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Emanuela Lupacchino leaves Starfire
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>This is my Starfire cover for issue#8, and it’s a goodbye kiss for me. I loved this book so much but for personal reasons this is my last issue on the serie. Starfire is a beautiful character, perfectly written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti and I had a great time working on this wonderful title. A BIG thank you to my editors who are so dedicated and always support and improve my work, Eddie Berganza and Paul Kay, and the biggest hug to my dear creative team, inker Ray McCarthy and colorists Brian and Kristy Miller. Without you guys, my work would be just pencil. More things will come but for now I want to say that you all are just awesome. Incoming artist Mirco Pierfederici will treat the book in the best way possible, he’s one of my best firends and trusted collegues so I’m sure you’ll miss me but just a bit Ciao!
>that overrated artist that everyone loves for whatever reason is gone
Thank goodness. Cancellation soon, please?
>I understand that much of this is down to the monthly deadline grind. When asked by Marco Morana if that meant she was leaving DC as well, she replied (translated) “Shut up, I’m not going anywhere!” with a smiley.

>Mirco Pierfederici has already been credited as an art assistant on the title, and has previously worked on titles including X-Men and Avengers.

source: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/11/17/emanuela-lupacchino-leaves-starfire-mirco-pierfederici-joins/
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Get colon cancer and die a slow, painful death. Pretty please?
Going to cry myself to sleep.
Well then, seems like it's time to drop it.

The art was pretty much carrying the book.
Jump off a cliff into a pool of sulfuric acid.

Starfire is a garbage character and Lupacchino is a shit "artist". The pitch for this books should've ended with the idiot who proposed it being fired and thrown out a window into the fucking trash where they belong.
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>No one can like what I don't like
>talking shit about my waifu
-grabs him by the throat-
back the fuck off!?!?
Starfire's whole character is that she's perky and retarded. Even by waifu-fag standards you have terminally shit taste. Shouldn't really expect any less from a Teen Titans-fag.

If people on 4chan actually liked things worth liking, there wouldn't be a problem.
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Different strokes for diffrent folks, m8. Sorry no one has ever told you that.
No. Starfire is a terrible character with no merit whatsoever, and Lupacchino is a terrible artist. That is how it is. Fuck your "opinions" and fuck you.
>my editors who are so dedicated and always support and improve my work, Eddie Berganza
Yor casualness is showing.
>not liking shitty characters for no reason makes you a casual
Okay then, nerd. Explain why Starfire is oh so great. Go ahead and shill for the dipshit princess of Tamaran.
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Because we heteros like women. So chill, dude.

What's bad about her character, and what's bad about Lupacchino's art?
>Starfire is good because tits
>that pic
Holy shit, kill yourself at once, you 12 year old retard.

Sucks that she's leaving the book. Her style was working very well with the tone.

Doesn't look like the new guy will fit very well, if his recent work is anything to go off of.
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I don't know if he is a 12 years old or not but you are actimg like a 7 years old retard
Who is the new guy?
>What's bad about her character
It barely exists, and she's consistently annoying as hell.

>and what's bad about Lupacchino's art?
Hard to explain, but it reminds me of DeviantArt. All those soft lines and attempts at being "cute", it's disgusting.
>What's bad about her character
Turned into drooling imbecile in her solo.
That's a terrible art critique. Basically, you dislike it because you dislike it, not because there's anything objectively bad about it.
Frankly I didn't really like their work on Starfire, hopefully I enjoy whatever they do next more.
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I heard that killing yourself solve this porblens.

I recomend you to do it, but just because I care to your well being.
>my name is anon, and I've never read 1980s TT
You read Rebels and new teen titan stuff or you only watch the cartoon and think she is like this?
Maybe now we can get an artist who knows how to draw Starfire properly.
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>not recognizing the shitposter that gets mad at rec threads and hates every possible comic book/character
Just don't respond /co/.
This guy. >>77526443
>artist can't keep up with a fucking 20 pages per month schedule
LMAO what a loser. Animators draw hundreds of drawings weekly.
But it's so funny so read his angry posts. Like that guy with a hateboner for MoS.
Sad, but Pierfederici is pretty good so not the worst.
I would have never let her in in Marvel.
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Right now I am just writting to see what he will come up with.

Its kekable.
>implying I'd ever read Teen Titans
Ew, no. The TT are fucking terrible, I'm not reading that crap.

The fact I don't like it seems like an objective flaw to me.
I wish Marvel would bring him back just to see their creative teams collectively shit themselves
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It's pretty funny seeing him get really mad, though it does get stale after some time.
>The fact I don't like it seems like an objective flaw to me
HA! That's fucking gold. Keep it up, m8.
and just like that my motivation to read this has dropped.
Ebin, anon.
Why are we arguing about subjective opinions?

Emanuela had a very light style which was perfect for the cute/fun/humorous tone of the book. It's probably not everyone's bag, but I can't think of a panel or anything in particular of hers that I would expect to see land in a shitty art thread. I like her art and I like the book, sad to see her go but whatever.
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>reading comics for the art only
So what reasons does she have for leaving the book? My money is on pregnant
What of it? The story itself isn't that great without a good artist. If the person who replaces Luppa isn't good then I'm definitely dropping this.
Then why did you pick it up in the first place, retard?
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Because the art like I said earlier you idiot.
Then just look up the bitch's gallery instead of wasting your money, dumbass.
is it possible to fall in love with a picture?
So now he's left it;'s another case of rochfort leaving RHTA and the art won't be the same.

Here's your response.
here's hoping the next artist will have picked up at least one teen titans comic book in his life and knows Starfire doesn't have pupils
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Supergirl please
it looks like a good style. similar enough to lupa's that it won't distrac
Pretty much this

I hope this means they're relaunching Supergirl and maybe she'll be back on it.
>wanting more Supergirl
Kill yourself. Supergirl is an even shittier "character" than Starfire.
thanks for your input senpai
You are worse than 'co is love,'
he's just butthurt and thinking that shitting on things he dislikes will end discussion of them for some reason

It's like comics are a visual medium where the art is important or something.
Kill yourself.

The art means nothing. Only the writing matters and you know it.
Sorry but it's one of the few DCYou books that have settled above 25k.
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I don't think she had anything against the cleavage
>Why are we arguing about subjective opinions?
Do you know where you are?
Only babies sperg out this hard when denied breasts.

That only confirms the entire rest of DC is shit right now.
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hot DAMN
I like the new costume.
she's so adorable.
I agree that you're ojectively flawed
too bad
Hopefully the next artist draws her eyes right.
What's the man been up to lately anyways?

>wasting money
>buying comics

>The art means nothing. Only the writing matters and you know it.

Then why even have art in the books? Why not just release 20 pages of prose about Starfire or any other character?
Well there goes the only thing that made the book worth reading. Any word on what she's doing next?
Exactly. Comics are an inherently shit medium.
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>The art means nothing. Only the writing matters and you know it.
Anon as hilarious as it is you really shouldn't indulge retards.
It's stupid because it totally derails the thread.

So is Lupa leaving for Marvel or something? Why are they such douches who refuse to share?
>hurp tits make men go kraaaazy

Must be why I have to rape every woman I see with a decent rack.
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Lighten up your dreary life with some color

how in the first panel she knows how to wear a shirt.

I like them. Never liked the solid green.

Not everyone can be Frank Miller, anon.
B&W looks better to me, especially Raven. That coloring is a bit too plastic-y.

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I am afraid of Jim Shooter
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You should be.
Jim Shooter would have had you killed by a square-faced man named "Fingers" Vercetti.
Y! M! C! A!
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