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Remenber that movie where Cyclops wanted to be the easter bunny,
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File: HOP.jpg (42 KB, 491x367) Image search: [Google]
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Remenber that movie where Cyclops wanted to be the easter bunny, but the chick from the the magic chariot of the easter bunny also wanted to be the easter bunny, but the easter bunny wanted to be a drummer and fuck Cyclops sister, and in the end everyone was the easter bunny, and the easter bunny pooped jelly beans instead of poop, and then Cyclops sister ate the easter bunny poop?

And David Hasselhoff was playing as himself again?
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I remember wanting underage bunny poon.
When did this become a Zootopia thread?
Is this the Zootopia sequel?
How can Roger Rabbit compet with this effects?
This film worth watching?
james marsden would have made a cute superman tbqh
For lulz you mean?

This movie is cheap as fuck, but the writters and the main cast give so little of a fuck that you may enjoy.

The effects are worse than Garfield, and sometimes they use stock footage from other movies and images from google.
It's pretty enjoyable, in my opinion. If you liked the Yogi Bear movie, you'll like this.
>sometimes they use stock footage from other movies and images from google.
[citation needed]
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Remember when Rocket Raccoon blackmailed Batman and Lois Lane into entrapping Hawkeye ina corruption Sting.
Also Mystique is a slut or something. I don't remember her character being a very important character despite her prominence in the advertisement.
Look the part where they go to the desert
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Remember when Bucky got Sue Storm pregnant on an outer space mission with Ant-Man's mexican roommate as mission pilot?
The Pink Berets were the best. :^)
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