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I'am the only person here who wants to see this show only for the family cute moments and not because of a sick desire of porn or incest shit?
Yeah, haha, me too.
I hope to see cute and funny family bonding episodes, like an episode where Lincoln's sisters try to force him to wear their clothes.
Haha. That would be funny.
Sorry if i'am wrong but is this sarcasm?
Not at all.
Maybe their could be an episode where one of the older sister use Lincoln for some sort of practice date. Haha. Think of all of the hilarious potential that could have.
This show has a lot of potential.
Inb4 he's a mommy boy OR a "dad i'm the only boy what should i do"
>Not being a Mommy's Boy
>When the guy in charge of the show also made Eddie Puss
What is Eddie Puss?
If it's a lame joke about Aedipus i'll punch his balls.
It's literally "Cat wants to fuck his mom" the comic

So yes, it's an Oedipus joke.
Woah, and they let such a guy make a show about one kid and HIS ENTIRE FAMILY made of girls?
I wonder what it'll happen!
How about an episode where they get locked in a room with a poopy baby diaper and have to find a way out before they all fall unconscious?
So is the Airdate REAL JANURAY 15th

>ITT: A Canadian production company holds a writers meeting.
Brandon is going to ruin this show more than it's already ruined.
The mother isn't present, Lincoln is going to be a chip off the ol' block. We just haven't seen what the block is like yet.
I'm going to draw so much porn of Lincoln with the twins.
What do comics and cartoons have that attract autists
File: Luansayshi.jpg (120 KB, 543x597) Image search: [Google]
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Can you please link a source for this? I'd be excited that's it's coming this soon, but unless you show me legit proof, I'm going to assume this is another rumor.
File: image.jpg (102 KB, 544x438) Image search: [Google]
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Yea some dude posted this 3 hours ago on this site >>78176642

It said it was real?
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