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What is your favorite version of Spider-Man /co/?
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What is your favorite version of Spider-Man /co/?
Spectacular or Bagley's Ultimate
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Ultimate Universe Peter
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the only right answer
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I know we're not on /v/, but... yeah.

What does that have to do with ponies?

You first you obnoxious brony.
kaine > gwen > ben >>>> peter
Mah nigga

Shut up, we all know you make these threads so you can shitpost about some dumb purple dinosaur.
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I'll show myself out now
Why hasn't this autistic degenerate been range banned yet?
Stop posting.
I like Ultimate Peter a lot. I like Spider Gwen too, though I've only read the first 5 issues of that and I mostly like her because of her costume.
And I can tell who it is too by similar posting strategies.
Spider-Man's /co/ though.

>>81001178 and >>81003941 are the best answers.
No, I mean this is OP's picture.
And he posted similar tepid generic bait questions similar to the one here.
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The new spiderman 2099 suit is looks really cool imo
Ultimate Spider-Man when Bagley draws him. I also enjoy Miles after the one year time jump, and Ben Reilly.
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Ultimate Pete was the best Pete to ever do it. How is miles doing currently BTW? He come into his own yet?
Wow, way to attention-whore, fag.
Maybe you could actually let us talk about Spider-man instead of being such an attention whoring shit.
My favorite is definitely miles morales, I like his character development and powerset more than I like most other heroes in general
Does Carnage-man count?
Stop using words that you don't even know the meaning of.
So what you're saying is that the moderators are fags?
Both of you need to leave right the fuck now.
But that is shilling.
There's no other reason OP would use pone artwork instead of just using stills from, say, the 60s Spiderman cartoon.

They're gods for banning a shilling and b8ing retard.
It isn't shilling unless you're getting paid for it, just like it isn't bait just because you dislike it.
>They're gods for banning a shilling and b8ing retard.

How old are you?
Probably about as old as Greg.
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Red and black suit, preferably an adult.
Bonus points if he's raising a kid with MJ
Why do people insist on calling this black? It's clearly a very dark shade of blue.
Old Fashioned Promotional Spider-Man
because comics were/are printed in 3 color format, so you could color something black, but the shading would have to be done in dark blues
The blue was just used for highlights, it wasn't actually blue.
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It's a shading thing, blue is used as highlights in place of a light grey.

Also see: black suit Spidey. Canon pitch black suit, still uses blue.
You seem upset
Your words make sense, but I prefer my own fantasy to your reality.
He's a 24 years old Canadian, pursuing a career in film studies.
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>tfw your otp is too pure for this cruel, cynical world
> tfw you ship it anyways because it's the right thing to do
Please get help for your mental illness
I legitimately have no idea what you people are talking about.

Explain this faggotry.
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One of the most underrated costumes in just about anything ever
What makes you so high and mighty to think that doing this contributes to a good culture? If anything, you're only perpetuating the 12-year-old stereotype that this site offers if you're just going to keep doing this shit.
It's because you're derailing the thread, you idiot.
Please tell me how doing that isn't complete fucking autism.
Scarlet and Ultimate.
Ben or Kaine?
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This scene in Daredevil S3 when?
Both, hence no names.

Ben was too pure for this world though.
superior was fun while it lasted but right now I'm enjoying Spidey
You're literally the only person that cares.
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Superior Spider.jpg
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The Superior one.

also best spiderman and venom voice
Same Spider-Man voice as

Wasn't a bad Batman, either

>that chain of deleted posts near the end

holy fuck
Spectacular cartoon, or JMS-era 616.
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This is my all time favorite costume and event to ever happen to ant character, it's just a shame they fucking let slott write it, the worst finisher in history.
Does anyone legitimately like the 60s Spider-Man cartoon?
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Thread replies: 71
Thread images: 19

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