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Why don't we get comics about Superman beating up ISIS?
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Why don't we get comics about Superman beating up ISIS?
Just read the last two issues of Nathan Edmondson's Punisher.
Same reason we didn't get them when you made this thread yesterday?

If you're so anti-ISIS, OP, why don't you call them daesh?
For the same reason we don't get comics about Superman beating up the IRA, Basque separatists, Alqueda, etc etc.

It'd be dumb. Hitler was a global threat. Everyone was involved in some way against the Axis powers. The war effort was a community effort. I know this sounds dumb, but remember in Captain America, Steve mentions he doesn't want to be pulling around a little red wagon? Kids were expected to take part in the war by gathering up junk metal. If you weren't fighting on the front, you were working in the factories back home. If you weren't working in the factories, you were helping gather materials. It was all in.

ISIS hasn't united people like that. Even back in the day you didn't have all that many examples of superheroes beating up Hitler. You couldn't have a character like Superman exist in the same world as Hitler, and still write comics about the war. So Hitler had the Spear of Destiny, which allowed him to basically mind control people. DC superheroes stayed away lest they fall prey. When they did get involved, it was either a)towards the end of the war, or b)the Hitler in the comic would be a body double/homonculus/etc. The real Hitler would be in hiding somewhere.

More often you'd have examples of the hero helping out on the homefront. This was used to show the readers - mostly kids, but also the soldiers which were reading it overseas - how to properly help at home, and give words of encouragement.

Also I don't know why you keep making this thread. The answers will never change.
Why would anyone really want to read that? Sounds boring.
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capeshit has devolved
Superman didn't beat up Hitler really. this comic was "what would superman do to stop hitler" basically a "what if"
because even then people realized it would be in bad taste to have a fictional superhero go over there and beat up some real life dictator.

Superman fought hitler in the legion of superheroes story back in the 60s (when hitler took over his body)...that was about it.
>spell those names out

It's insensitive and racist
We basically had this discussion in another thread just yesterday. Copypasting my previous response.
There's not much moral ambiguity in hating the Nazi regime, but since Vietnam or even Korea, war is so decentralized that whole-hearted support for the military or the government's actions becomes connected to a way more complicated ethical mess. The idea of "a world where no bad stuff happened" is NOT the only reason we don't normally see Superman fighting Vietcong, the Taliban, or the Sandinistas.
As many Nazis as he's fought and as often as he fights for the American way, I'm not sure he's entirely an arm of America itself, either its government or its majority. Remember superman was really pretty leftist in its first incarnations, and at the risk of sounding conspiratorial, one of the likely reasons Siegel and Schuster were bashing Hitler so quick out the gate was that they were both Jewish. At the same time there's that strip where Clark very publically defends Japanese-Americans, which obviously went against the grain at the time (granted, that position swiftly changed in other material.)
There may be a way to have Superman fight Islamic extremism, but the Us vs. Them dynamic that is inherent to a simple 24-page story is pretty antithetical to the social complexities to that fight.

Besides, we already have Omega Men deconstructing how extremism works with plenty of nuance already
Because no one at DC wants to get Hebdo'd

I suspect this, sadly. Those fucking maniacs have quite a reach.
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