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Haha, time for some Hawkman. Just going to post a few Golden
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Haha, time for some Hawkman.

Just going to post a few Golden Age Hawk stories from good ol' Flash comics.

Because that's how I roll.
Hawkman is gay
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First up, the thrilling origin of course.
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Thank you
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>ancient Hawk-God Anubis
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I really like that second panel for some reason
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This particular Hawk helmet is just weird
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Shiera is what we'd call a firecracker, if you'd pardon my candor
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fuck yeah Hawkman
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In this story Hawkman uses a shield and chokes a guy out
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Wherein Shiera tries to solve a mystery but Hawkman keeps accidentally knocking her out by throwing bad guys around
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This particular era of comics had a certain charm to the art.
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Shiera was the real sleuth of the operation
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Mostly posting Shiera/Carter team ups, though it took a while before she stopped getting knocked out.
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It was the style at the time you see. Someone always had to get knocked out.
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Just like in the Smallville show. I appreciate it more knowing it was both writer convenience and classic comic convention.
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First time Shiera put on the suit I believe
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Hawkman learned the language of the birds after he got shot out of the sky, hit his head, suffered from exposure and began talking to them.
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In this tale Hawkgirl gets into the swing of things, and raises her blunt weapon skill
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Ready yourself for the TIMETABLE OF CRIME
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Window owl is watching you makeout
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A tale of fishing and murder most fowl
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Perhaps not the most chilling tale, but I know you're all loving this
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Classic Hawkman villain story. The Cloak of Cagliostro
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That is one evil fabric
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The ghost with the most, The Gentleman Ghost.
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The Ghost would face the Hawks several times, generally trolling them with his whole a ghost pretending to be Mysterio pretending to be a ghost thing just for laughs.

And though he was an enemy to Carter and Shiera, he would end up being an erstwhile ally and dear friend to Katar and Shayera.
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This story to show the change in masks that happened later in their career. Terrible in my opinion.
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Now a random page or so just because

The artist is familiar but I can't place it
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Hawkman punches a bear
Axe vs Tommy Gun
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Shiera favours some brass knuckles
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Bonus story: First appearance of Vandal Savage from Green Lantern
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The oath. One of many.

Though for Alan I prefer,
And I shall shed my light over dark evil, for the dark things fear the light. The light of the Green Lantern.
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I probably messed that up
Many many thanks OP.

I love reading golden age stuff in general.

I also would suggest / request for future story-times some silver age Bat-Woman, Ace the Bat-hound, and Kandor/Krypton centric stories.
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Oh any of those stories about the 25th century descendant of Superman.
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I'll keep it in mind. But I'm more about the gorillas.
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As in Solivar vs Grodd , as in Red Ghost, or as in Titano? Or Congorilla? Or are there other gorillas that I have missed?
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Those and others. My favourite obscure character is Yango the Super Ape
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There it is.jpg
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That's it for me. Thanks for reading, thanks for bumping.

Feel free to fill the thread with whatever
Thread replies: 178
Thread images: 155

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