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Which was more impressive for their time, the Death Star or Death
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File: Death_egg_generations.png (971 KB, 828x782) Image search: [Google]
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Which was more impressive for their time, the Death Star or Death Egg?
>Comic or vidya?
Death Egg doesn't have stupid weakpoints, so Death Egg.
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>Sonic the Autism-Hog
>Comparable to Star Wars
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Action movie soldiers.gif
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Never said it was senpai.
The Death Egg is a parody of the Death Star.
Has the Death egg ever been blown up? What are it's destructive capabilities?
Fuck off.
>Star Wars
>Not autistic

I'll direct you to /tv/ for starters, for the milder cases.
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Comic!Death Egg is ballsy as fuck
Destroying the Death Star took multiple squadrons of starfighters getting blasted to shit before one of them managed to score the mother of all lucky shots

Destroying the Death Egg took a rodent in track shoes bumping into everything.
In the games, it just kinda floats there and holds Eggman's army. Apparently, it's unfinished and when it's complete, it would be extremely powerful. Too bad Sonic wrecks it before Eggman's done with it.
It can't be as bad as Coldsteel.
>I'll direct you to /tv/
Wait isn't that board called /starwars/?
Did you forget that even classic Sonic is capable of a sonic boom?
What was the point of the Death Egg?
Dude....have you honestly looked at anything from the Expanded universe?

Even Sonic doesn't have as many background characters who have vast lore backgrounds as someone mentioned one time in a fucking novel.
Get powered by chaos emeralds, apparently just one is enough to get the bad ending.
Game-wise? Honestly, no idea. It just holds a lot of badniks, giant robots and shoots lasers from its eyes.

Comic-wise? It's basically the same thing, only armed with a device that can use Chaos Control to break/remake reality, and a superweapon that could potentially roboticize an entire planet. Also, its mustache is also a ship.
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To win "The Game."
One of these days I need to catch up on these.
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Space Colony ARK>everything else.
Iserlohn Fortress.
All the Death Egg double laser could do was heat up some lava.
I bet Eggman felt pretty silly building all those Death Eggs when it turns out he had a perfectly good Eclipse Canon sitting in the abandoned space station next door.
It probably has a massive version of the weapon Robotnik uses to make animals into robots or something. Since blowing up the planet wouldn't help him much.
That was a shot with a small fraction of the master emerald's power. Who knows it's full power shot.

>A woodland critter working for eggman

What traitorous bitch has the balls?

Ivo pls.

Your experiments are fucking stupid and your deal with The Black Arms making Shadow half alien sucked so bad it was essentially retconned.
Death Egg > Starkiller

His name is Gerald.

Yeah, it was blown up at the end of sonic 2, when sonic destroys the robotnik mech suit.

Sonic destroys the suit, which blows up and sets of a chain reaction that destroys the rest of the death egg.

Death Egg. Death Star was made by an entire galactic empire. Death Egg was made by one rogue, mad, robot scientist, and (presumably) his robot minions.
Um, then what landed on Angel Island in Sonic 3?

A destroyed version of the death egg that badly needed repairs
You couldn't ask this on either the board about movies, or the board about videogames?

No, things with comics based on them are not comic-related. Seriously, do you have fucking down's or something? Why did you choose the one board that has nothing to do with EITHER of the things you're comparing?
Eggman would be kind of a cool villain in a goofy way if he wasn't in Sonic.
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The Death Egg and Death Star have both appeared in comics, so I think it technically counts.
No, it doesn't, or else basically everything would be comic related.

It has to originate in a comic to be /co/ related, not just appear in one one time.
>destroying the Death Egg took a Super Saiyan
Star Wars has official characters as bad as Coldsteel.

Well. Had.
The Fleetway Death Egg is definitely way better at being intimidating than the Archie Death Egg. The Archie version just seems to be a mobile fortress, which is cool but not exactly a huge threat when Eggman also has the Egg Carrier, the Egg Fleet, the Flying Battery, and a bunch of others.
Fuck off you reddit tumblr facebook meme spouting faggot.
I thought Eggman gets the Master Emerald at the end of Hidden Palace
thank god for the eu purge
>Even Sonic doesn't have as many background characters who have vast lore backgrounds as someone mentioned one time in a fucking novel

Whats the problem here? That sounds potentially interesting.
>/co/ - Movies and Video Games
What the fuck was up with shadow the hedgehog anyways? It had like a 100 different endings with shadow being a dozen conflicting things.

The fuck was he? A hedgehog, clone and part alien? How the fuck and why?

>No fun allowed

God I hate fags.
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The Death Egg 2 was a thing

but apparantly all it did was send robots to Earth.
Death Egg had grind rails.
Wasn't destroyed.
Death Star had no grind rails.
Was blown up twice.

You tell me...
loser detected
>No fun allowed
I hear /tv/ loves fun.
Wait, no. That was the Space Colony ARK.
Did the Death Egg get destroyed post S3+Knuckles?
>It was essentially retconned

I'm not saying it wasn't gay as shit, but it wasn't retconned at all. The comics had several arcs about the black arms that were very recent. Infact they were after the reboot. L2Sonic
He's a hesgehog with alien blood and hover shoes, whom Dr. Robotnik made many clones of. In short, shadow is a faggot

I remember in the comics the eyes acted like massive laser cannons that tore shit up on a massive scale. Not planet buster but I think that was more Robotnik didn't want to destroy the world but rule it. This may have been in Sonic the Comic instead of that Archie shit

Did the sonic wiki ever have a page for chairs?
that mod was saying that you can't talk about shit like The X-Files on /co/ because it had a completely unrelated season 10 comic that covered none of the show itself (you can, however, talk about the comic, unless of course random anons get butthurt about it and decide to try and rule lawyer it into being illegal)

fortunately, archie sonic is it's own media entirely, running for over 20 fucking years now. there is literally no reason it wouldn't be /co/ related. it's a comic, no matter how butthurt you want to get over it. and in the series the death egg has had several arcs on it, thus is also /co/

you'd be better off whining about it being furry outside of /b/, though that also never gets anywhere when retards try it

next time hide threads you dont like
IIRC, the manual for Sonic 2 claimed it could roboticize the whole planet when fully powered.
>Eggman succeeds at this in the bad future of Sonic CD
Why is Archie Eggman so fucking perfect?
You guys know that the Sonic comic has been ongoing probably longer than youve been alive. Right?
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