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>Morally empty and had no limit. >Not one positive trait
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>Morally empty and had no limit.
>Not one positive trait to her character.
>Always won no matter what happened.
>Never had even a single moment of just desserts.
>Successfully and constantly belittled Jimmy to the point where it seemed like she wants him dead.

Was there ever a bigger Mary Sue sociopath conceived by any children's cartoon than Cindy Vortex? Show me what you got /co/
A bigger Mary Sue than Cindy? Alright, I'll play.
Lin Chung from Hero 108.
>instantly adored by damn near everyone
>great at pretty much anything an episode calls for
And here's the best part
>each character on the team has some ability they're great at, jump ropes, harp playing, etc.
>even though that ONE special ability is all that character has, Lin Chung is still better at it, even beating them at their own game
Most episodes revolve around an enemy the team has to convince to join their side, usually by competing against that animal and their one special ability, and with no training, Chung fucking mops the floor with them.
She's just tsundere give her a break

She was always in his shadow and knew he would never see her as an equal despite her intellect yet she still really liked him. How would you act?
This! Oh my god this!
I feel like of all the things that made Hero 108 unwatchable, this was one of the biggest things.
>never see her as an equal
We'll let's be honest she wasn't. She was physically stronger but puberty and some of Jimmy's future inventions would no doubt put him ahead of her there as well
Friendly. Despite his intellect Jimmy still honestly cared about his friends with vastly inferior intelligence. Even if they weren't "equal" she could have just been not a cunt and have stimulating conversation and shit.

Nah, I think Jimmy's huge head and constant exposure to radiation will stunt his growth. He'll probably be like 5'4" post puberty, with 1/4 of that being his head.
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I thought her movie design was much better,
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Jesus christ, that's awful.
Hero 108 had a neat art style and character design, though. Is that the only good part about the show? I can't remember too much about it other than the visuals.
The rest of the cast was pretty good when they got the spotlight.

Though they only had a few spotlight episodes, and even then they usually shared the spotlight with Lin Chung.
Lin Chung is not a Sue because he was the one who accidentally created the Big Bad of the series when he time traveled.
>Always won no matter what happened.
>Never had even a single moment of just desserts.
These aren't true, she lost constantly and even when she won it had a monkeys paw effect.
She didn't always win. If she got what she wanted then it usually backfired.

Not as Salty as she was 90% of the time. Jimmy was super smart but that didn't stop him from hanging out with Carl and Sheen of all people.
Wait seriously?
The pigtails make her seem much much younger. Unless, of course, you're into that sort of thing.

Wow. I never thought I'd see that show mentioned ever again.
>Mary Sue

That word does not mean what you think it means.

A true Mary Sue bends the fabric of the story to accommodate them. Existing characters will quickly break up their relationships to hang with the Sue, established concepts of the universe are changed to make them seem superior, and so on. They are a narrative black hole, and the story changes from featuring them to being about them.
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