only recently Hyperion gain the characteristics of a selfless hero "S" is, I think we should give him a chance - but at best he'll be a very good homage. Sentry is whole another story - I don't feel like comparisons are justified here, besides the looks.
Effectiveness or story-wise?

The Marvel equivalents are across the board stronger, while the DC equivalents have so much more source material to pick from that they have better stories.

Except Aquaman. Fuck Aquaman. Namor doesn't need a good solo run to be a better character. He's at his best when he's downright villainous in other runs.
>The Marvel equivalents are across the board stronger
u wot m8
I'm no kin to the monkey nonono
The monkey's no kin to me yeayeayea
I don't know much about his ancestors but mine didn't swing from a tree
It seems so unbelievable, and yet they're saying its true
Theyre teaching us about it in school now, that humans were monkeys once too

But real talk...did Aquaman and Namor evolve from the apes or did they came from fish? Or are they supernatural like Wonder Woman, Thor, etc
Aquaman is basically an US Aryan with their typical fatal weakness for black american males and their typical mongrel ancestry.

Namor is basically an undersea Hulk.
Moon Knight is far more interesting than bats thanks to the fact that most of the Marvel universe thinks he is insane.
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>Namor has never had a good run
Well go ahead, point out all those amazing solo Namor stories people are always raving about.
would Aquaman blow up a world to save us all?
Everytime Aquamarine seems cool, they made him more like Namor.

Arthur likes to talk shit, but it's Namor that has invaded the surface giving no fucks.

Batman is everything Moon Knight wishes to be and his crazy is even better, Moon knight is over the ridiculous line like Midnighter is past the overkill skill set line.

Superman is superior to Hyperion, Hyperion lives in a constant state of confusion despite being bro-tier. Sentry is shit. Has been after the first story. Marvel did being your own nemesis better with Warlock/Magus.
Aquaman>Namor in water, Namor>Aquaman outside of it.
Batman>Moon Knight
Superman>Sentry if Bendis isn't writing, Sentry>Superman if he is.
Aquaman has Mera. Namor gets cockblocked by Reed Richards.
Arthur is pussy whipped. Mera is the boss of him.

Namor fucks around and hits on women with their husband in front of them.
This isn't a battle thread ffs. Also Sentry is more powerful than Supes in any iteration save WWH.
Batman has tons of great stuff but I love Warren Ellis' Moon Knight run too much. I feel that MK has to deal with monster hunting/ supernatural crime more often if the writers want to make him more distinct. Batman fighting a mummy is silly, Moon Knight fighting a mummy could be the result of Anubis not getting along with Khonshu and to settle their dispute the pit their champions against one another.
I like Aquaman but he's just way too much of a human apologist. Namor takes no shit. You fuck with his kingdom, he fucks with you.
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