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/sug/ - Steven Universe General
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Pericopter Edition

Old thread:

>Log Date 7 15 2 download link

>HQ DL Links for Season 1 and 2:

>Listen to Soundtrack Here:

>Buy "Attack the Light" for $2.99
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.turner.stevenrpg&hl=en
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/attack-light-steven-universe/id941380906?mt=8

>Extended Intro
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Peridot cute getaway.png
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this is an edition I can get behind
Any information on when new episodes will begin again?
She enters
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Quick, post worst gem.

>Peridot escapes twice by turning into a helicopter
>Amethyst can turn into a bird
I'm guessing in a month or so when the new "bomb" starts
Fuck you I was getting a much better one ready with all the torrents and shit you idiot. Also never forget to put that message from the mods when doing a thread
>Please refrain from making multiple threads about the show/theories/other fuckery. Spoilertag your spoilers and for fuck's sake be civil.
Garnet is a sexual predator.
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Peridot is BG.
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So when is Bismuth going to emerge from Lion, form into Nega-Steven and force Connie into fusing with him?
Than go on a rampage, fuck up the Gems, and teach Steven how to properly use his powers
Amethyst can turn into a literal helicopter.

What is with characters smiling like the Grinch
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What does Peridot have to do with Baldur's Gate?
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You will never rub Jasper's flawless biceps
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Lapis is made for lewd.
When did you get on the ride, /sug/
>a little while before Marble Madness
She propositions minors.
So Ian says this show's target audience is 6-11.

How bullshit do you think that is?
How is she Baldurs gate?
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After Mirror Gem and Ocean Gem

Lapis is still the worst gem ever though
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before the sardonyx bomb
So wait, this show is about everyone having somebody to love.

>Steven has Connie
>Garnet has herself
>Pearl has Amethyst
>Rose has Greg
>Peridot is probably Lapis or something

But who is Lion's wife? Why doesn't he have someone?
Peridot isnt a minor because she is short
I was there for the first episode premiere, but I probably didn't start paying attention regularly until about 20 episodes in
It's not her biceps that i want
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Isn't that all in his imagination?

I don't understand why he can't just say "its meant for everyone". Is he contractually obliged or something?
i mean it sounds bullshit to me, but what the hell do I know about demographic marketing
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We've come such a long way with 4 new characters, bunch of lore, backstories, and foreshadowing

Now... who's ready for the next human episode?
Last September, been nothing but hell since then.
Still waiting on dank gem battles.
its never gonna happen is it
started watching after too many birthdays (still my favourite episode), started frequenting /sug/ at warp tour
Fuck humans.
How will the show end? Will the crystal gems end up destroying the entire galactic gem empire?
I finished catching up and joined the ride for good during the Week of Sardonyx.
is there a reason steven's birthday episode isn't in the mega folders?
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How would they redeem Bloople and Yearl?
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Animated version?

I could actually go for a Human episode. Always liked getting a glimpse into beach city life
that tiger from say uncle
I read that as "worst germ."
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I'm gonna violate you.jpg
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Anyone else really enjoy how much in-universe media there is in this show? Really makes the world feel more fleshed out.

Let's review:
>Dogcopter (books and movies)
>Lil' Butler (TV)
>Crying Breakfast Friends (cartoon)
>Spirit Morph Saga (books)
>No Home Boys (books)
>Under the Knife (TV)
>Evil Bear 1&2 (movies)
>Camp Pining Hearts (TV)

Any of these you would actually watch?
Steven turns to the dark and kills gemlings
This artist cannot draw feet.
>Made for kids ages 6-11.
Pff yeah right Ian. Kids at that age aren't gonna like this show.
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Pearl harem..png
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This is exactly the the type of art I was most excited about once I saw we have 3 Pearls now.

"Is that a Pearl"

"Who is she"

*scoff* "Steven, not all Pearls know each other.."
He had Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, but sadly that episode wasn't canon
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Don't ask this again

They betray their diamonds when the crystal gems begin their guerrilla invasion of Homeworld
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I don't know, but here: https://mega.nz/#!L5t2nSZS!-t71d03z7qNWaoZglC25GbYutclJHqNrZ-K1P2IuuKw
If its a Peridot trying to understand human behaviour episode I'm down.
I'd tolerate a Ronaldo episode because of the potential foreshadowing. Or a Marty episode.
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>LATER steven
what did they mean by this?
I am, I'd like a bit of a change of pace
I give every new CN show one single shot when they premier, or attempt to anyway.
>dramatic fight scene
>yelling about how great the earth is or that they don't have to be slaves anymore
>eye twinkle
>betray respective diamonds
Badda-bing you got yourself some crystal gems
Don't forget Lonely Blade

Which I think was a movie series
Isn't the show just going back on Hiatus?
By extension isn't this thread going right in the trash?
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Who shattered them?
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>Worst gem
You mean Pearl right?
Oh I think you know what they meant.

Later as in..."Later".
Shut up
Fuck, I fucked it up
Marty returns to Beach City and becomes the manager of a young talented DJ without realizing said DJ is his son
no that would be Garnet the mary sue. Or Ruby.

>link related
Camp Pining Hearts reminds me of Rachael and Penny so much for some reason so I'd watch the hell out of that.
Who knows "The New Lars" might actually make him tolerable that actually sticks moving forward, unlike Ronaldo
Watched Steven Universe since the start, but didn't join /sug/ regularly until Mirror Gem/Ocean gem.

Doesn't seem like bullshit to me.

Why are people getting so tense about it? Did not know you were watching a kid's cartoon?
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Who killed them?
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Post your Lion theories.
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>mary sue
Reminder that this term is useless and if anything makes your argument less credible.

"Everything I've ever done I've done for her. Now she's gone, but I'm still here!."

You know, for kids! Give me a fucking break. I don't get why networks don't want to acknowledge the older audience. We're the ones with a disposable income and the ones with the intelligence to actually understand what the show is about.

It reminds me of Invader Zim. Make for brats, but watched by teens and adults.

I mean sure we get stuff like Rick and Morty and it's great, but they have to know that they have millions of adult SU fans.
We can always hope, right?
If Megaman kills Peridot, what does he get?
i doubt they'll be redeemed since they will all have the same voice actor
When everyone was making their OCs, it was always a gem that didn't already have a character. But no one ever thought to make an OC of a gem that already had a character.
That'd be awkward and dramatic. Sugar would love it.
I'm down. If those leaked episode titles aren't fake, seems there'll be a few. Kiki and Mr. Smiley are going to get their spotlight.

Also this. Really the Gems in general should have more interactions with the humans. They spent several millennia fighting for these people, they should at least talk to them every now and then.
In a nutshell.
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She will see the peen one day.png
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When is Connie gonna see the Steven Universe booty?
I theorize that Lion has something to do with Rose just teleporting herself and Pearl away durng The Answer
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Who's ready for the Steven and Lars fusion?

The Crystal Gems obviously. Their shard count is through the roof. I bet Rose herself crushed her fair amount of gems, accidentally or not.
Who has a stronger imagination?


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I was here when the pilot was posted, and I think before the show started. Everyone was really mad that the designs were changed.

After less than 20 episodes or so, I took a break from SU because it was really slow for me and not much happened. I marathoned the episodes I missed before the Sardonyx week.
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gem dance.gif
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thanks mate!
I think it describes Garnet well. You understand what I mean when I call her one, so it does have use.
That would be Jasper anon. No contest.
What's in the box?
inb4 dick
And I doubt that. If anything, they'll wear a glam rock inspired outfit.
Different battles.
War is hell.
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>Why are people getting so tense about it? Did not know you were watching a kid's cartoon?

It's just that this show gives me such amazing feels and I couldn't imagine a 6 year old getting anywhere near the same amount of satisfaction out of the show. I always figured the demographic was 10-14
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jasper's fate.jpg
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Yellow Diamond has a second form where after an explosion she gets smaller and more proportioned

and gets her own animal with a hidden bismuth

she enters blue diamond's vagina
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Theres literally nothing wrong with human episodes
Fight me
>Lonely Blade
Right. Kinda hard to tell if that was live action or anime.

Camp Pining Hearts looks cheesy as fuck. I'd watch it.

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A mirror
Yes. YES!
Trips confirm.
Steven will use Bismuth to fuse with Lion to create Rose Quarts Knight.
>I couldn't imagine a 6 year old getting anywhere near the same amount of satisfaction out of the show
*tips rainbow fedora*
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>Everyone has seen her boyfriend naked except her
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>post yfw Steven fuses with Garnet, Amy, and Pearl to form the Temple fusion in the series finale
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Can connies dad out operate EL Sicario?
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Best Gem
I always wanted to make a poll about this, so here we go:
Around June or July.
We were teased with the Moon. How long until we go into space?

i read this too fast and thought you wrote "gay uncle".
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>canonically has made puns 3 or 4 times
>tries to be funny
>ends up being qt
I think its safe to say pearl is best gem
why would it be bullshit? there's nothing wrong with enjoying a kids show, anon
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Peridot has a smile that just can't be beat.

Cheeseburger Backpack
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This is now a /freak/ thread
Would you a young wonder woman /sug/ ?
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This should be favorite gem and favorite song of the show at least Does people actually give a fuck about what other people listens to out of /mu/
terrifying af
>Steven doesn't tell the gems about finding Rose's Bismuth
>The gems don't take 2 minutes to tell Steven what the ominous floating ball on the moon is when he asks.
Man this show is driven by characters purposefully withholding information from their friends
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ha ha.png
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>that slight hint of butthole
American animation is a Joke. It's primarily aimed towards children or purely for comedic stuff. Don't get me wrong, I love Rick and Morty and other more popular adult cartoons.

Really the best thing about SU for me isn't so much of what SU is but what it could mean for the future of cartoons. Same kind of thing with AT. SU is just the next step above that.

[Spoiler] also Samurai Jack is finally coming back![/spoiler]
Right after Coach Steven

I'm not sure how to answer this, because I heard from a friend about SU, but found a site with episodes and started from the beginning. But this was only after the show had been running for a bit. So, Pilot, I guess.
Logic would dictate that a fucking 6 year old wouldn't understand what the fuck was going on half the time on this show.

Also, please define what makes a show a kids show.
Which Pearl
Right before this steven bomb
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Is it bad that I kek'd

Because he's right. It's a kid's cartoon in a kid's cartoon channel. That doesn't mean they can't sneak in a couple of themes adults can enjoy. That has always happened in kid's cartoons. Don't be so flustered that you're enjoying a kid's show.

And keep in mind the cartoon treatment in the US. In the US, cartoons = kids, or adult cartoons = wacky comedy with occasional serious stuff (or none at all).

the shit kicked out of him by Steven.
>but her boyfriend has seen her naked
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the hot one
after the ep with perictopter because i liked the memes on tmblr
This is why Matt is the only one to come here ever.
I saw the first couple episodes. I always thought that it was a good show, but I never watched it regularly for some reason. I started watching it frequently last summer
Will this ever not be funny?
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Have you guys seen this fan animation?


It's by the guy who made that thing with Eddy's brother.
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Why is she so best?
I've been here since Bubble Buddies, I think.
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Been watching the show episode to episode since the pilot.

feels good man.
How do you not know where buttholes are
>insert nope.avi
Only Peridot could make pushing someone off of a building both funny and adorable.

I'd let her push me off a building if she wanted to. I mean, provided it wasn't too high and someone would catch me.
It was never funny.

Maybe American animation would improve if we stopped trying to rigidly apply this logic to every show ever made?

I mean come now.
welcome aboard
I want more human episodes, but I want them to be more interesting somehow. Maybe related to the lore because while I got in the show for the daily life parts now I can only think about the lore and the main plot

They should make more episodes about people reacting to the gems or gem culture and shit like that, I dont know make it in a way that it doesn't actually feels like a damn filler! Make the humans get more involved with the gems like peridot for example or lapis since we are getting her soon
No srsly Any new episodes scheduled?
Better song on the fucked up state of shit:
Average kid today is smarter than you think. A 8+ kid would grasp the concepts of the show
And this show IS a kids show. Stop being salty like his statement made something that was always true even truthier
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>people think this show is too adult for children

Animated Disney films have a lot of things that children won't understand but adults will.

They're still targeted for children though. It's just a broader audience than the tween-young teen audience who are at the point where they think they're too cool for cartoons.

OP is an idiot and I'm still salty because he made a shitty thread while I had a good one ready since we where on page 6 just so he can make an edition about his waifu
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Now that the show's become more plot-focused, I really wonder what the long-term plans are for the humans.

Are they just there for character development and more laid-back episodes, or will the play a larger role by the end?

Baah baaah black sheep, have you any wool?
What was the last episode he was in? I feel like we haven't seen him in forever. Not that I'm complaining, fuck Lars.
Thanks. You all disgust me but some less so
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blue diamond.jpg
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Can do!
But anon, we hate Matt too. And he is aware.
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jasper 0184.png
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>all of these anons ashamed of watching a children's show
I watch the show with my daughter. She doesn't know about my Jasper folder.

Neither does my husband.
Definitely No Home Boys. I'll probably read the Spirit Morph Saga just to see why Steven likes the marriage so much. Camp Pining Hearts to enjoy it ironically.
>Steven Universe is a kid's show
See I like kids shows too sometimes. I just wouldn't recommend a kid at those ages to watch the show.
The show isn't good enough to survive purely off its comedy or action scenes like kids like. The drama and lore of it is what really brings it together. Kid's can't really get as into that stuff.

This is one of the reasons that its strange the show exists in the first place. Networks generally won't go for this artsy approach because they want to attract kids to their show.
Does you husband know you're a lesbian?
But anon, we hate Matt too. And he is aware. And that's why he is cool, he doesn't give a shit about us hating him because he knows this is 4chan and this is how this place works
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Are you a bi woman or bi man?
>tfw hate every single aspect about this show except my waifu

Am I the only person who feels this way
Not surprising that a Japserfag is a freak I guess.

I really do hate that america's idea of an adult cartoon is literally more childish than a lot of modern kids cartoons, there is nothing mature or adult about them, they just have an MA TV rating
>Implying a Jasperfag would get married, let alone have a kid
You will get used to it, and with time you will realize that this place actually isn't as bad as other generals, at least not as much since /trash/sug/ was created
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I can't stop.
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>fuck Lars

>tfw no tight Lars' boipussy
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Fuck off
My dad once told me if you can't argue a point dont try to make one. Think that applies here
Yeah I think that's what some people are doing, but it's tough. The US cartoon treatment has been established that way for some time now. Just read that Academy Awards thing or something, and how a bunch of old people voted for the animated category without watching or giving a shit about it.

I'm not an American btw, just something I noticed.
I want to be man enough to love Jasper, but I'm scared she'd be disappointed in me and then humiliate me sexually.
Yes, you are an autismo. Fix your brain.

Nice meme.
Rudy from chalkzone.
>Kid's can't really get as into that stuff.
you underestimate how many soap operas and lifetime movies I watched as a kid
Nope, can't say I would watch a show just for waifu faggotry.

A dangerous renegade Pearl.
>Don't be so flustered that you're enjoying a kid's show.

But...Alright, I admit I'm fucking flustered about this, but only because I don't understand why, regardless of *marketing* demographics, he can't just say it's a family show. He just said anyone can enjoy it, so why does he even have to bring up primary demographics. And yes, before you say it, I am insecure about this.
I think you people really underestimate children these days. They arent stupid. If they are really into this show like we are, they can easily notice all the things happening. You should give them more credit, like the crew does.

Gravity falls is also a kids show. You think mk ids dont gt that?
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>you will never teach Peridot about the cool stuff we have on Earth
>Peridot will never awe at silly things you show her
>Peridot will never develop a respect-admiration-love relationship with you
>Peridot will never call you senpai
why breathe
Degenerates like you shouldn't be allowed to have reproduce anon, I hope you are aware of that
I was in the pilot hype threads, baby.
It was shit, 50% of the content was people butthurt about the announcement of the new style.
Matt is pretty chill. He almost fits in here.
But it is,anon.
What kind of a question is that? Everyone knows that there are no girls on the internet.
>Connie most likely changed infront of baby Steven.
>He remembers the whole thing.
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Get /fit/.

There's always the slight chance that she likes smaller guys.
you shouldn't try to be man enough to be her man, you should try to be submissive enough to be her Pearl, also work more on ur looks, your worthless if your not pretty enough
Orks probably. Or at least the SU equivalence of orks.
they're probably a mostly hetero girl. I have a bunch of 'hetero' friends who became jasperfags.
The first new episode I saw was Peridot's first appearance so literally a year ago.
I never liked Jasper but fuck, this art's good
You were a unique child.
Don't know what else to say.
Too late, heterosexual! I've already polluted your gene pool with my queerness!
Stop it Ian, you know this show is way too fucking sexual for a kids show but everyone in the crewniverse is way too much of a hothead to give a damn
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>Gravity Falls is a kid's show
Does he post here?
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Nice. Hope she does get new limb enhancers now that she's on the right side of the fence; every Crystal Gem needs their trademark means to defend themselves.
Isn't Spirit Morph Saga like 7 or so books? It's supposed to be a His Dark Materials send up, I think.

Also, Connie alleges that Under the Knife is supposed to be satire. I dunno about that. I mean, aside from the hammy acting, it's probably just ER meets Grey's Anatomy.
You must be a lapisfag
Or, how about you give the show more credit instead of considering it a kids show simply because it doesn't contain profanity or nudity.

I mean really, that's the only difference between a "kids" show and an "adult" show so the fuck are we even doing here?

We don't look at the tone or the themes, how oversimplified could you possibly make this issue?
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;_; (815).jpg
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Hooray for Lapis!
Pilot, I had faith in Sugar. I don't remember why though.
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FEAR, if you're here, how long do you think v0.7 will be?
That's not what that rule means
Something tells me Fluorite is gonna have a pair of Shapechanging Arms that use five whips as fingers, prop blades or parts of a drill.
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same here
I didn't like the first two episodes very much but Steven finally going on a mission and the gems supporting him through it was good to watch. That's when I was sure I wanted to watch more from then on out.


No, she's mono-Blue, asshole.
I require an edit of this, but instead of Garnet it's Ruby or Sapphire.
He better fucking put me in it. I've been working overtime this bomb.

Something is wrong with her legs

Like she has an extra knee somewhere
Anon what makes you a degenerate isn't just being queer, Is being a fucking jasperfag
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>Pubic hair all the way up to her abdomen
she did really good AT episodes back when she worked on that show
>and then humiliate me sexually
And that's a bad thing because...?
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When I saw /sug/ and thought "Huh, this might be interesting."
She looks like a Russ Meyer actress. I want to edit it so it's doing the "I never try anything" line from Faster Pussycat.
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Jasper is a pretty big gem

it's not like music is something esoteric anon
even with how much /mu/ would want you to think it is
How did Lapis get Centipeetle's gem?
Is there anymore of this? Or maybe more Su art from this artist?
The crewniverse has to keep a certain public face on behalf of the network.
Keeping a good public face is what Ian is best at. Him saying that doesn't surprise me at all.
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