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G:KND - Galactic Kids Next Door
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1 day left until reveal.

Galactic Kids Next Door Teaser Trailer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_2aDok_CcQ [Embed] [Embed]

Second Teaser Trailer:

For those of you who haven't seen the show or want to rewatch it:

Torrent link:

HQ itunes web-lds Mega links:

G:KND useful information and links


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I have a bad feeling that this is going to end in disappointment.
It's gonna suck, isn't it?
So, we're just going to pretend not to notice that tomorrow is April Fools Day?
>Implying it's not all a huge April Fools
Tomorrow is April 1st, why would anybody even take this seriously knowing the kind of shit pulled that day?
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Man, I hope we see Chad again.
It´s technically not on April 1st. It´s today at 11:59PM (CST).
because muh childhood nostagia
It´s a minute before April 1st.
Wait, 1am Eastern?
More than anything I find it hilarious that so many people are completely set in their belief that NOTHING official can happen on April Fools Day.

Something hyped up turning out to be real on April Fools is just as much of a twist as it being a trick.
So you mean 11:59p CDT, it's daylight savings now.

It's a bit suspicious it isn't midnight eastern that the countdown ends. What is on the schedule for adult swim at 1am tonight?
Is this show genuinely good?
Looks cool...
It worked for Toonami, didn't it?
Why in the fuck are you anons in this new thread?

The other one only has 200 posts.

Don't let the numbuh 96 fag rip the fanbase in two
1am is fine by me, I have nothing to do tomorrow but hype
Yes, it is, good lore, good characters, also, perfect conclusion
1am Eastern Standard Time is April 1st, nerdlinger.
>1 more days
It won´t be April 1, in the entire world.
I'm here because I just checked the catalog and this was the first one I saw
I. ntel
M. akes it
B. ack
A. s
C. ountdown
K. loses

And I'm
H. oo
Y. eah!
P. repare
E. veryone!
Only some of the world, but still. April fools day.
Everyone to the old thread





The other thread isn't formatted like the others, and doesn't have any words people might control f for.
Who the fuck would be doing jokes that early at night?
Too late anon.

I've become ultimately powerful. No one can stop me.
Well, the last year a spanish youtuber pretended his dead, the prank was made at the first hour of april
Mr. Warburton is honestly pretty clever.

Even if this countdown turns out to be for nothing, he's shown Cartoon Network that there's a legitimate audience for a KND continuation. Enough that they could very well fund a sequel series.
embrace your inner child anon
Holy shit, who would do that?
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>open up the mega link
>the episodes are .mkv files
Never heard of that. Will I need something special to play it?
That's cause an anon had to preempt numbuh 96 cause 96 gets upset and assmad if he's not the one who makes the new threads
Use VLC, breh
>VLC or leave
who would coat themselves in flammable liquid and then set themselves on fire in the hopes of getting youtube views?
>not MPC
Who would make a crossover between Uncle Grandpa and Steven Universe?
>not VLC
It's "Rareza Jugable" a very old spanish youtuber, not very famous, but one of the first one in spain, all his fanbase went crazy, it started with a message in the personal facebook of this youtuber, it was suppose that his mother posted in his face about how he died in an car accident about 2 hours ago, and we didn't anything, at the next day he uploaded a video about how to make a good prank
Here's what I think this will all end up happening.
It's not technically coming back, but this is Warburton's way of showing CN that the reboot WILL have a decent following from not only old fans, but potential new fans as well.
This is really more of a test than a confirmed reboot.
I don't see how that's a problem if the threads are set up right
Mods don't like having two threads discussing the exact same thing and both up at the same time and neither one close to or past the bump limit
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Seriously we already have enough Shitposting as it is, we really don't need this to get any worse.
Even bringing you to fucking /v/ is better than doing it here.
Is this postgame or not? If so, you will want to have some Shroom Steaks (cook Ultra Shroom Shake).
I AM SO, SORRY. I HAD /v/ on another tab, and I posted this here by accident. Again, SORRY. Thanks for the help tho.
Whatever, namefag
I figured... what thread, by the way?
Go fish
>Numbuh 96 making another thread again just because he was made people called him out on hours retardation.

Dude let it fucking go

Let us Deny Reality, Evil Adult Moron
An imbecile
Lurk moar and browse the archive.
Can't wait.
New thread
This isn't a competition.

Are you jealous of Numbuh 96 so much you want everyone else to visit your thread instead? Fuck off.
You are retarded.
I am losing my shit laughing at you right now, dude.
You're only embarrassing yourself, resign from typing any further.
What do you want to happen in the new movie/series/whatever?

For me personally:
>362 joins Sector V to get Nigel back
>86 becomes temporary supreme leader
>Adults/teens work with kids to fight the GKND

And now time for TTGL!:
>362 gets pic related shades
>Father becomes Lord Genome
>Cree/Chad/DCFDTL becomes Viral
>4 becomes Dayakka and Kittan
>2 is a not gay leeron
>5 is a not shiteating Rossiu
>3 becomes Yoko
>Yggdrasil was the first KND treehouse
>It transforms into a mech.

Gotta post this in three separate threads. Fuck you, 96.
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forgot pic
>I love le tripfags Xd
Holy shit you posted this in all 3 threads. Stop spamming shit
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>tfw this is probably 96 shitposting to make himself look good by comparison
I'm on to your ruse, you silly goose.
We honestly need to do something about 96. Now not only do we have him shitting things up, we have his weird anti fan base shitposting like there's no tomorrow. How do we stop this?
You need to get off 4chan if you're this concerned about the quality of threads.
numbhu vine posted this a while ago, it says ''tonight''
This is a mess.
I think, even though Numbuh 96 is a tripcuck, this thread is a lot better than the other ones because it a actually has information
Is there a 24 hour CN/AS stream that we can keep watch on? For people who don't have cable
>inb4 it was all just a semi- elaborate April Fools joke
Hey everyone I made le noo threadxD


Make sure to post there and not here because I made it be4 anyone else could
>Meme threads get deleted
>Not 96 threads
Come on, there was already a thread up when he made this one.
You do realize that the "anti fan base shitposting" is probably still just 96 just not using his trip right?
Anyone know what channel or stream it's going to premire on?
Cartoon Network, duh. It will probably interrupt Adult Swim and declare war on adults, then re-run the pilot or something fun.

If they do a Kid Swim take over then they had better play POOL at some point
We don't know where or what anything is happening on.
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For Britbongs like myself, what time is this announcement going to be?

See >>70798405

About 6am I think
I love how, since there are links in the OP and this looks all official, people that don't bother to lurk or check the archives come here instead of the other thread. All the "April Fools" shitposting's in these threads, all the "what is this" posts are here. It's perfect. Thank you based 96
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! is the little little kids next dork shitfuck upset now that he cant post his ebin little thred full of amazing helpful and insightful links so he can get alto fo replies and posts and be recognized as "the kid who made that awesome knd thread"??? god i can just see you right now, fucking 11 years old, masturbating to all the porn of 2x4s and coming to /co/ to fucking post your stupid bullshit and put on your trip. by the way what the fuck kind of trip is that? why the fuck is your fucking name numbuh 96 you fucktard? is it 96 because 96 reversed is 69? god you're such a stupid immature elementary schooler. fucking asking the op of this thread to delete it so you can post one about the exact same topic only with a few links in it, and maybe some extra waifu bullshit. what the fuck is wrong with you you stupid piece of shit. im so fucking tired of you knd coming on here and putting your ebin trips and names on and looking at what topics /co/ likes to discuss and trying to make a thread based on that topic so you can go "oh look at me! i am not new! i fit in!" and puting on a tripcode and a name so everyone KNOWS you're the cool operative! you're the guy who fits in! hey everyone, isnt numbuh 96 just the most insightful, funniest faggot around? man! you sure are awesome man! seriously though, i have blocked about every tripfag and namefag i've seen so i can keep my shit purely anonymous. i HATE you knd. your fucking name and trip has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation AT ALL, and no one cares if you make a fucking thread about le ebin new knd show. no one cares. fuck you you attention whore shit. im so fucking done. im done with you and this post, consider yourself blocked, you shmuck. if i ever see you using another trip and name, and believe me ill know, ill dox your stupid ass and post it on hackforums and ddos you. punk.
>It will probably interrupt Adult Swim

I want a Max Headroom like incident, if it an interruption does occur.
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That's what the Numbah 4 Hello segment is
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So this guy, supposedly knows what´s happening today. Pretty much bullshit.
>This actually is an april fools prank
>The entire Adult Swim time is occupied by live action numbuh 4 advertising Harvard University
Yep, bullshit, because Vine said "Tonight".
Also, why Adult Swim? The KND combat adults.

Cartoon Network, at night

Kids Swim incoming
To take over.
Haven't you seen the KND pilot episode? They literally are fighting adult swim at the community pool.
Pretty clever, actually.
Right but why would the cable companies allow this? Isn't it like... I dunno intentionally lying; saying something is on when it isn't?
I'm pretty sure TV Guide and Rovi are perfectly okay with adult swim's april fool schedule shenanigans
I think you're thinking too far into this. Go back to when Adult Swim did that Toonami shit. The only people flipping shit were the 90's kids.
So just to be clear, it's happening midnight eastern standard time right?
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I like the idea of Adult Swim just playing a marathon of KND to coincide with a Galactic: KND announcement.
being a neet is suffering

I just don't know what to do with all this time
Believe so, chief.
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Who /hype/?
Did that drawfriend from a couple threads ago ever post the Kuki or Fanny pictures people gave him references for?
Play this while you wait.
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We could post some fanart. Blessed TKG on Pixiv has been just as excited for the new announcement as we have. We seem to just be recycling theories at this point.

Someone could also be kind enough to stream a few episodes.
Doesn't CN's website still have all the KND games from five squillion years ago?
Perceive it as this: G:KND can potentially still have a series made.

Mr. Warburton is an opportunist and advantageous, he is using the internet to broadcast that the fans old and new are and still have interest.

It wouldn't come as a surprise if there was a pilot episode made and have been schedule to air for a unbeknown time.
Is this game actually good? Or is it just another shovelware title?


Yes, the CN website still have the create a KND operative.
Everything's there, you'll have to visit the UK site for GRADUATES though.

By the way, has anyone ever beaten RAIL? I can never rescue more than two operatives before getting rekt.

someone pls dump pics of the show in kawaii Japanese style
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Because this was announced weeks in advance you fucking retard?
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I'm not dumping my entire folder, just enough to keep the thread alive.

What happened to the drawfag that was in yesterday's thread?
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Name of artist? His/her art looks neat.
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Most of the KND fanbase is in Japan. Good thing it doesn't take much to navigate through Pixiv anymore.
>Getting an earring

But that 3 and 5. UNF

5 has her hand down her shorts.
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Don't you put your hands down your shorts?
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Oh, it's down there alright.


>Numbah 5 will never be redubbed with Foxxy's lines
Why is she suddenly generic Latina now? Where's my chocolate?
Anyone gonna be streaming Adult Swim when the countdown ends tonight?
Fucking westaboos

Although luckily for me I have a TV relatively near my monitor
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I know that feel.
>Japan in charge of differentiating skin tones
At least their artwork is not a pain to watch unlike weebs.
What is happening on Adult Swim? They aren't gonna air a trailer for G:KND are they?
I don't know why that pixiv link ended up in my post oops.
We don't know, but something may or may not happen on either CN or AS tonight.
must've had it highlighted
3 had a better teen-looking haircut at the age of 10.
We literally have no idea what is going to happen tonight. It's why a lot of anons have been asking if there'll be an [AS] stream or not.
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Oh, alright. Well I guess I'll stay up and check just in case. Thanks!
...what's the text say?
someone should get a free trial of Sling and stream it somewhere
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I'm not too sure, I don't speak or read moon.
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Pic from numbuhone's tumblr with the subtitle:

A new age is coming.
They're whining about homework.
Thanks, that gives some context.
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Xeno lover!
8th age here we come
There's no way she would get skinny.

besides, she's an alien
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362 truly is the best waifu. Someone draw her as an old lady. Bet she'll be a qt then too.
>implying she isn't going for the asian cutsy stereotype
make a bunch of new threads for da lulz xD
Looks like Numbuh 3 and 4 in a cell

also yeah calling it tomorrow KND hijack Adult Swim and or CN
so kawaii
That would be so awesome...
She can still go with her canon hair. Honestly, she looks like a 50's cheerleader sluts with that haircut.
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Ginyu force rules.gif
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Best outcome if GKND becomes a thing

Sector V has to face off against kid Ginyu Force

Will post CN/AS stream for those watching
So what time does this countdown end in the EST?
Thanks, you're a cool dude.
Can you just fastforward to midnight? I gotta go to bed soon.
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This is already great but... Someone could provide a HD stream, right?

Please, a good anon give us a HD stream or at least widescreen.
Does the CN Official Livestream work for Adult Swim? Holy shit the sound on this stream is so bad
try adultswim.com or the Watch AS phone app
Are you referencing that one competitive TF2 match where KND and Ginyu Force faced off and KND won?
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Doesn't really matter to me. I'm a foreign. Can someone give a HD option that not need US providers?
We're not going to keep having 2 threads up at the same time right?
Shit, iunno. I'm watching both of these and the one on otherchan. Having two threads here is retarded.
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The one without the info in the OP was created because the stupid tripfag OP made his way in advance before the thread before it was at bump limit and the guy was being le ironic. Then when we were down to one thread again, the tripfag created this one anyway because he is actually an attention-whoring retard
Ok so when is the countdown counting down to exactly?
Don't forget the two other threads we had until a few hours ago, for sheer meminess
Yeah, I've seen Numbuh 96's autism a few times. They always make their new threads well before the old ones reach bump limits, so we have retarded things like this where people are between two threads.

Also faggoty tripfriends.
Don't forget the "when does the countdown end" and "what exactly's happening" kiddos.
I want that shit! I FUCKING WANT IT!
11:59 Central time
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>Don't forget the "when does the countdown end" and "what exactly's happening"
Literally both of those are in here right now
night is almost here

god please don't let this be a prank...
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That's the point
This shit lasted for weeks, that's way too dedicated for a joke that lasts one day.

They could be announcing it tomorrow to throw people off because they know it's April Fool's.

All we can do is Helpfully Offer Personal Expectations
I can maek another if u guize want cuz I don't want any1 2 make 1 be4 me
>implying this isn't Adult Swim's prank this year

You autists are fucking delusional.
Oh sweet dear lord don't let this be a prank! Seriously, grow the fuck up. You can't bear the fact that all your autism and early threads might have been for naught. Oh, how much of a retarded fuckhead you'd look like then, huh? What does it for you? Getting to "help" all the new anons that don't even bother to use the shitty links in your shitty OP? Does that get you hard? Yeah, you jerk that cock you faggot ass autistic cancer faggot. Yeah, I said faggot twice. What are you gonna do about it, post another early thread? I mean, you even went to lengths like acting like a you-hating turbo autist (which you are) without the trip just to make the non-autists look bad. I hope this is a prank, and if and when it is, I'm going to shitpost so loudly that you can't even hear your own cries emanating from your mouth as tears run down your cheeks. It's nothing less than what you deserve, you sick fatass handfucker.
Dude, we all know OP was a retard, but you can stop forcing this now
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He does it
>at 'Arvard
Wait, its in Central Time? Not Eastern?
While I don't want this to be a prank he is totally right about you you know
Oh, and then you explicitly stated that you were a NEET, so for the past several days, you have done nothing but eat, fap, and make these shitty n00b-bait threads. You seriously have no life outside of /co/, do you? I wish I could say that I feel sorry for you, but when someone shifts into oversperg like you've done, there's no saving them, and no amount of pity is gonna help. You should probably just kill yourself to make sure your aids don't spread to the other healthy anons here. Just die.
Yeah, wtf Now I gotta stay up til 1
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Gonna post some more pics. Don't mind me.
you're so kawaii~
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knd has the comfiest fanart
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Hey guys, I was messing with my computer's time to see if it affects the countdown in something. It seems that if you put in the 12AM the big rainbow monkeyface doesn't appear, and the buttom does a strange sound. It is me, or is it the website?
Thank Japan for limiting themselves.
Hold up. Doesn't Warburton live in California? Then this should be PST, not CST.
Bitch, I know I am, but your several-rolled ass certainly isn't.
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They sure look strange with actual eyes instead of dots.
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In all honesty, this episode pissed me off to an unimaginable level.
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Numbuh 430teen7, master of disguise!
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That's not how the internet works, m8.
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WHO HERE IS /ready/
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Dee Dee and Wally?
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I love the way 86 looks here. Perfect waifu material, unlike the one from the show. Also, there's probably a lot of upskirt going on down there

I forgot her numbuh, bit I remember her being a real qt3.14
How much till midnight? I'm not american.
I would also like to know,
Sonia and Lee. Or Numbuh 83 and 84.
About 5 hours if I'm not mistaken
4 more hours till EDT's midnight
Bout 5 more hours.
Five hours and 2 minutes till countdown ends.
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Can't you do basic math? It's like 8 now. 12-8=4 hours. noobs, I tell you hwat...
just turned 8 EST, 4 hours left. ([as] operates in the EST area)
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 105

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