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>"Things changed /co/,the cartoon you want me to be is
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Thread replies: 19
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>"Things changed /co/,the cartoon you want me to be is just a memory"
File: 3039647-3360363344-marti.png (903 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
903 KB, 640x480
Get a telepath she will remember real fast
File: kole.jpg (53 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
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Teen Titans thread?

I liked Kole.

>purple hair

What did she do again?
Damn it, we can't just mindwipe every single person that doesn't agree with us!
She turned into crystal. A caveman used her to beat dinosaurs to death.
I love this guy

I wish just once he said "I will make you retarded" as a threat to someone
File: 1331722-kt_telepathic_plea.jpg (103 KB, 599x317) Image search: [Google]
103 KB, 599x317
Holy shit it's been 10 years and I've only just realized the name's a pun
File: this can't be.png (608 KB, 1162x372) Image search: [Google]
this can't be.png
608 KB, 1162x372
my eyes are now opened forever
"Tell me or I'll turn you gay."
Mite b cool
This was a weird episode.
Jean, please.
somebody mindwipe this guy

or kill him, whatever
the fuck
you think he ever jizzed on her while she was a crystal?
I hope so
Literally who?
See >>77898712
Thread replies: 19
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