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Defend this scene. Clark gets word there's another vigilante
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Defend this scene.

Clark gets word there's another vigilante operating in Gotham and without even attempting to reason with him, Clark damages the Batmobile and threatens Batman.

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It's meant to be an interpretation of the scene where the almighty flogged the criminals
>Clark gets word there's another vigilante operating in Gotham and without even attempting to reason with him, Clark damages the Batmobile and threatens Batman.
I'm not going to protest your 'not muh Superman' because I had the same reaction but to fact-check a little: Clark has known about Batman for a long time - he complains to Perry about the ongoing vigilante issue. He ends up confronting him as Superman because he's blocked from confronting him as a journalist (that's why you get that zoom in of frustration on Clark's face before this scene happens after Perry blocks him a second time). And, although Gotham and Metropolis seem to be part of the same urban area in the film, they aren't strictly defined as a single joined city so it's not "another" vigilante.
That said, the threat itself is totally unforgivable and I bet even though you are criticizing this scene you haven't even thought about the fact it's the conclusion to a chase scene where Batman injures/kills multiple criminals, so Superman chooses to intervene only after these people are dead and the port is damaged, at which point he flies away without helping/repairing anything, AND allows the criminals to carry their bounty back to Lexcorp.

So why didn't he try to reason with him? Or talk to him? He immediately threatens him and says "The Bat is dead. Bury it.". I can say "Not much Soups" but it's just flat out retarded. It reminds me of some awful drama on a tv show, where characters act like retards and jump to conclusion for the sake of contrived drama.
I'm not trying to defend the scene. It's a good illustration of how in BvS even though characters are on screen at the same time as each other they are never actually interacting with each other.

Did you miss the part where Bats was branding criminals, ensuring they'd be beaten to death in prison? That's a bit over the top.
This is the Batman Vs Superman scene based on ideological differences and when Superman doesn't have motivation to fight Batman.
Batman was in the midst of causing tons of property damage and criminal deaths with his fucking tank... and Supes stopped him.
Because Snyder hates Superman.
He goes on record as saying Batman is in the wrong in this movie but you honestly wouldn't be able to tell from watching it.
But why didn't he reason with him? Why didn't he stop him in a way that didn't involve crashing the batmobile? Why did he resort to threats right away? Isn't Superman supposed to inspire people?
>So why didn't he try to reason with him? Or talk to him?

I don't know what you are expecting from such a conversation, batman can hardly defend his branding and has no reason to either, superman would hardly convince him with some talk as batman has been doing this for a long time, also superman doesn't think much of batman either, this conversation wouldn't have gotten anywhere. Atleast superman recognizes batman is fighting for a good cause but with the wrong methods and gives him a second chance.

Have you read the comics? Cos I ain't ever seen Supes attempt to inspire Zod, Brainiac, Luthor, Darkseid, Parasite, Ultraman, Ultra-Humanite or Bizarro.

Hell, Trinity War started with Supes punching out Shazam.

>You're better than that!
>No, I'm not, I'm Batman.
>Atleast superman recognizes batman is fighting for a good cause but with the wrong methods and gives him a second chance.
But he doesn't. He tells him to stop being Batman. To bury it. And he adds "consider this mercy", suggesting he's prepared to go even further.

well are you that retarded or did you miss all the bits where Batman was set up as Luthor's pawn, Alfred calling him an idiot for embarking on the whole thing for to begin with, and Bruce admitting he fucked up bad at the funeral?
>Bats was branding criminals, ensuring they'd be beaten to death in prison?
How does that even work? I mean: child molesters don't do well in the big house; but I can't imagine why your average felon would give two shits about most other forms of criminality.

If anything you'd think being bad enough to earn the brand would be a badge of honor in Blackgate.
A demonstration of force. Batmobile just went through walls and a boat like paper, but bounced off Supes. So he's showing a vigilante who utilizes fear and intimidation that those tactics wont work on him. And you dont tend to politely reason with people who maim and brand people on a nightly basis.

>he complains to Perry about the ongoing vigilante issue.
>it's the conclusion to a chase scene where Batman injures/kills multiple criminals, so Superman chooses to intervene

but... Superman is a vigilante and kills people too, what's the difference?
>But he doesn't. He tells him to stop being Batman.

with second chance I mean not just dragging him to the cops for all the damage he has done and the people he had killed.
All tell. No show.
The movie SAYS Batman is wrong a lot. But what it SHOWS is that people have legitimate reasons to be scared of the power Superman represents, especially since he doesn't really think the consequences of his actions through.

>senate blows up
>rater than searching for survivors, he just stands there looking sad.
He's being a hardass. He knows that Batman wouldn't listen to him for shit if he would have just walked up to him and tried to be a nice guy, especially when he knows that Bruce got a bone to pick with him anyways. Remember, Batman's mark is essentially a death sentence. That's why Clark thinks that that shit has to stop immediately.

He's a vig but I believe he tries to not kill people after Zod. At least that's what it looks like what the movie's trying to tell you.
>batman can hardly defend his branding and has no reason to either, superman would hardly convince him with some talk
I think it's ridiculous that he wouldn't even try. Why would Superman (or any rational character) not try to talk to him first? Even if it's a waste of time, at least the attempt was made. Jumping straight to violence against fucking Batman isn't going to convince him.
>Superman is a vigilante and kills people too
The word you're looking for here is "hypocrite."

there is difference between killing a possible global threat and killing people left and right who could as well be in prison.
Do you reason with the guy who's just killed a bunch of people by dropping cars on them or machine gunning them with his heavily armed Bat-tank? It was a considerable act of restraint for Supes to not just haul him straight off to jail.
>So why didn't he try to reason with him? Or talk to him? He immediately threatens him and says "The Bat is dead. Bury it.".
Isn't that kinda what he did in Bryne's run?
>Jumping straight to violence
Do you even read comics?? Punching someone in the face is how people say "hullo" in capeshit, you double nigger.

is there? Killing is killing.

For all you know, one of those criminals Batman's been killing could've ended up setting up a big terrorist attack in the future and killing hundreds if not thousands.

Zod was pretty much defeated at that point, he killed him to save a bunch of people, that is all.

Where's the fucking difference?
>killing people left and right who could as well be in prison
You mean like when Man of Murder smashed the dude through a wall rather than just zapping the gun out of his hand with his heat vision?
>Zod was pretty much defeated at that point, he killed him to save a bunch of people
No he wasn't.

go that scene through your head, think about superman trying to stop batman while he is chasing that truck destroying things left and right, do you think just flying by and saying something like "would you please stop, we need to talk" would bring something?

I mean look at batman with all his gadgets and vehicles, you would`ve to be delusional to think you can reason with that man who has been doing this for years.
"Our moms have the same name" isn't a satisfactory conclusion to the moral quandry put forth by Batman at the top of the movie.

>no you retard he realized clark was human
"He was humanized" isn't an answer, because humans are defined in part by their fallibility. Something fallible with the power Superman has? Yes, that's a ticking time bomb that needs defusing.

"He was humanized" begs the question of "So if Clark were born on Earth and got those powers via magic, would he suddenly not be on the hook for any of this stuff?"

The movie introduces a very interesting, very deep dilemma, and utterly screws the pooch on exploring it. It's like the Civil War comic where they say both sides have good points but in actuality the writers are clearly taking a side and can't resolve things properly at all.

Superman is not a vigilante per se.

He doesn't fight criminals at all, he prevents disasters and massacres.

He won't bust a cartel or go around stopping robberies, but he might intervene if terrorists take hostages or a militia starts gunning down innocents.
That scene was probably the worst thing in the movie for me. It's a horrible depiction of Superman. The last thing he should be doing is threatening people with violence for not listening to his demands. Like holy shit it pretty much proves Batman is completely in the right for thinking Superman is dangerous. He comes across as a facist dickhead.

latter superman said to Lois he didn't kill anyone, I know the warlord should be dead but I'm going with comic logic here.
>superman would never just pick up the batmobile and fly up and out over the bay. Nope. That would be UN-POSSIBLE!
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>do you think just flying by and saying something like "would you please stop, we need to talk" would bring something?
He could just show up in the Batcave, sitting in Bruce's chair
In a better structured movie with an actual tonal and ideological contrast it would be something like "Superman protects the weak, Batman avenges them. Superman inspires hope in the innocent. Batman inspires fear in the guilty."

Problem is that when you slide Superman out of that into the role of an ambiguous figure, you can't do ANY of that properly.
>He doesn't fight criminals at all
He absolutely does. We see him do it in Africa.
>latter superman said to Lois he didn't kill anyone
Did he say "anyone" or "those people"? I might be misremembering but I thought he was talking about the men who were gunned down outside that he was being framed for.

That would be true if we were talking about the comic book Batman.

The Batman in the film definitely went over the top, and totally justified that reaction from Superman. He was a gun away from being The Punisher ffs. And liked that about the movie.

Superman was basically saying "I enjoy what you've done for your city in the past, but you've gone overboard. Cut this shit out before it gets any worse."


How was Superman ambiguous in this film at all? The entire movie shows him as a figure of hope and salvation for the weak and damned, and Batman as a terrifying demon in the eyes of criminals.

The ambiguity comes from the reaction the world has to his actions.


That was the entire point of that scene though, jesus christ. He went out of his way to deal with something he normally doesn't to protect the love of his life. Lois LITERALLY SPELLS THIS OUT in the bathtub scene.

Seriously, do you guys even pay attention to the films you are watching, or do you turn your brains off and only wake up during the punches and explosions?
>We see him do it in Africa.
No we don't! He showed up to save his *girlfriend*. Period, full stop.
>How was Superman ambiguous in this film at all?
>The ambiguity comes from the reaction the world has to his actions.
Try it without the tautology, maybe.
Nigga, he does that ALL THE TIME.

Virtually every single dialogue exchange between Supes and Luthor in the history of both characters has Clark in disappointed dad mode talking about how Lex could contribute so much to humanity if he wasn't such a petty asshole.

And Bizarro's just a retard. Superman is always nice to the retarded.
>Superman was basically saying "I enjoy what you've done for your city in the past, but you've gone overboard. Cut this shit out before it gets any worse."
Yeah because he has room to talk,

Batman was just murdering people with that very same vehicle.

Superman was justified.

how is that different than what he did in the movie? he still would be just using force.


Snyder didn't want to turn superman in that figure of hope like in the comics, which would solve the problem of superman being a constant threat, which seems fair to me, there is already enough reason to not trust superman and so he doesn't have to be the perfect figure and constant role model, he gained enough trust with sacrificing himself though.

Superman being a figure of admiration seemed always like flawed concept to me, because he is way different from us and everytime he defeats stronger enemies, it is not or atleast should not be inspiring because it shows time and time again that nothing can stop him.

Him being a figure of hope and admiration really only works if nothing goes wrong, if good defeats evil, as soon as they are grey zones, it should be obvious how far away superman is from us.

He said those people.

AND he wasn't being framed for killing the armed men, he was being framed from inciting the government reaction to having their troops killed, which resulted in the gunning down of civilians in a nearby village.

Lois went in to interview the leader or a general of that country, probably a dictator in some CIA hit list. They find out Jimmy Olsen is a CIA spy, kill him. That puts Lois in a bad spot, now she has to answer for that, for she might also be a spy. Outside, Lex's men gun down the government forces.

Superman, probably lurking about worried about Lois, hears the gunshots and comes to her rescue.

Later it is stated that this culminated in government backlash. They probably thought the mercenaries were working with Superman.
>The entire movie shows him as a figure of hope and salvation for the weak and damned
We see one scene of him saving a rocket ship and families in a flood. For the rest of the movie, he's a brooding moody teenager who threatens his enemies. Not to mention that they bring up the fact that he caused severe collateral damage in his fight against Zod, killing thousand and crippling Wallace Keefe. Then this is promptly swept under the rug after the courthouse explodes
>brooding moody teenager

Like in what scene, exactly?

You guys keep saying Superman has been portrayed as edgy and moody, but he's actually trying his best to be a good guy in a world that won't let him.
He's frustrated as fuck, but never moody.
>a figure of hope and salvation for the weak and damned
Actually it often as not shows him as a terrifying force of nature that answers to no one and who's very existence scares the shit out of anyone with two brain cells to rub together because as horrifying as all the collateral damage has been up till now it's only a matter of time till all that power corrupts him and he starts throwing his weight around just because he can.
>Superman was basically saying "I enjoy what you've done for your city in the past, but you've gone overboard. Cut this shit out before it gets any worse."

Well gee, maybe he should have fucking led with that instead of crashing the Batmobile and ripping open the cockpit. Not to mention you're completely putting (nice) words in Superman's mouth. At no point did he suggest he condoned Batman's actions.
>Then this is promptly swept under the rug after the courthouse explodes

If by swept under the rug you mean it literally triggers Batman to go after him and assassinate him with a spear.
Uh no dude you have me wrong. I'm not justifying it by saying Superman chooses to intervene at the end of the chase. I'm saying Superman chooses to intervene in a crime ONLY to confront Batman (and threaten to kill him), NOT to stop the crime or prevent anyone getting hurt or anything getting destroyed.
>That would be true if we were talking about the comic book Batman.
>The Batman in the film definitely went over the top, and totally justified that reaction from Superman. He was a gun away from being The Punisher ffs. And liked that about the movie.
>Superman was basically saying "I enjoy what you've done for your city in the past, but you've gone overboard. Cut this shit out before it gets any worse

Except no, because Superman has literally no authority over Batman, and he isn't saying "Hey branding people is pretty screwed up, you need to stop." he's threatening Batman with violence and possibly death if he doesn't do what he tells him to. The cherry on top is him saying "consider this mercy." In between that and the other violent threat he tells Lex, this is an awful misunderstanding of the character. He's not an authoritarian who forces people to do what he says with his powers and the threat of violence.
Also the fact he does this while hovering over them with menace.

there was nothing much to talk, batman was doing wrong, no room for discussion or anything, superman had to show batman, he can stop him anytime and take him to the cops or anything else.

The point there is that he tried his best to against him as Clark Kent. He's frustrated that he couldn't do anything about it, so he just played his trump card.

He HAD to be menacing, it's the fucking Batman, the guy has been scaring the shit out of criminals for the last 20 years.
Which is then swept under the rug after he realizes both their mothers were named Martha.

Not to mention Batman isn't the only person who's got a problem with Superman.

You're just grasping at straws at this point. Anything that I say you'll just find another little thing to nitpick.

How about sticking to an argument to the end?
Superman menaces everyone in this movie. Lois is the only human being he gives half a shit about. The rest of the time, he can barely be bothered to be a hero - just like his dad told him, it isn't worth the effort and you just end up having to pick up after people all the time. And humans are like fucking ants, they can't do anything to or for him as a group at all.

This is literally the characterization of Snyder's Superman.
What was out of character for Superman is the fact he didn't just grab Batman and said "I'm taking you to jail for manslaughter, attempted robbery and branding people like animals"

It could have been a good action between Batman and Superman where Batman struggles against Superman since he wasn't prepared.

they blamed Luthor for everything at the end though, the only problem people still had with superman was because of what happened with Zodd and yet that didn't matter that much anymore because superman defeated doomsday.
>as soon as they are grey zones, it should be obvious how far away superman is from us.
Which is why Superman, both within the narrative and as a metatextual tool for writers, has a lot of effort put into connecting him to us.

The bright blue costume with no mask and a low collar? That's all disarming mechanisms that say "You can trust me. I'm not a threat. I'm one of you." That's why when you change one of those elements, it changes the perception of the character. His first act being one of pure altruism? That frames the narrative for the rest of that particular franchise. All those scenes of him delivering food to starving africans or playing with orphans or yes, rescuing cats from trees? Those exist to link him to the greater whole of humanity rather than alienate him from it. Even stuff that Man of Steel tried to ape like the walking the earth thing miss the context; by having him only travel to the US it limits his connection to the greater whole of mankind. Just like how "Lois is his world" limits it.

It's not that Superman being a figure of hope only works if nothing goes wrong. Stuff can go wrong. But you have to present and frame the character in a way that emphasizes his humanity and altruism, not his alienation and power. Snyder wants to go for the latter because it fits his "superheroes are gods, and not particularly nice ones) narrative.

Hell, I'd love a Superman that was actual Jesus and not this bitter douchebag interpretation of Jesus that Snyder has.
>How about sticking to an argument to the end?
Well which would you like to go back and debate? I've got plenty of gripes with this movie.
Snyder's Superman is a Jesus that, at heart, fundamentally believes he won't be able to save humanity.
To be fair, Bats WAS in the middle of thrashing the city while chasing criminals, even if they were in "unpopulated areas". I'm actually okay with this scene, I'm more frustrated with Supes not going after the guys Batman was chasing after stopping Bats himself.
If I respond to this post with "Anon, I think you have a point but" you're probably going to respond differently to that than if I greentext you and go LISTEN YOU STUPID CUNT YOU'RE AN IDIOT.

Confrontational introductions only lead one way.
And yes, punch punch hello is pretty standard for cape crossovers; but usually in those crossovers at least one of the guys is reluctant about it. Usually the one that's painted as being more "heroic" than the other.
Underrated post

I think superman recognized batman was doing all this for a good reason and admittedly saved a lot of lives as well and therefore gave him a second chance.
>I'm more frustrated with Supes not going after the guys Batman was chasing after stopping Bats himself

Right, I mean, these guys are shooting at Batman and speeding through the streets. I get that Superman doesn't like Batman but maybe he should've stopped the chase altogether.
>Red Suit
>Blue Cape

One job.
Not really. I've said this a few times but basically in the bible Jesus goes around meeting with peole, talking with people. He gives sermons on the mount, he feeds the thousands. His famous "Water into wine" trick? That's something he does at a wedding party of a friend. Jesus has bros and family and friends. He's ultimately painted as a pretty friendly dude. Which is why even Judiasm and Islam have people in them that go "Yeah we don't think he was divine, but he's still pretty cool guy"

Which is not to say he doesn't have a couple scenes where he gets pissed, or where he has doubts. They're just not the *entire focus* of his character like they are with Snyderman.
Maybe he thought those guys were shooting miniguns and firing rockets just for the hell of it.
While I'm admittedly not totally into Superman, I got the idea from the cartoons and a few comic that he isn't one to threaten someone right of the bat. I thought he'd try to make Batman see things his way and give him a chance or something, even if we know that wouldn't stick.
That's kind of my point? Like if you take Jesus but instead of the fundamental belief that he will prevail, humanity will be redeemed - take that away. A Jesus without hope, doing it because he has to (or in this instance, because his girlfriend convinced him to). That's DCEU Superman.
Well, it was Gotham.
>He could just show up in the Batcave, sitting in Bruce's chair

God... this Batman would go out of His Mind, take a vulcan and shoot him right away.
> the almighty flogged the criminals
That's not what's happening there.
A Jesus that's doing it because his girlfriend convinced him to doesn't sound very Jesus-like.
Given that This Superman would probably tear the roof of the cave down on him to make his point, I can't blame him.
Fucking koranfag do you even religon
I mean like, there are not similarities to Jesus. The argument is he's some kind of Nega-Jesus, but then how is he like Jesus at all?
>It's not that Superman being a figure of hope only works if nothing goes wrong. Stuff can go wrong. But you have to present and frame the character in a way that emphasizes his humanity and altruism, not his alienation and power. Snyder wants to go for the latter because it fits his "superheroes are gods, and not particularly nice ones) narrative.

it depends on what goes wrong, for people to never lose hope in superman or rather remember the thread he could become, superman had to be the constant role model, always doing right, never doing wrong, which means being totally different from a human being.

That is why one of his weaknesses smart enemies like Luthor always try to exploit, has always been public perception and it doesn't take much for peoples opinion to shift because it is really easy to fear superman, as soon as it turns out, it wasn't supermans fault as he didn't do wrong, the evil is defeated and superman saved the day again and this is a very fragil construct in my opinion, it puts superman in a pedestal high and far away from people and totally contradicts him being a normal guy from Kansas, there is nothing normal about being the role model he has to be.

>The point there is that he tried his best to against him as Clark Kent. He's frustrated that he couldn't do anything about it, so he just played his trump card.
>He HAD to be menacing, it's the fucking Batman, the guy has been scaring the shit out of criminals for the last 20 years.

Superman doesn't ever have to be menacing. That's literally the entire point of his character.

I always liked that scene from Dogma about how Jesus had to deal with being who he is.


So we've got:

>stop invincible son
>being a hero is pointless, bad things are always going to happen

Way to go, Jonathan. Way to go.
Snyder stuffs the films full of jesus symbolism yet depicts Superman like old testament god. It's weird.
>has to be the constant role model, always doing right, never doing wrong, which means being totally different from a human being.

I hate to kick off some company wars thing but Captain America seems to manage it alright. I think it's less than "always doing right, never doing wrong" more "always doing what you believe is right". Obviously it requires a good moral center.

And if Superman wants to be a role model he's going about it the wrong way. It's been 18 months and he's still never shown any kind of accountability for the events in MoS. I don't understand why he didn't try to go through with the public hearing much, much sooner. I think a huge disaster event like the one in MoS deserves some explanation.
Because Supes doesn't fuck around.
>Superman being a figure of admiration seemed always like flawed concept to me, because he is way different from us and everytime he defeats stronger enemies, it is not or atleast should not be inspiring because it shows time and time again that nothing can stop him.

People look at Superman always for the wrong reasons. Meanwhile, there is the problem that the human being is naturally irritated by compliments that are made to other people.
it's physiological.

Superman does spectacular things, but the point is that he could also decide to not do them at all. It might become rich through his powers and enjoy life. It's the equivalent of a billionaire that ,however, spends all his time and money in Africa to be a doctor to help people.

Conceptually is the same thing.

he just said always consider the consequences, literally with great power comes great responsability.
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Here's the thing. I agree with you in spirit. One of my favorite Supeman stories is Birthright and it does a lot of this. It's main dramatic conflict is very much the idea that people's reception of Superman is inherently mercurial and can be exploited. Except it does a couple things in execution differently ant thus to a far greater and more successful effect; it has Clark put his best foot forward and has it be unambiguous and THEN lets it get tainted. We get some of the hero's rise before his fall. It paints his TRYING as more important than his SUCCESS. Snyder fails at these. If it takes Superman killing himself to make people think that he's not a huge massive threat, then you've already gone too far and screwed up.

I disagree that Superman always has to do right. I think he has to TRY to do right. And he has to not STOP trying. A part of that is that he has to take part in his narrative, rather than just taking it in stride. Superman should recognize that people fear him and put effort into assuaging that, be it with his costumes his actions, or his words. There's nothing but Snyder stopping this Superman from going on the evening news or even just stopping for thirty seconds after he's resolved a crisis to go "Please don't worship me. I just want to help. You can all be just as good for this planet as I'm going to try to be." And a part of that is, when a senate building blows up, he should IMMEDIATELY be trying to find people in the wreckage, saving someone, rather than standing there fuming. When Zod knocks down buildings, we should see him be stopped, certainly, but we should also see Superman helping to rebuild. Those little things are just as humanizing, but infinitely more redeeming. They build his character in ways that Snyder refuses to.
>One of my favorite Supeman stories is Birthright

Incidentally, it's also one of the best origins.
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For me Supes was always an asshole with good hear that was one really bad day from genocide.

I actually always thought that under all the grumpiness Bruce was more honest and nicer overall.
>Supes was always an asshole with good heart that was one really bad day from genocide

Jesus fuck how could any love or endorse somebody like that?
>I hate to kick off some company wars thing but Captain America seems to manage it alright.

I said that in the other thread but cap is a total different matter for a lot of reasons, first he is more human in that he isn't an unstoppable force, second he fought in a war which shaped him into the leader with strong believes, there isn't that distance between cap and others like there is between superman and others.

>And if Superman wants to be a role model he's going about it the wrong way. It's been 18 months and he's still never shown any kind of accountability for the events in MoS. I don't understand why he didn't try to go through with the public hearing much, much sooner. I think a huge disaster event like the one in MoS deserves some explanation.

I'm pretty sure he is explained to the public a lot of things, as they had a lot of information about him being kryptonian and such, there is no way the public didn't know the background about what happened, they even were discussing this on tv.


I don't really get your point, I'm not that fluent at english sorry.
>I actually always thought that under all the grumpiness Bruce was more honest and nicer overall.
>honest and nicer overall.

You are fooling yourself.
>I'm pretty sure he is explained to the public a lot of things, as they had a lot of information about him being kryptonian and such, there is no way the public didn't know the background about what happened, they even were discussing this on tv.
I'm sure the public was told most of what happened, the government did their best after all. The government shouldn't have to speak on Superman's behalf, however, I think he should do it himself, and like I said I think it was necessary after what had happened.
Has your only experience with Superman been Injustice or something? Go read Kingdom Come.

I'm not trying to defend Snyder in that he succeeded to tell the story he was trying to tell, I'm just saying his approach is legitimate, it is a legtitimate few on superman.

In Snyder-verse supermans parent are normal farmers from kansas who don't know how to deal with an alien son with superpowers and decide to do what is best for him and that means keeping him away from trouble and danger, they few him as their son and put him above everything else because they know they have to be extra careful as they never know if they are doing or sayinf the right thing, Pa Kent knows superman is gonna play a greater role in human history yet he doesn't want to push him into anything and wants to have him a normal life. Saddly this lead Clark to be more distant from the world and made him feel more out of place, evenmore so because he is always very much different than other in the first place. Atleast he tries to hold back, not do bad and help people while hiding himself as his parents thought him, in a sense he has becomes a very introverted person who has to keep his emotions in check for good reasons.

I know this is not the story people want to see about superman and Snyder failed to convey a lot of times the story as he wanted to tell it but I think if done right, this could have turned superman into a more human character not much more distant to others as he is in the comics.
>Snyder apes symbol but lacks an understanding of character and context.
That's not weird at all. It's pretty standard for him, actually.
He needs to get his special key thing back and find another Kryptonian scout ship so he can listen to Jor-El/Russel Crowe again.
>as they had a lot of information about him being kryptonian and such
How much of that did they get from
1. Zod's broadcast
2. Clark in military custody

The problem is that Zack is obsessed with doing a story about the hero's fall (ala Watchmen) but he completely neglected to do a story about the hero's rise to set it up. He wants us to feel bad that people have lost their faith in Superman, but they never had that faith to begin with.
I have the opposite problem, if Clark had even a glimpse of that chase he would've known Bruce killed at least a dozen people. The fact that he didn't tear the Batmobile apart and tear the suit right off of Bruce right then and there is astounding to me.

>"Consider this mercy."

Would Superman really show mercy to a legit murderer like that? Just let him keep the Batmobile and everything?
I literally just finished watching this not an hour ago and he didn't just fly in out of the blue and kick his car or anything. Batman was, at the time, having a collateral damage-filled car chase that began with flipping a car, then dragging said car full of people with a cable for several miles, then finally flipping said car into another vehicle before moving on in further pursuit of other criminals. Superman literally stopped him from causing more harm and told him to cut that violent shit out or else. This is after Clark spends the majority of the movie reading/hearing about how over the top Batman is with violence. It's not as if he just decided to take a trip across town to wreck Batman's shit for kicks.
Where the fuck was he keeping that
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I eagerly await the day we can all stop talking about this shitty movie and Zack Snyder is fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.
Lex had just sent him news clipping about that guy batman branded and photos of his corpse after his death in jail, right
sure whatever u say man with no back up on his opinion
I think it's time to reboot Superman

Like just delete him and start over again

well then apparently you are retarded.

I gave you a bunch of examples, so where are yours? shows what? Consequences of what actions? when he saves Lois at the start, the shootout that ensues is set up by Lex's agents to begin with. When we see him rescuing people in that montage of him doing his business, nothing bad really comes off that.

and the dude has X-ray vision, I think he probably knows best if there are any survivors, chief
Garbage movie is garbage.

You deserve better than this!
what I got from the explanation was that he was only branding the worst of the worst, like child molesters and sex traffickers. Essentially, the brand was a death sentence because everyone knew that you were the kind of scum that even felons can't stand.

I could be wrong, though, it wasn't particularly fleshed out.
Those aren't criminals. They're money changers
>I think he probably knows best if there are any survivors, chief
He didn't know there was a bomb.
>Superman without hope

Fucking Snyder.
>this is what batfags think
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>Gotham city gas
What a shitty name for a gas station
Did you miss all the cars Batman blew up, and the high body count he was racking up? Superman went up to him, and basically told him to knock that shit off!
Birthright was super cool.
Defend this scene: A bomb goes off in the building Superman is in, and he stands there looking depressed, not trying to look for survivors or anything.
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