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>Cartoon set in New York >Everyone is a stereotypical Italian
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>Cartoon set in New York
>Everyone is a stereotypical Italian
>character gets punched in the stomach
>they get knocked out
Thats um, not how it works.
I think it's meant to be a punch to the solar plexis in those cases - isn't it possible to hit it so hard the sheer pain can make someone go into shock and faint?
nobody ever passes out on tv from a punch to the gut, they just get the wind knocked out of them and are indefinitely incapacitated. which is exactly what a punch to the solar plexus does. it forcibly pushes the air out of you and makes it hard to reinflate

they do however get knocked out from a single blow to the head, and wake up fine later.
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>Cartoon in china
>Everyone isn't a round headed short yellow skinned person
Tell that to Houdini.
Everybody in New York is either Italian, a Jew, or a nigger. This is fact.
That would only cause them extreme pain but not knock them out.
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>Cartoon set in New York
>New York it's a big deal because it's NY
Parasites plz leave
Spectacular Spider-Man had my favorite take on New York.
Don't forget huge buck teeth.
>Cartoon set in New York
>It's only Manhattan
>the only part that matters

>a joke related to NYC gets followed up on how shit NJ is.
New York has a lot of Guineas, that's just how it is.
>how shit NJ is

those aren't jokes though, just observations
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>cartoon set in a school dance
>the fat best friend ofte protagonist finally gets a girl for the dance
>the girl is also fat and they share the same common interest: food
I have a buddy who's into MMA and he told me that getting knocked out by a punch to the torso is a thing.
I think it's called a body knock out, and according to him, getting knocked out with a hay maker to the head is painful, but a body KO, is much, MUCH worse.
>fat best friend is also the best dancer
>gets a girl hotter than the MC's love interest
Vinny, ya slimy gavone! How's the family? We should meet up for some gabagool on 6th Street!
My brother got kicked in the balls by some robbers when he was a teenagers. He was knocked out for about 15 minutes.
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>London is the only city in England
It's the only city that matters.
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>London is the only city in the UK
More like

>Glasgow is the only city in Scotland
>There's no Northern Ireland or Republic of Ireland, just Ireland
>Wales doesn't exist
>Russian character
>his name is some bizarre combination of patronymics and surnames that makes no actual sense but sounds "exotic", like "Petrovichev Ivanovich"
Google exists people
I've meet a total of 5 russians in my life.

I agree. It's not hard to come up with russian names when they all got stereotypical names anyway.
>Cartoon takes place in New York
>Everybody talks shit
I love when they get it right
Typically, when Scotland is mentioned, it's not Glasgow but rather a herd of sheep and some hills with bagpipes playing in the background meant to represent all Scotland in general.
Rest of that's spot on, though.
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>Mexican character
you can tell most people in the industry live or have lived in Cali.
Call them all Boris or Vladimir and you won't be wrong 9 times out of 10.
Now that you mention it, my doctor is russian and is called Boris. So that makes it 6 i guess, huh.
you forgot natashas. they're the hot russians
This is my friend, p much. He's a 300lb philipino linebacker that's also on the dance team. Gaddamn does the man have moves.
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>Cartoon in Canadia
>Everyone says Eh all the time, Oot every other sentence,
>No one but rangers in the red coats appear
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>Cartoon takes place in California
>it's not a liberal cesspool
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>Set anywhere in the South
>ya'll ya'll ya'll golly shucks ya'll

And this isn't just for cartoons.
>make sure my Russian character has a legit last name
>his name is still super fun to say
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>something takes place in California
>everyone not from there is floored if it isn't LA/Hollywood, a Napa winery, or San francisco.
Fuck you, everything past 75 miles inland is akin to a southern/Midwest state, rednecks and farmers a plenty. We actually banned gay marriage in a state election, before we passed it through the courts.
But for fairness sake, everyone gets a short stick when it comes to portrayals in media.
>New York state, but not NYC
>Massachusetts but not Boston
>Midwest but not a cornfield or a town built around a convenience store...also surrounded by cornfields
>Texas but not Dallas (sallad) or that 72 ounce steak restaurant
>Nevada but not Las Vegas
>Florida but not a bizzare crime scene or Miami
>the south, but not where deliverance was filmed, a civil war setting, or a bayou
>Maine but not a Steven King miniseries
>Michigan but not Detroit
>Illinois but not Chicago
>New York city but not Manhattan or Brooklyn, it's just a small part on the outskirts of the city
>Hawaii but not a native village circa 1820 or a beach full of surfers
>Alaska but not a snowy forest with a moose
I could go on all day.
>Cartoon Set in Canada
>It allways snows\there is snow everywhere no matter what the season.
>Forests everywhere even if its a Major City

is this true canada bros? dont you guys have any great plains area's or great expanses of grassland.
>New Orleans
>Southern Belles and Southern Drawl
>No Yats
These idiots don't know shit.
>Its an eastern Europe episode.
>Everyone either looks like a vampire or Poor farmhand villager.
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>Country character.
>Speaks in similes in every situation.
>What is San Diego
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>Florida episode
>Just is a beach with hot girls on it.
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>Its a Florida Episode
>Hey lets go to an offbrand version of Disneyworld
>It Takes Place in Miami
>Its a Miami Vice or Scarface Parody
>Its a Japan Episode
>Allways In Tokyo
>Its always referred to as Tokyo
>Never mention the proper names of any of the cities or wards

I know most people dont know that Tokyo is just the name of the whole prefecture or county\Subdivision but come on alleast give a little credit to the proper Cities now and again.

I cant think of any cartoon that has mentioned places like Shibuya or Shinjuku
I don't think I've ever seen Long Island represented in a cartoon.
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there you go
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