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>A company so autistic that they micro-manage specific toy
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File: hasbro-logo.png (24 KB, 502x247) Image search: [Google]
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>A company so autistic that they micro-manage specific toy commercials they hate just so they can limit and shit on them.
This is the definition of evil and retarded.
File: Hasjew.jpg (99 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
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They're not autistic, they're Jewish!
Jews care about profits. Autists care about personal vendettas.
>just so they can limit and shit on them
Sense make not this does.
You're drunk, Yoda.
> be a newfag who only goes on /co/
> check /toy/ for the first time expecting creepy fetish stuff
> first pic is a pedoll
Haha! But isn't it technically P.E. doll?

>One of the first posts is about giving Christmas presents for a doll
I'm not even keking, that shit's adorable.
I made it up as a portmeanteau of pedo and doll, had no idea it was a real word
Some naked animu loli called "libido" apparently
This was the first post on the board
Those are the BJD weirdos. Plenty of other interesting threads for /co/ anons though like the Marvel Legends general.

>Those are the BJD weirdos.
And I thought there were no toys creepier than ceramic dolls.
Thread replies: 14
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