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Ladies and gentlemen, imagine if you will…Steve Yoshimoto Rogers.
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Ladies and gentlemen, imagine if you will…Steve Yoshimoto Rogers.
Growing up in the depression in San Francisco, Steve tried to join the Army at the beginning of the war, but was turned down repeatedly. (He tried to explain that he was American, born here, but even if they had been accepting half-Japanese soldiers at that point he was too skinny and sickly.) In ‘42 he and his best friend Bucky were shipped to Manzanar - by ‘43 they were accepting Nisei soldiers, and he and Bucky were both yes-yes boys. Bucky joined the 442nd but they still didn’t let Steve in - the conditions at the camp hadn’t done anything good for Steve’s health. Without Bucky there, there was nobody to keep Steve out of trouble, fighting the guards when they tried to bully the other internees, and by the end of ‘43 Steve was sent to the prison camp at Tule Lake with the other “incorrigibles”. It was there he met Dr. Erskine.

Imagine if this was the face of the symbol of America.
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Not even China would eat that shit up.
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8/10 would read a mini of
Impossible. He would've been sent to the the camps like all the other Japanese-Americans at the time.
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Holy shit, I love this, I WANT this. I want an ongoing 150 issue three-year series of this.
(in Dean voice) "Kevin stop messing around and quit playing dress-up"
Read the op dude...
You want it.

But you won't buy it.
I don't care about your shit fanfiction Lobdell
Is this from tumblr

Probable make a better Nomad than Captain America.

No, fuck you

Of course not. China and Japan hate each other forever.

Kevin didn't die. He was sent back in time to warn the men of letters about Metatron, but was captured and sent to a Japanese Internment camp instead where he became...
I would read it. Sounds sweet.
Just because the Irish are not minorities Tumblr gives a shit about doesn't change the character's actual context. It's a cute idea but that wasn't the point of this "imagine..." nonsense.
But didn't Japs fight for America?
Like wasn't there a way badass Jap dude who joined the Army because his dad said "Welp, these white people are gonna hate the shit out of us if we don't do this"
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You know, I'd be okay with this. If they're so dead-set on rewriting all of their characters, turning Cap into an American who has seen America's dark side but still chooses to fight for her because he believes in the American Dream would be pretty good. You could even call is poignant.

It would also be hilarious to watch people react to him acting just like regular Steve Rodgers. Japanese ancestry or not, he is still a man from the 1940s.

442nd Infantry Regiment, bro. It was a real thing.


>21 Medals of Honor awarded to a single unit
Fun fact: remember the "I'm from Fresno" guy from The First Avenger? His family was probably in an internment camp
Meant for >>81246176

Yeah. Daniel Inouye got his Medal of Honor in the 442nd.
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Possibly, but I'd read it.
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>Jap soldier
Make him a girl. Women are more underrepresented in capeshit than any ethnicity.
It's the same character so I'd be alright with this.
Kinda wish we'd just stop trying to reinvent old characters and move forward though.
I miss Infinity Inc.
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Less gay version and not just gooked up Steve Rogers after 15 year old white girl got done seeing the Cap movies

>Yoshimoto 'Steve' Honda is a weak, sickly Nisei in 39 who wants to do his best for the country and the world with the advent of the war but is too spiritually and physically weak
>trains under an elderly samurai for two years improving his body and learning the art of war, coming to the conclusion that the best way to protect the weak is to be proactive and strike first against the wicked
>joins up in the 442nd in 42 and becomes the best soldier of the best regiment with the most solo kills and a compassion for his fellow soldiers and liberty
>contracts tuberculosis and his body withers away, but his service record makes him the top candidate for the Super Soldier Serum and he becomes Captain America
>the original shield doesn't fit with his combat style so it is melted down into a smaller sword and a vibrannium katana is forged for him
>Captain America is an Allied hero attacking on all war fronts as a special operative, alongside James 'Bucky' Barnes, a 'mascot' he takes under his wing after Cap discovers him all alone after his father's platoon was wiped out in France
>Cap and Bucky actively take several key strategic points with their willingness to go directly into enemy fray, resulting in Japan surrendering without the bombs ever and Hitler being taken in alive
>During Red Skull's last desperate attempt to win the war with his fuhrer having given up, Cap sacrifices himself crashing Skull's doomsday sleeper device over the arctic while trusting Bucky as his partner to watch Hitler
>when unfrozen, Cap discovers a world still in need of heroes but full of weak ones who only react to injustice instead of seeking it out, making him take over the Avengers as it's fulltime leader
>Cap's family became important after the war, making him believe it's ok to infringe on the rights of the citizens for good because they'll bounce back
tldr samurai john walker
captain america as an Irish-American is the ultimate american thanks
i'd read it
>melted down into a smaller sword and a vibrannium katana is forged for him
No shield no sell.
That's awesome backstory OP. My grandfather was part of the 442nd. Also have a Captain America costume as well.

Other people are butthurt. Captain America is already Steve Rogers. Its not like they could retroactively make him asian.
It's symbolic
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>taking away the shield
>Ladies and gentlemen, imagine if you will…

>Steve Yoshimoto Rogers
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GUYS GUYS, what if...
What if Captain America and the super soldier program took place in WW1?
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what would he look like if he was drawn by liefeld
You guys see G-Force? What if Captain America was literally a talking guinea pig?
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>Japanese American WW2 superhero


>As Captain America

Why? Why can't he just be his own character? I like the general concept, even if the backstory is basically replacing him for Steve Rodgers, but why can't he have his own story and themes? Why do we have to put him in someone else's costume in order to give him legitimacy that will likely disappear in a few years.

Remember the black Superman? Remember black Human Torch? Me neither.

It's much better to give someone their own identity rather than just have "Female Thor" or "Person of Color Spiderman." It just implies that they're not actually interesting characters on their own so need another character's name, legacy, and origins in order to become interesting.

Forcing minority identity onto a white character or role does not legitimize the minority, it instead delegitimizes them, as everything that actually happened to them is ignored in order to create a picture perfect image of who we want a character to be.

Why not have black or Japanese-American soldiers actually represented as who they were, then come up with a superhero origin story out of those facts.
but captain america has have a strong presence and be at least a little intimidating and asian men don't have either (at least none other than that samurai actor guy)
Why not? If it means controversy fueled sales then Marvel will jump right on the idea.

Coming 2017, Captain America Corps, featuring every ethnicity with enough representation in the country. 12 issues, written by Bendis.
Wish he would have done one with the helmet but w/e.
It could work in a new universe, but if we're talking MCU or 616, I'd prefer a new character eith this story.
Are you guys fucking serious? You would read this? If I pitched the idea of Steve being black you would all shit your pants in anger.
Not that either idea makes sense (unless he was mixed), Steve was able to earn the title "Captain America" and became an icon because he fit the ideal beauty standard of white America.
And changing his race after 75 years would be retarded, although, him being patriotic while also experiencing severe racism would add interesting depth to the character.
>Steve was able to earn the title "Captain America" and became an icon because he fit the ideal beauty standard of white America.
No? He earned the title by being a brave motherfucker
Why nlt just make an original character my tumblr going friend?
I'd like to read a One-Shot or a Mini Series of it. I mean we two series where like Gwen Stacy is both Spider-Woman and DeadPool
This what is it with you gay trying to reimagine characters into shitty fanfics when you can instead make a totally original asian american character

I mean op could have put all those creative juices into a character of his own design

Also op your samefagging all over the place its a tad embarassing
Fine by me. As long as he isn't Chinese.
You're confusing China with Korea.
Go one step further and make him Jewpanese.
Marvels gwenfap is horrible

Also what do you wanting to read it mr "most likely op" go to do with anything, its a shitty tumblr-tier fanfic and ive seen them come up with better bullshit

Thats a lie i havent its equally stupid

But by all means go ahead and pitch it current marvel would most likely eat it up they are tools like that now
I think after WW2 Korea (Atleast the North) and China hate Japan
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Doubtful but whynot a Japanese Lady?
You don't really get being a capeshit fan...or a fan of any stupidly popular shit?
There's a certain fun to making rip offs/riffs
>Not liking "What If?" stories
Red Son is a fantastic story and it's literally "what if Superman was communist"

This is no different. No one's talking about replacing classic Cap, and there's nothing wrong with interesting temporary diversions from the status quo.
He's not.
i want cum in that puss
Call him Hero of War. Make him staunchly dedicated to America, even as it rails against him.

He comes home, and expects some vindication. It never comes. The army never offically acknowledges his existence, but he remains useful as a tool, a gun.

Later, Vietnam.
>what if superman grew up in communist russian
>what if captain America was ASIAN
>Are you guys fucking serious? You would read this?
>If I pitched the idea of Steve being black you would all shit your pants in anger.
Hmm, nah.
I'd read it. I like alternate universe characters anyway.

Though I've always thought it'd be interesting if there were a Pacific analogue to Cap. Different character, different powers/origin, but have the US deploy another kind of supersoldier in their fight with Japan while Cap is taking care of shit in Europe. Wolverine was there I think, but AFAIK he was just a soldier. I dunno I just get a boner for WW2 supers.

Also really pulling for this guy to be cast as Shang-Chi. Dude's a huge nerd and has the physique and the skills to be believable (martial arts for like 14 years and does a lot of stunt work aside from acting)
Nah, Bro I'm this guy right here>>81248993
Im another Half-Jap who saw this post
Here's a pic of my Captain America
Is there a point you're trying to make here?
>If I pitched the idea of Steve being black you would all shit your pants in anger.
>who is Isaiah Bradley
>who is Josiah X
One sounds amazing and intresting and the other doesnt
Well technically he earned his title by being the supersoldier on call.
If Cap was Black they'd probably give him a form covering costume, maybe even a stand in for public events.
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That would be pretty cool.
By having Captain be Japanese, that emphasize the concept of America being a melting pot of cultures and what it really means to be "American".
In fact he did and still does look like the ideal American.
>what if captain america was japanese-american who served with the 442nd
>what if superman was RUSSIAN

it's not hard.
Potentially interesting character, but I'd take it another route and have him NOT be the face of the symbol of America. He becomes a supersoldier and does a bunch of crazy heroic shit, but doesn't get the recognition for it. Maybe the public figure for his feats is some macho white boy, or maybe he wears a full body costume and isn't supposed to take his mask off so that people don't know he's Asian. Maybe a plot where he gets shit because he unmasks in public. I don't know, there are a lot of interesting ways to explore this concept of an interned Asian turned supersoldier hero, but he probably shouldn't be quite like Cap
No it wouldn't. America being a melting pot meant melting pot of white people when the concept was first created. The later "everything is diversity" faggotry is one part 1960s idealism and one part mass immigration.

WWII had so much nationalistic propaganda against the japanese that making a japanese person a super soldier would go right out the window from "unlikely" to "idiotic" when the military assumed most of those japanese guys to be possible traitors.
But A. Would literally just be cap as an asian

B. Is literally superman with communist ideals and alt versions of characters
my bad, I hadn't actually paid attention to the historical context in his description.
just like trusting german scientists to design our weapons (or supersoldiers in this case) am i right?
You have an infantile mind.

There is a huge difference between making him japanese and whining about racism (because there aren't a million of those) and making superman a communist. Even in Red Sun the fact that Superman fits the ideal of the ubermensch yet is a communist is noted as a major problem with his existence. Making Captain America japanese is just another excuse for yet another story bitching about racism.

Why not have Captain Falcon retire and get replaced by a Pakistani American and have a contemporary story about racism if your hardon is for stories of "I'm a hero but people are mean to me because of race and religion and stuff".
Cap is already a good representation of USA. Son of inmigrants fighting for his country, just like tommy describes superman.
It wouldn't change that much
You mean Jewish scientists like Einstein and Oppenheimer

The bulk of non-Jewish German scientists weren't recruited until after Germany was destroyed as a nation
Jewish german people
except if you'd read the thread instead of being a retard, you'd see that JapCap would have had to grow up, live, and then proceed to serve in much different conditions. he'd be discriminated against both before and after becoming Cap, maybe even hidden from the public like >>81250822 says. he would, through these experiences, grow into a different and unique character (the same as Red Son's different experiences caused him to grow into what he became.)

Good stories have been written with less foundation.
What is /co/ opinion about Amadeus Cho as a whole?
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I'm pretty biased on the character.
He was pretty much my first comic so him and Herc are basically tied at Number 1 for favorite.
Hulk series is shallow but fun and well drawn.
>Making Captain America japanese is just another excuse for yet another story bitching about racism.
Triumphing over adversity is one of the oldest themes in storytelling. I'm not the one with the infantile mind if you can't imagine how that story could be interesting.
He's shit by a shit
Make him Jim Morita instead of Steve and I can dig this.
>You have an infantile mind.
And you don't think making a character who is a symbol of American freedom be part of the same people that were essentially placed in US concentration camps doesn't have potential to be a significant storyline about race in America while also being a good Captain America comic?
It's almost as if there's historical precedent for this.
why would a korean kid be sent to a japanese internment camp?
You mean the fucking internment camps? Yeah, because segregation and didn't exist during WWII.
Look. Look at how wrong you are.
I can only relate to stories about white people
No, I mean the 442nd Infantry Regiment you uneducated stooge. They were LITERALLY recruited out of the internment camps and still fought for America with such gusto they were the most decorated unit in the Army.
Man, Hitman really seems to be getting around these days.
Why can't an Indian guy be Captain America.
Either kind.
Actually why can't there be Indian superheroes...When will someone do that for me.
>internment camps were concentration camps meme

They weren't even fucking close. Yes it was immoral and yes they weren't a 5 star hotel, but the interment camps had individual houses with power and running water and the opportunity to work for living wages and buy regular shit at special shops for them. People couldn't leave but they could freely intermingle with each other and have friends over freely. There were sports, gyms, fun events, free medical treatment and vaccinations, and even baseball fields.
I dig his cosplay.
>concentration camps
They weren't Auschwitz but people had their homes and business taken away from them while they were forcibly relocated to the middle of bumfuck nowhere for, like, 2 years. That's pretty fucked up. A blemish on US History for sure.
why on earth did you possibly think this was any better, pale white boy
You mean native-American Indian? Or Indian Indian?
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What if Captain America was american?
Nah, Asians have too much privilege. They're practically honorary whites. If you want something to be diverse you need a nigger.
I said either kind, didn't I?
But for the second question, I meant Indian Indian. I know about the Native American superheroes
>I said either kind, didn't I?

I think Americans miiiiiiiiight want to, you know, get around to referring to them as Native Americans and not Indians because some asshole thought he was in India hundreds of years ago. I mean shit, it was HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO. Get your shit together.
Listen, I do refer to them as Native Americans, but I also know that when I bring up Indians someone is gonna be like "dot or feather?", that's why I say either kind ahead of time.
>Poo in loo as Captain America

God no. But Native American Captain America? That would be fantastic.
okay, Natives are Indians. Guys from India are Nolooers.
This would be great.
>his powers make it so he can't get drunk
truly the cruelest of fates
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It'd be a nice little mini. If they did something like this with all the various ethnicities in the 1940s with their particular spin on the steve rogers character could be fun.
What if Captain America was actually a talking shield who gained sentience through pure patriotism energy
Saying "native american" takes too long
Almost all of asia has an underlying hate of japan.
He doesn't need a shield, he can do with a ladder. However, HE WANTS NO TRABBLE!
You know what's really funny? Why he's blonde and blue eyed? To spit in the face of Hitler, who's ideal human was blonde and blue eyed. There's this man, perfect example of the Aryan race, 6'something, handsome, athletic, and a hard working patriot of his country, and he's coming to kick hitler's ass. How would that look to Hans Shmans off the streets of germany?
Honestly, it's the character of captain america. He's embodies an idea, and because of that, you want to see how that idea would work out in other frames with the core of his character still being "The American Ideal".
>I've never read a what if comic

People who don't read comics shouldn't be allowed to give input.
That's fucking terrible. Do you understand the symbolism of the cap using a shield instead of a sword? Or the general idea of innocent until proven guilty? How is he going to find injustice before it happens? Is he the thought police now?
>We have to make him HALF white or our audience won't be able to sympathize with him!
Honestly, haven't read any of his Hulkening, but I can't imagine it adding anything to either character. So Amadeus is a super smart hulk? Like professor hulk? He's a young, brash hulk who is trying to prove himself, like Rick hulk? Or hulkling? I just don't see the point other than diversity for the sake of diversity, and I'm asian.
>that shit

Why, though? Not blonde and blue-eyed enough for you?

Wouldn't have been as engaging. World War II was a war against pure evil. World War I was just kind of retarded.
And miss out on the uber mench fighting the third reich!? Never!!
But have him take a spot on the howling commandos instead, having each of the members react to him. It is important that the first arc only takes place in Europe. Then you can make arc two be about when the commandos go to Korea and Vietnam, where he suddenly has to react to killing people that looks like him, and the reaction of other soldiers when an Asian protest against what America did in Vietnam.
>If I pitched the idea of Steve being black you would all shit your pants in anger.

...I'm not so sure of that.

The Nisei...


Hans Shmans would never hear of his existence. That was Goebbels' job.
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>World War II was a war against pure evil
I agree, that motherfucker Churchill wanted to gas all of Germany, the soviets murdered and raped all of eastern Germany and the crazy Americans used special made bombs to level entire cities!!
>. World War II was a war against pure evil

Jesus Fucking Christ.
This particular guy looks cool in the costume but the concept does nothing for me, would work as an alternate universe cap during a multiverse travelling storyline.
Which is understandable because the Japanese were monsters before being neutered by America.

They were trying to be Britain but being naturally inferior they failed to make headway.
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>Killing gypsies and Jews
Fuck off tripfag
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Don't worry, liberals today are working very hard to wipe out Germany and whites in general.
7/10 premise would read
What about Gurkhas? Those little buggers are scary


Yes how brave of Truman to show up after the war was a year over
What the fuck does the holocaust have to do with the German army? It was performed by the SS, which was not part of the Wehrmacht, and was in fact disliked by them. Don't tell me you are another under educated nig nog.

I don't know, that sounds more funny than evil.

>white people protect their own.

Well, cousin, you seem to be making a good case in favor of just that.


Yeah, but that's more cultural I think.
It's been done to death and is not interesting
Oh boy what a nice comics discussion.

How about the siege of Leningrad? Was that the SS?

Not all asians are equal and the "asians are a model minority" meme has been around for decades and decades and decades. You could instead add shades of grey to an unmasking story wherein the official wartime press is that he's a chinese man given power by america to beat back the japanese, because the japanese are specifically the enemy. This keeps in line with other wartime propaganda where the US government told people not to beat up chinese-americans because china is our friend.
What about it? Was it any diffrent than the bombing of Dresden or the siege of Berlin?
>Irish son of immigrants
>not discriminated against

That would a very simplistic view of discrimination from the era.
That's a sioux indian.
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Native American characters in marvel are usually walking stereotypes with really hamhanded 'native' powersets & costume designs.

American Eagle does look like a badass after his modern redesign though, the biker thing is alot less of an awful stereotypical cliche than the massive jokeshop feather headdress.
Europeans might want to shut the fuck up. They're called indians by everyone from the tierra del fuego to greenland.

If feather headdresses are a joke it's because white people made them into one.
This doesn't work because japs weren't allowed to live in the west coast during WWII.
>implying people here read comics
>in most anime involving a mostly foreign cast the main character is either japanese or half-japanese

Gee I don't know?

Because muh diversity might give a small minority of white people the warm fuzzies most people think it's really pathetic and weird to go out of your way to accommodate minorities like that

Assassins Creed 3?

Aren't you even a little bit uncomfortable with being a racist?
I like it.

No, because I'm not white and I don't owe japs shit.
Its not like the comic workers who originally designed his first appearance had any understanding as to the significance of the War Bonnet in the character's culture.
But which came before anyone knew about those atrocities
I find it a little ironic that despite all the diversity shit the American PC brigade like to push these days, the only people nobody ever seems to care about representing is native Americans.

>Native Americans?
>No, I think what this story needs is a transgender Muslim midget!

1) Racism is bullshit no matter what race you are. It's kind of implicit.
2) Is that what this is about? 'being owed something'?
There's no point in representing dead men
PC brigade don't give a fuck about Native Americans or Asians. Niggers and Muslims are their pet projects.
I'd read the fuck out of a mini like this. As some people have pointed out, it's a similar concept to Red Son.

You're an idiot. The point of a What If is a compare and contrast. If we change the simple variable of Steve's ethnicity but keep everything else the same, what ends up changing? It's a fascinating idea, how hard would he fight if he knew that the people he was doing it for hated him? How hard would he fight for a country that has already proven itself to not want him? What is the public reaction to a hero that doesn't look like them?
Most people of indigenous descent you meet on a daily basis are day laborers from Guatemala and thus fall under the category of "hispanic hero who mixes english and spanish in a really cringey way"

If you wanted an authentic native hero you'd basically have someone from a redneck small town except everyone is brown instead of white and also they're all drunk most of the time

Or I guess you could have a white guy who claims to be cherokee. Hell, why not have a cherokee who reveres stand watie and only gets away with it because he's legally an indian and too many people give him a free pass to be a dick.
Was my favorite AC protagonist. The only one whose story I paid my rapt attention to; you knew how it was going to end, but he tried so hard to do the right thing and none of it worked out. Fuck Ubisoft for giving him a shitty fucking ending, he deserved so much better.
That's because for 200 years this kind of nonsense has mostly been for the benefit of someone's ego. If it wasn't then we wouldn't have people saying dumb shit like "black people are poor because of slavery" and instead we'd have people actually attacking the root causes of intergenerational poverty.
>Alt. Universe Cap
>Not Audie Murphy
>Not Robert L. Howard

oh wait, this is /co/, the go to board for faggots and queers. Awesome shit like these would never happen and y'all would rather see a dildo-bearing trans nigger chink as CA than a legit war hero.
>Native Americans
>Happy endings
>oh wait, this is /co/, the go to board for faggots and queers

He said, on /co/.

You are the only person I've seen who liked that bland piece of shit.

He was such a wasted opportunity.
Nobody will ever sell me on WW2 Cap being anyone but Steve Rogers.
The beginning where you play the Templar is interesting, everything after that is a haze of boredom.
I like to think he went on to have wild sex everyday with that one chick who said she wanted first dibs on yim if he ever decided to settle down
Well now you met two
For the most part there's nothing wrong with this. There is however one major problem.
Steve Rogers was an Aryan wet dream specifically as a fuck you to Hitler. Admittedly just about any race qualifies as a bit of a fuck you to Hitler except the Japanese. A Japanese OG Captain America does not fulfill the same role and makes Japan go GLORIOUS NIPPON in their anime years alter as them losing the war was clearly due to his superior Japanese blood.
But anon, that IS Steve "Yoshimoto" Rogers!
As far as privillege goes ( on a numbers basis) they're some sort of Uber white. Whenever you see listing of stuff like police brutality for example the numbers against asians are so low you wonder if it's a typo. Then again, maybe the cops are scared of the Kung Fu?
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>in their anime years

Thank you for this. I am forever going to refer to WW2 Germany as their anime years, when a huge fucking weeb rose to power.
He was a tragic hero fighting a battle that everyone knew was impossible to win. Even when he would have been perfectly justified in switching sides he stuck to his guns because he wanted to stay on the good side and fight the good fight, even when it would have been better and easier to become a templar, and when it turned out that every bad thing that happened to him and his tribe wasn't because of them, but because of the very side his order was supporting and that he was defending vehemently. Say what you will about his personality (I would have enjoyed much more emotion from him, lasting friendships with other characters), but his character story was wrenching and interesting, and he deserved a happy ending after all the shit he had to put up with.

I liked Ezio fine, but to be honest I completely played through ACII and dddidn't even notice 20 years had passed until I beat the game and saw him with a bear. With Connor I was just biting my knuckle, hoping for an alternate telling of history because I knew how it would end, and it wouldn't be pretty.

Haytham himself is an interesting character. Together he and Connor have a story that I don't see much anywhere. Ezio was the classic revenge story thrown into a world of intigue and conspiracy where he became something he never would have imagined. But with Connor and his father, there's this father and son who so desperately believe in their opposing sides and despite that, they want to get to know each other and be a family so much that they, who should be bitter enemies, work together and try to recruit each other to their respective side. It was very dynamic. The story might have been boring, but the character, his history, and his trials were anything but.

Me too. Fuck Ubisoft. Plus, they ruined Edward's happy ending with the novelization of AC3. That family is cursed and I put no credence to how Ubisoft tells their story.
Or maybe when Asians immigrate to another country they generally work hard and respect the law of the land. CRAZY FUCKING THEORY I KNOW
Every immigrant population already does that. Asians aren't anything special in that regard. A
According to Tim Wise, privilege scholar, Asians actually aren't privileged because even though they make more than whites they only make more because they're less likely to be divorced and they tend to live in urban areas where rent costs more and they take care of their elderly so they spend more money on family

So they aren't really privileged
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>privilege scholar

This is the world we live in.
I'm a gook and i don't want to see Asian Cap. Fuck is wrong with you fags.
Tim Wise is one of those Jews that seem to vindicate /pol/'s worldview

Is anyone honestly surprised by this anymore

Thank you my white master. So glad you are here to take care of me instead of leaving me to fend for myself against the racists.
I can excuse him for his stoic attitude. It's in strong contrast to his more violent fighting style and occasional screaming outbursts. Seemed to me the guy had severe repression issues, which makes perfect sense given his life. His reaction to Achilles' death got a tear from me too. He doesn't seem outraged or distraught by it, but...exhausted. Like he's spent his life fighting heartbreak and this blow might have been just too much.
>magine if this was the face of the symbol of America.


Nothing wrong with the current symbol.
I bet the Belgians and the French wouldn't agree.
>if I pitched an idea that's already been officially done before you shit on it

No shit, you unoriginal hack
Should be more buff but I like it.
>I think after WW2 Korea
Japs were burning koreans alive years before WW2, they are and have always been the worlds most racist motherfuckers.
And deemed perfectly legal, as was the siege of Leningrad. So suck it dolphin!
He lost an arm killing 25 germans while capturing 3 machine gun positions. Alone.
He was the first Japanese-American to join Congress and was the second longest serving senator in US history. Died 2012
Let's see

>watched his mother burn to death
>spent a good portion of his life blaming the templars, when it was really the Assassin-Allied colonials, George Washington, that ordered the raid and burning of his village
>force killed his best friend after years of being estranged due to duty to his order and his efforts to keep his people safe an out of harm. Due to a misunderstanding, mind you
>forced to kill his own estranged father when it seemed like they could have become a team and worked together amicably
>His long-standing father figure and mentor dies, and by that point he's just tied of it all, but he soldiers on. For the order.
>The events of AC3 take place while he's still a virgin
>Being Ratonhnhaké:ton is suffering

Now, I don't consider being a virgin as bad as most people, that was a bit of levity on my part. But Connor was what, 24, 25, by the end? Emotionally and physically he lived as a man decades his elder. Being Connor is suffering. His entire story had be sniffling like a bitch because it was just unfair.
Japtain America could wear the shield on his head like one of them funny gook hats.
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This would work better if he wasn't Steve but still became Captain America on a different earth. Even the writer of Spider-Gwen understood that when he made a black female Captain America
Exactly. I mean, don't get me wrong, we hate each other just as well, we just hate japan more.
>wants to genocide a whole people based on the actions of a select few.
Yeah, that sounds balanced and sane, totally not hitler-esque at all. Here's your (You).
Do you seriously think that asians being part of the US population is a new thing?

>and also american gov. wouldnt make an asian as a face of american army
This is an incredibly shitty idea. No American soldier or civilian would tolerate a half-Nip being the symbol of their country while US POWs were getting fucked over in the Bataan Death March. Fucking weabs.
This is literally a tumblr post.
I mean - I don't mind, just saying, this is literally a tumblr post.
Man Japtain America actually works better than black female cap.
Are you kidding? Indian indians are the most ignored.
>5 shit-street replies
They call themselves Indians.
So you literally just took the idea of the Jap-American soldiers that fought for the US and applied it to Cape. Congrats this isn't a new idea. If you want to read some interesting post war racism check out Vol 4? (I think it's 4) of American Vampire
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