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Happy Thanksgiving, /co/! Which Thanksgiving specials are you
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Thread replies: 30
Thread images: 7
File: steven universe thanksgiving.png (224 KB, 540x540) Image search: [Google]
steven universe thanksgiving.png
224 KB, 540x540
Happy Thanksgiving, /co/!

Which Thanksgiving specials are you watching this year?
tfw your going to a dinner with your family for thanksgiving and all the little kids will want to watch teen titans go
Scalp them.

It'll be historically accurate.
Pretty cancer style there, bro
I fucking hate thanksgiving. I'll be working til 9 and I've never been happier to be here.
>Peridot being little miss no fun
Also, the creators confirmed that holidays don't exist in the setting.
Don't you have a family, anon?
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>watching cartoons instead of being with your family
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>Hey, look who came out of their cave!
>implying everyone has the means to travel cross-country at a whim
Fuck off. And frankly, I'm thankful I don't have to see my douchebag brother. I hate that tool so much.
Is that a real thing, or was it just them being cheeky because they don't want to do holiday specials?

I mean, they had New Year's fireworks, and birthday parties are a thing.
Don't cry for me. I'm already dead.
What's it matter to you? What are you, the fucking family police?
What do you mean real? It's right there, quit shouting.
This life, this dream, you know how it feels but is it all in your mind? When you know it feels to be pushed and pulled through your life. And sometimes it seems like there is life in your eyes.
am i real?
>What's it matter to you? What are you, the fucking family police?
Your posting about it, anon. You are asking for help.
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>What are you, the fucking family police?
What if I am, champ?
I want you to die in a fire.
>Implying they wouldn't be eating waffles and curry together because Turkey is traditional and therefore patriarchal and oppressive

Have you watched the show?
Peridot staying with CG confirmed. Look how happy she looks
Even kids have better taste than you.
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Only correct answer.
GOAT taste senpai
File: garfield-thanksgiving-27.jpg (447 KB, 1680x1088) Image search: [Google]
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Garfield thanksgiving
The kids are made retarded by that programme
The Megas XLR Special. Never gets old.
No, but I am the family fucking police. You been dicking your mom anon?
That's that true shit
Thread replies: 30
Thread images: 7

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