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ITT:The most disturbing cartoons.
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ITT:The most disturbing cartoons.
When I was younger I always found super jail and other adult swim shows to be a bit disturbing.

Flapjack also had some creepy moments.

JTHM had a few moments when I read it recently. Would recommend. I got a pictures of all the comics. If anyone's interested, I'll do that little let's read whatever people sometimes do here with them. It's probably be better if I just uploaded all of them though. If you guys prefer that, give me a site to dump them on and enjoy.
jthm is not an cartoon
File: haohgdhdu.jpg (107 KB, 940x529) Image search: [Google]
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Well there was this. But it's not that bad if gore doesn't bother you very much.
it is pretty edgy when you think about it. It has brutal depictions of children dying, even the infant. Usually most shows draw the line at kids dying, let alone brutal, agonizing death of children.
It was made in the early-mid 2000s. Of course it's edgy.
I don't really know if they're children. I mean you have the school play episode but then Flippy is a War Veteran and they have jobs now and then. Flaky has a car, and Mole ran a blood drive. Then there's Splendid, who I'm not sure about.
I think I've seen at least one episode where the baby is torn to shreds.
I remember one where he crawls into a washing machine. And I think there was a episode that had him swallow an electric razor when it was turned on.
Yeah what that guy said. Anon you should really know this shit man. If your gonna use Nny then get it right man, its a comic
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