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I'm gonna relive a blast from the past and watch some SpongeBob,
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Thread replies: 29
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I'm gonna relive a blast from the past and watch some SpongeBob, /co/.

What are the best episodes?
Watch the first three seasons and decide for yourself.
Let me rephraise the question. What are your favorite episodes, /co/?

I'm starting with Dying for Pie
Shanghaied is the series' masterpiece in my eyes
Krusty Krab Training Video
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Just watch all of the first 3 seasons. MAybe not every episode is super amazing but they all have something memorable.
The Great Snail Race
This and Harvey Birdman are the only ones to do the training video episode right.
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>Band Geeks
>Krusty Krab Training Video
>Idiot Box
>The Secret Box

All pretty good
The Graceyard Shift
I feel sad reading this, because I want to watch them now but it's only like 1:30 AM.
You could watch five full episodes and be just in time for your krabby patty.
Band Geeks
Krusty Krab Training Video
Idiot Box
Graveyard Shift
Chocolate With Nuts
Pizza Delivery
The Camping Episode
Rock Bottom
Christmas Who since Christmas is coming up
This, plus Sailor Mouths and Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy I-V
club spongebob
are underrated imo
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>no mention of Procrastination
im ashamed of all of u
I thought the movie was the cuttoff point?
The only good joke in that episode was "The"
not every episode has to be filled with le ebin jokes. it was good because of all the shit spongebob pulled to get out of writing the paper
No Free Rides
>le ebin jokes
what the fuck is wrong with you
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Any reason is a good reason to post this.
Fucking nice. We really need to make more of these
Pretty good.

Chocolate With Nuts and the episode with Kevin the sea cucumber are my favorites.
sensible chuckle
I love that episode.
You're a faggot. That image is one of the good jokes.
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10/10 would chuckle again
Thread replies: 29
Thread images: 8

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