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Would a spinoff focused entirely on Jeff +Sinbad in outer space work?
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Would a spinoff focused entirely on Jeff +Sinbad in outer space work?
I'd rather have that than whatever new steaming pile Seth plans on squeezing out next.
it'd be better than HD Family Guy and TBS American Dad, so sure
It would've at least been better than Jeff's actual fate.
Hell yeah it would.
as much as I love the show, no

it'd be better than the Cleveland show though
How about a constantly running B story?
Like Dewey's hamster in Malcolm in the Middle?
Golden Poop or Mindquad
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Already wanted that. Was disappointed that it never happen.

a B plot could work, just have him pop up every so often.
Jeff is more or less a funnier, less smart Fry. So it'd be like Futurama meets Rick and Morty but in American Dad's style of humor.

I'd watch it.
A spinoff series about Jeff traveling through space trying to find his way back home would be great. The series finale would go:
>Jeff returns to earth in Stan's front yard in a spaceship
>he exists the vessel wearing an alien suit of armor
>removes his helmet
>Haley screams and everyone runs up and hugs him
>Roger waddles out of the house and says something snarky while moving in for the group hug
>jeff kicks him in the groin and Roger falls to the ground and starts crying
>everyone leaves Roger outside and goes in the house
>credits roll
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