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If she's so ashamed of her big ass, why doesn't she
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Thread replies: 160
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If she's so ashamed of her big ass, why doesn't she just stretch to give herself a smaller one?
She can stretch, not condense.
Stretching takes energy.

Similar to trying to hold your gut in I'd imagine.
She's older and losing her elasticity.

Powers seem to require keeping in shape in their world, Bob's super strength was greatly diminished while he held his office job.
>those hips
>that ass

Oh good lord
I want her to have a big butt, thank you : )
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this scene on the movie is for gives boners to the kids ?
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The mass has to go somewhere.
If she was ashamed she'd wear a different costume.
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Being disappointed that you've gotten fat is one thing. But being disappointed that just your ass has gotten fat is retarded. Why do women not like having a fat ass?
>tfw I realize Elastigirl's powers increase as she gets fatter
>muh body doesnt exist to pleease yooo
And the whole
>ugh I want to buy new smaller pants despite fitting great in this size!
because all your favorite pants don't fit anymore
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I want her to get fatter
>pants say size that isn't zero
>in woman logic this means fat
then explain when she flattened herself in the tunnel to avoid the train car.
>having favorite pants


lmao wow dobson does kinda resemble constanza
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She does the best she can, but it's like a springloaded trap
>not having favorite pants

Everyone's got that one pair that fits perfectly and looks great.
I don't, but I ain't woman
So what wear jogging pants then. It's hot as fuck! And buy bigger jeans.
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No woman would be ashame of a butt like that.
The only conclusion is that it got worse throughout the years.
you say that like having to buy stuff that wasn't in your budget isn't something most people grumble about
plus after you do that, you have to decide between just throwing out your old jeans or hanging onto them in case you manage to lose weight
More like why must middle aged white women be ashamed of thier newfound asses. I swear there's a woman at my job whose slowly killing hers and seeing her walk down the shop was sometimes the best part of the day.
I usually buy 3 of the same pair at a time so no.
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Jeesh you girls make everything difficult. Just 'not' lose the weight. Stay perfectly chubby problem solved.
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If Violet had that ass, she'd be sighing over the fact that it isn't bigger.
Her ass isn't even that big, it's just two scenes that fanart spun off into a metafetish
Give her the D
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At least she'd feel positive about making some progress
>muh body doesnt exist to pleease yooo
If only more people realized how integral sex is to the human race
you can only do that to a certain point before you're just 250 pounds and a fat sobbing mess on the couch anon
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Not enough, though. It will never be enough for her. Her ass lust is insatiable.
This sounds stupid but some guys don't like fat asses and self image. People will find a reason to talk down about you so having a fat ass or big tits was one of them
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And then she finds the bigger she gets, the more powerful her forcefield powers get
I mean her ass is the same size as her head. It's pretty big.
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Everyone likes big booties.
maybe back then, but now not so much.

underpopulation is almost a nonexistant issue.

more people can and should live lives without being motivated so much by sex.

in my opinion asexuals have the right idea, masterbate thoughts of sex away and focus on your life, die alone, or adopt someone, or find someone but dont have children.

thirsty normies need to chill.
"It's like tensing a muscle I can't hold it for very long." - Clayface
Fuck that. I want to stick my penis into vaginas and occasionally rectums.
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perhaps you should look into bestiality
I will jump on that train full force when science allows us to communicate with animals.
Did anyone ever draw milfy Helen and Violet groping each other's asses while kissing?
What if she normally has the same body type as Violet and she's just stretching herself into a larger shape 24/7?
Maybe she's lamenting not being able to maintain larger hips indefinitely?
I wonder what 'keeping in shape' even means to someone with stretchy powers. How exactly does Helen lose weight?
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>"I just became a wizard" the post
flattening isn't condensing, she didn't make herself smaller just flat and spread out.

but really it was probably just a gag for the parents in the theaters, cause its a cartoon for kids.
Eventually she becomes capable of shielding the entire city. Violet is positioned in the center of the city, where she continues to eat and grow, because an ass the size of a house simply isn't big enough.
Jogging, maybe?
Unfortunately i lost my wizard license years ago.
Normally I would agree with you but if you watch the scene she did not spread herself out against the wall. https://youtu.be/k2Ti3Pq2r3s?t=12
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Dobson's a big guy.

Might be like holding a fart 24/7
>This sounds stupid but some guys don't like fat asses

I was so happy when I heard that they can get married now.
>Becoming an immobile shield generator

Nah, that's boring.

Way I've figured it, the properties of her forcefields change as she's packing weight on. They become pliable enough to function as constructs and bouncy enough to send anything thrown at them back even harder.

With how much forcefield energy she puts out and how she keeps outgrowing things, she stops bothering with proper supersuits. A bikini and her protective layer of purple construct energy is all she really needs to stand up against enemy fire and it adds an extra spring to her hefty step.

Her growing fame and vanity is what makes her keep to a specific endpost in her ass quest. Can't really swagger those hips and jiggle that ass if you can't walk. Latent superstrength genes from dad give her a better carrying capacity then most and helps support the huge breasts and belly she's also gained in her ass pursuit. Gives her extra height then most as well. Wearing her forcefield energy constantly eventually starts affecting her complexion and she finds her flab has become as bulletproof and reflective as the forcefields she wore over them were.

All that time long ago, she just wished to be normal and somewhat curvy. Then she grew up to be a towering purple fertility goddess idol of a woman with a car sized ass. And between that and being able to shield the entire city, she starts living up to the goddess part
Again with the purple skin.
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We need more Violet pulling a reverse Golden Girl.
Damn straight son
>Makes herself taller using her butt fat.

As she gets older everything just starts to sag out of control like a normal woman but much worse.
Doesn't look that way.
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That we do.
Am I the only one who wants Violet to remain petite?
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Around here? Pretty much. We're all about Helen's genes going hogwild on Violet's figure and her loving every bit of it.
I feel your pain. It seems everyone wants her to become a fatass. She should get some curves but just not a giant booty.
>Helen and the kids go jogging
>Dash deliberately hangs back behind Helen and Vi to enjoy the view
>Helen, unaware, applauds Dash's apparent self-control but says he doesn't need to hold back THAT much
>Vi has a pretty good idea of what he's doing and starts exaggerating the sway of her hips as she jogs
thank the goddamn feminists for that one
Intelligent, well-off people should reproduce.
Its poorfags/idiots that need to stop getting knocked up with 7+ children they can't afford and should not be having.
Birth control and other contraceptives are relatively dirt-cheap to having a child or aborting one.
But, people are blithering idiots.
And some folk think euthanasia/sterilization/genocide is wrong yet preach about "overpopulation".
>fat ass
Understandable; a big ass doesn't necessarily equate to attractive since shape is also important and its hard not to devolve into gross cottage cheese- definitely can see the self-image issue.
>or big tits
Who the fuck would make fun of a woman for having big tits?
Sagging/stretchmarks are an issue for the self-image aspect but I've never really understood how you can offend someone by calling their tits big.
Don't ever say your gf has fat tits though unless you want to get into a 5 minute discussion on why that is not a bad thing
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Keep going
>lso important and its hard not to devolve into gross cottage cheese- definitely can see the self-image issue.

But some of us like that.

Couldn't she move some of her ass into her legs and midsection then?
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>Who the fuck would make fun of a woman for having big tits
women with big tits get called idiot cows and such all the time, and accused of being fake sluts with implants and that any/all success they have is just because their bosses/competition/clients can't stop ogling their jubblies.
A balance. Now we're getting somewhere.
The thigh gap is unnecessary though.
also source, i dont know Vans site (or if there is one)
She probably has to pay a small amount of attention to hold a shape.
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He's got a pair of Tumblrs, a SFW one and an NSFW one

What kind of tiny fucking door is that jesus christ

Is she alice in wonderland
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Who the hell leans forward to walk through a door?
I'm in the party that she has a "careful what you wish for" scenario.
Allows for more embarrassment.
Eh, thanks to Axel-Rosered, I think I've seen more then enough "Girls embarrassed by their gigantic asses"

Mix of emotions might be fun though. She's happy about her huge ass, but a little frustrated that started coming in all at once like a speeding 18-wheeler truck.
Having a big ass used to be a fairly unpopular trait. Just go back and watch old 90s sitcoms and shit, girls always asking if clothes make their ass look big
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Because a lot of people think fat asses are gross and ugly.
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please don't
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please do
What anon >>77430544 said. Also some girls with fat tits don't have good bras so they sag. Badly. Another reason is that people associate fat ass and fat tits with being fat which isn't true at all.
>Vi slows down a little bit so Dash can get right up close for a real look
>the closer he gets, the more he can see those two lumps in her spats
>suddenly they start to shift erratically
>L'anana bursts out of her spats
To be fair, that's how I feel about big asses. It goes both ways.
You must be stopped
Yeah, the drawfag who did really misunderstood the level of massive we were discussing at the time.
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>tfw You'll never make Helen's ass jiggle
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>You will never full-body hotdog Helen
I wanna impregnate Helen!
She would have to be actively doing it all the time.
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Can we get some MILF Violet? Like chubby, fatassed cougarlicious Violet?
>super stretchy body capable of so much kinky shit
>anon only cares about her ass and thick Violet
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>implying I don't like Helen more

>all those edits Elzi did
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Most of the ass talk on Helen is related to her powers though
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Van, a drawfag.
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>people will find a reason to talk down about you so having a fat ass or big tits was one of them
What you mean to say is other women, don't beat around the bush.
>Because a lot of people think fat asses are gross and ugly.
I found the irishman
kek'd, and hard.
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>Jerry Seinfeld
>using the word "dude"

Ugh, millennials.
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Even Dash worked up a thirst for dat.

It's like flexing a muscle. As we saw with her turning herself into a raft that staying in any from that isn't her base from is exhausting.
And who can blame him?
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Is everyone going to ignore that she was actually admiring her own ass in that scene?
That was a sigh of disappointment anon
I'll fucking fight you m8
*sigh* its still too small. NEED BIGGER ASS AND TITTIES!!!
It's a "Shit I've gotten out of shape" thing.
Oh yes.
fuck no pham
>Between the increasing size and absurd proportions of her growing body and her uncertainty of just how many supers are left outside her family and Frozone, she starts thinking there's some primal meaning to all this and she's gotta save the supers and have a shitton of kids.
Because she's a fat fucking pig
I like it
Holy shit shut up, your dumbass fetish ideas are so fucking stupid.
settle the fuck down

She actually triggered my facesitting/ass eating fetish as a kid. I remember wanting to sniff her ass in the movie theater.
Bro, that's not womens' logic. Fucking fashion companies are at fault here. Can't blame that on women when men do it on purpose.
>in b4 sjw
>I just hate big business
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Really dig this design.
Yeah, huge rack aside, artist really captures her face well
It takes energy to do it. Remember how she got fatigued from being a boat for ages? It'd be like constantly clenching your ass cheeks all the time.
White people disgust me.
Mezmerella hypnotized them into ravers.
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>he hasn't encountered the multitude of manbutt fetishists
10/10 concept, shit execution
Why don't slightly chubby dudes just suck in their gut 24/7?
I'd definitely like to see that outift on a figure more like >>77457954 or >>77430724.
>Stretch to get smaller
>Intelligent, well-off people should reproduce.

Intelligent people don't enjoy living with a time and money-eating burden with an obnoxious personality for 18 years minimum.
>18 years minimum
people who were raised right aren't ornery for eighteen or more years.
Ugh, tumblr
Ay, not all whities hate big bums. My missus has wide hips and a big arse, beautiful.
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Thread images: 47

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