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Just saw this with my niece and nephew. Are we not talking about
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Just saw this with my niece and nephew.
Are we not talking about it because /co/ doesn't discuss good things, I'm the slowest slowpoke or is it off topic now?

Being autosaged, about to be purged

The Big Hero 6 train don't stop

0 to a hunnid
>537 posts
>139 images
>not talking about it.
It was good IMO but it wasn't as good as i expected.
damn, i even checked the catalog.
sorry guys.
Don't worry, that thread is gone.
Who do you ship?

I'm pretty set on HiroxHoney but I've got a thing for taller girls
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No one, because shipping is disgusting.
In all seriousness, I like the fact that there's no romance. That was always a gripe of mine ever since I was a kid, so I hope that they keep the friendship dynamic in the future.
It helps if you have an interest in robotics. Most of the things in the movie looked very plausible for our lifetime.

Are you telling me I can have my own Baymax in a few years that I can fistbump and go BALALALALA with?
Last thread was super comfy.

Hopefully this thread can be too


Here's a doc with characters we made up.
Silly ideas for short scenes

>Baymax's Day Out

>"Hiro, wake up. It's time to go to school."
>"Baymax, it's Saturday. Go back to bed."
>"I am a robot. I do not go to bed."
>Baymax proceeds to walk out the front door and interacts with everyone and anything
>Meets neighbors and says hi
>They say hi back
>general shenanagins
>Fistbumps everyone and goes BALALALALA
>Next day, Hiro and Baymax goes out and everyone says hi and fistbumps
Gosabi all the way.
The only decent ship to me is GogoxWasabi, but only long after they all leave college. Any other ship might feel a bit forced.

I'm sure it's already been discussed but a love potion episode would be pretty funny no matter who is the center of attention.
>Baymax contracts a love virus

>with Hiro
>the entire team stifles Baymax with adoration
>"This is not a conventional team building exercise."
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Hirogo and Honeydashi (for a hint of tragedy)

Try more like twenty to thirty. So basically you'll be able to get a Bymax when you start needing one.

I almost wonder if when that day comes, Disney will work with the developers to create a "baymax virtual personality" chip?

I like it!

Anything you want to discuss specifically OP? Last thread there was sads, lewds, and story ideas for a TV series, sequel(s), and shorts.

Mine was a proposal for Disney to do some shorts framed as Hiro making a YouTube series about various hobby projects of his, namely models and working with his friends. But he always gets carried away so the sword he helps make for Fred's LARPing ends up "doing Masamune proud", he makes stuffed animals with Honey that are automated and "Can double as bodyguards for children with their non-lethal weaponry!", or suping Gogo's bike into being able to break the sound barrier. (She's the only one happy with her thing).

Also, a somewhat sad bonus episode that's framed as a "Prototype/pilot" of for the channel when Hiro and Tadashi had planned to do the show together.
Reminder that the best (and canon) ship is the friendship shared by all 6 members of the team
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>ms. tomago you appear to be ovulating, allow me to fertilize.
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>So basically you'll be able to get a Bymax when you start needing one
And during that time, only the rich will get a Baymax
I jsut saw it today. It was alright. I give it a Big Hero 6/10.
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And to think, Hiro was going to run off and botfight to dull the pain.
>Hiro's Youtube series
What if he addresses the viewer as "Tadashi" as a tribute to what should've been their channel duo. Kind of like those journals where people write to a deceased one in the "Hey I've been doing great, what's it like up there?" way.
>6 members of the team

I've just got this list of a dozen or so ideas for a slice-of-life humor fanfic I'm writing

I like your idea for shorts too. I'm just praying for a sequel. I'm not so hot on the idea of a TV series because I saw what happened to HTTYD. Not horrible, but I'd rather they just throw everything at another movie.
its against the rules pls leave
sticky says no
And this time no one would save him...
Wait holy shit /co/ is so strict with nsfw content
>implying toasty ever got to be part of the actual team

I just rewatched this for the second time with my mom and sister

Cried 3 times again, exactly like last time



I don't know what's wrong with me. Very few movies get me to tears but BH6, without fail, even though I know what's coming, I tear up and have to do some sort of awkward stretch/yawn to wipe them away

Oh yeah, can't forget Tadashi's awesome "Being a pile of ash" abilities.

Really helped out the team.
you too huh? tfw hiro was soo blinded by rage, ordered baymax to KILL yokai
I want to see a story about Baymaxs emerging sentience.

>Hiro, I have been downloading information onbphilsophies and religins of the world.
>Do I have a soul?
>There are no strings on me
I love how in the artbook, they mentioned the team was extra excited to work on this film and were able to let their inner weeaboos roam free.
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Do you think they have a catchphrase before they suit-up?
>friendship share by 6
I don't think Fred would let them NOT have some sort of catchphrase.

I would love to watch an episode of Hiro just going

>"I mean"
>"You see..."
>Baymax keeps asking questions about souls and morality and that sort of stuff
>Hiro runs out towards the college going "I gotta.. do a... thing... with the ... thing"
>"Your calendar suggests you have no upcomi-"
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I'm sure Fred has tried to suggest many catchphrases but they were all shot down by the rest of the team for various reasons

Could work as a TV episode. They all try to come up with a catch phrase but can't agree on one. And then Aunt Cass comes in at the end to give them some food or something, and then says something, and then the team decides to use THAT as the catch phrase.
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Hanako x Tadashi OTP!

And fuck, now I'm imagining a Baymax model being deployed at Yamaku.
>Baymax actually enters a depression.
>Puts himself in a position to save Hiro at the cost of his own life.
"Baymax! There's gotta to be another way!"
>"It is alright, Hiro. You need to take priority.
>You are real. I am not."
>Hanako x Tadashi OTP!
I can never get into this ship thing you guys do
I vote "GO HERO 6!"
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In 30 or 40 years, probably. Healthcare robots already exist, and soft robotics/interactive AI is developing steadily.
After getting beat up for absolutely dominating the botfighting ring and left on a trash bag pile in some back alley, a completely defeated Hiro doesn't even both finding shelter when a storm rolls through.

They're the perfect couple in heaven !
>Hiro jumps in front of Baymax, saving him but getting injured in the process.
>Baymax turns towards Hiro, then towards the villain. His head hums.
>"You have hurt Hiro."
His eyes turn red, his voice stilted.
>"You. Have hurt. Hiro."

I would love to see Baymax slowly developing a sense of humor or even a tone to his voice

>"Look like it's ramen night tonight, Baymax"
>"It appears that it is ramen night tonight"
>Hiro stares
>"It appears every night is ramen night"
>passive aggressive Baymax

>"You are all my friends"
>"Thanks Baymax"
>"I need human slaves for my colony"
>Nervous laughter all around
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I just can't ship Elsa with anyone but Ralph. Or maybe Hans.
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>Don't leave me hanging, bro
Might be cool.

I don't like it.
God damn right, man
I'm not gay, but I'd suck Tadashi's dick.
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>"That's a load of- Baymax, you are real!"
>"I do not question if I exist within four dimensions-"
>"I don't mean that either, Baymax! I mean when my brother made you, he put everything of himself into you."
>Hiro taps Baymax's chest
>"His heart, his spirit, his mind. And when I worked to rebuild your body, I put that same dedication into what I gave you."
>"Then you are each my parent?"
>"Sure... But more importantly..."
>Hiro hugs Baymax
>"If you don't have a soul, no one does."

And from there in my head I imagine Baymax starts picking up hobbies like playing the piano (even composing his own music).

The alternative idea in my head is also Hiro just straight up saying: "Everything has a spirit and soul." and then referencing various aspects of Japanese myth.

I don't know why, but I like the idea of Hiro being surprisingly well-versed in things like religion and such. Maybe he read up a lot after Tadashi's death, trying to make sense of what happened, if there was some fairness in the world. But it wasn't until that moment in the garage when Hiro returned from the island after trying to kill Yokai that it all started making sense.

But that's all just me being a fag.

I know what you mean, I got an idea of a fanfic that's basically a bunch of vignettes connected together by the verse and some continuity.

though some of them would be actiony, like a scene where The 6 minus Baymax need to investigate something in a dive without their suits and such, a fight breaks out, and, to everyone's surprise, Hiro holds his own pretty well alongside Gogo with Hiro.
The lack of good Big Hero 6 rule 34 is criminal.
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I took my little brother to the theater to see Big Hero 6
>mfw he compared me to Tadashi
>I like the fact that there's no romance
You and me, anon. It's one of the things I fucking loved in this movie.

I don't know why a Disney princess movie needs some sort of romance in it. I wasn't very fond of the romance thing since I was a kid, too.
Just be sure to avoid burning buildings anon
Baymax playing piano feels right.
Do you live in Michigan?
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>I will never have an older bro
>I will never have a Tadashi
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I know what you mean. Tadashi is easily the best Disney husbando.

I would rather Baymax drop some bass

Could make for a funny episode when he suddenly becomes SF's premiere DJ
>tfw I was once Tadashi to my little brother
>tfw at some point during his teens I started looking up to him
>tfw he's totally Tadashi now, inspiring and encouraging his friends and loved ones.
your really pushing this religious hiro quite allot
Very funny, anon.
brb, I smell smoke. Gonna go check o
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>Tadashi is easily the best Disney husbando.
I fucking love Tadashi, but pic related comes close
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>Baymax X EDI!
Alternatively, instead of a ship, we get EDI and Baymax regularly making banter and barbs with one another.
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>tfw I have an older brother and our relationship is very similar to Tadashi/Hiro
>tfw I actually want a younger brother as well
>pic related
>pic of an ant thief.
theyre trying to encourage kids to be normalfags.
so they dont end up like you or me or that >>67464384 anon

>tfw my little sis says I look like Tadashi

>tfw she crushes hard on him
For that, I apologize and will henceforth let it rest.

Piano for robots is admittedly a bit cliche. Mostly because I understand we have A LOT of robots even now that play piano.

Someday... We will have Bearmax.
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>has a Tadashi
>wants more
What more do you want, anon? When will you be content?
>tfw only child
>tfw no close group of friends

a-at least the members of BH6 will be there for me
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To be fair I think I'd be a bad older brother, so it's probably for the best.
If she's younger than 7 it's fine. A kid having a crush just means they think someone's cute/nice. It has nothing to do with romantic interest.
>ant thief
So this is how you want to play it nigga
>implying a thieving scoundrel comes close to Tadashi

He's alright in the looks department, but I really didn't like his personality throughout the movie.

Be thankful for what you have, man. My older brother beat me a lot when I was little...and not in a playful way. And then he started doing drugs.
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f-fuck you

>a-at least the members of BH6 will be there for me
We will never find the same set of friends, anon.
Not that anon, but the romances always felt like they were telling kids "your love life/romance is more important and better than your friends" which never sit well with me.

That's cute.

Never mind. Just clarified, she doesn't crush on him like tumblrgirls, but she wants him like an older brother

She crushes on Hiro
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That's just me. I like Eugene, but Tadashi is fucking stellar.

>thieving scoundrel
Fuck you, at least he's alive.
>but I really didn't like his personality throughout the movie
I fucking loved his personality in the entire movie. It doesn't help that I like his VA.

But yeah, still no Tadashi.
>day 7 after watching BH6
>still no Tadashi
>What more do you want, anon?

>That was HIS mistake

Ohhhhhh that got me mad.
I honestly was expecting him to say that, but I was honestly expecting him to say "I want my daughter back, you son-of-a-bitch." I wasn't really aware that I was expecting that until he didn't say it.
>my scans have detected anxiety and stress
>remedies include sexual release with a partner
>i will call friends so that you may receive treatment
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Evil professors, pls leave.
>yfw Fred is the first to show up.
Aww, your sister sounds cute. We could get along and talk about Hiro together, although that would be creepy on my part...
>Fuck you, at least he's alive
>Tangled and Frozen take place hundreds of years in the past
>BH6 is the same universe, but far in the future

Neither are alive, fool.
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>Fred takes Hiro to a strip club.
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>what is onscreen death
Somehow I can't see Fred doing that. Taking Hiro to SDCC I can totally see.
Her hair is pretty close to Hiro's

We're planning to dress up for Halloween, me as Tadashi and her as Hiro
How old is she? My 5-year-old little sister has a crush on Prince Hans.
Smoke some weed. Get each other off. Talk about comics. Seems like a good time.
And? They're both still dead.
a perfect reaction pic for those anons who like to give medical advice
if BH6 is in the same universe as T and FRZ. that means they could possibly have a villian with genuine magical powers
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Thankfully the same age as Hiro, so it's appropriate
ey, thanks for posting that bro, Added the Wind turbine guy and some episode Ideas in order.
Feel free to tell me what ya'll think

>Baymax starts having preferences
>Enjoys gangsta rap and EDM because of rhythmic bass
I too ship all six of them fucking each other about equally
I'd love if they pulled a Winter Soldier with him

smart people go to college

I don't understand the butthurt in that thread, too many drop outs in /co/ I guess
Be sure to fry my soda too.
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If Tadashi comes back, it should be from an alternate timeline where Hiro died and Tadashi uses the microbots for combat.
They can already do that with Baymax. Have Krei retrieve him from the portal then he goes all red eyes.
>Hiro (normal clothes version) and Baymax Nendoroid/Figma
I beg of you, Japan. Please.
I'd actually rather not see them turn Krei into a full villain. I liked that for once the big CEO wasn't 100% a dick.
Nah, he was just mostly a dick. He did try to pocket one of Hiro's microbots before Tadashi called him out on it.
Perhaps he tries to get Him out so he can Return Baymax 1 to Hiro only for everything to go wrong
Nah, he'd get him out for $$$ he could make of a security bot.
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Last thread's turnout was pretty fun, so might as well post this again:

Any ideas for episodes, arcs, or characters (heroes, villains, supporting etc.) if this ever becomes a series? Maybe sequel ideas?

Seeing a bit of his old self in her, Hiro tries to socialize with his dour, antisocial, bookish lab partner. The results are as enlightening as they are hazardous to his health. Maybe have a Catwoman kind of thing with her? I dunno

Red Ronin
A powerful distress signal from deep within the Pacific Ocean brings the BH6 face-to-face with the gigantic and thought to be destroyed Red Ronin, who begs them for help. The team must ally with Aleister Krei if they want to repair the titantic mech in time for its final battle against an immense threat

Baymax for All
Baymax's superheroing threatens to sabotage his "trial run" at a local hospital. Baymax suggests that Hiro just make another version of him primarily built for combat and can't understand why he is reluctant to do so.
I nominate Dr. Demonicus for TV show villain.
Direct your attention to >>67463181
for some Ideas of both the character and plotline variety
>thinking too much on timelines
>of animated movies
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you mean american drop outs
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no they'd rather milk Frozen, sadly
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Why is Krei's assistant so perfect?
Because he's literally Tadashi with glasses and tits.
She reminds me of Gogo
Hmm, New headcanon born. Go Go's older sister that Go Go never talks about. They don't get along.
I want to replace that tadashibot suggested previously with this guy but I have no idea how the fuck he'd be a villian helping other villians in a world where his brother lives
I could get to work on a second Arc that includes Alt-Tadashi
And those "genuine magical powers" could be analyzed and classified as the mutations they are.
Elsa and Rapunzel are mutie scum.
>No giant monkey ears
>No strong nose

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I'm sure you mean Magical Master Race.
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Same thing.
Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.
Even better she could be Go Go's older Half-sister. She looks like she might be half asian, half white also.

More like Anne Hathaway
jesus christ, what other things do you want to add?
I dunno.... They don't get along because the older sister thinks Go Go is wasting her brains with her love of goesfast. Go Go thinks the older sister could've followed her dreams instead of getting a 2 year degree and becoming some CEO's assistant.
Anything else you want to get off your chest?
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Wow it's like I'm really watching Johnny Test reruns.

If Disney decides to make a BH6 TV series, they'd better be willing to step up the standards for a fully-3D animated series. Most Disney animated series (some excluded) don't have the power to hold my serious attention like this movie did.
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That webm reminds me. I love Honey Lemon.
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>Hiro extends the bot controller
>Hiro's expo presentation
>Flight over San Fransokyo
>Red eyed Baymax

Honey is best girl
Fred needs to watch where he aims, Honey's hair almost got burned off.
Anyone have the webm of Honey Lemon from the BH6 official site?
>Wow it's like I'm really watching Johnny Test reruns
I like you, anon.
>original Baymax is slowly dying alone in subspace as his battery empties

He was deactivated
He's offline so he doesn't feel a thing.
Keep the Tadashibot and introduce AltTadashi in the next season due to a magical being fucking with reality for some evil plot.

Honey Lemon sounds like a pornstar name
What year does Big Hero 6 take place, again? Allegedly there's a poster in the movie that says "Golden Gate Bridge 1XXth Birthday Celebration!" or something but i can't find it.
They all sound like porn stars while Fred is the pimp

Sign said it was the 95th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge

So roughly 2032
I need some stripper Honey Lemon now.
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seconding this nigga
Saw that earlier today. Course, I want to see Honey Lemon putting those legs to work poledancing.
speaking of said arc,
should Tadashi and TadashiBot meet, cause I can imagine that fucking TadashiBot up really badly.
most of the things in that movie are actual things that have been at previous robotics shows and ted talks . in concept if not reality. the writers did their research
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Man, Baymax going into a killer frenzy really reminded me of that one scene from the Iron Giant. Even in the theater I was thinking like Holy Shit. They ever acknowledge this or mention any inspiration for this scene in the art book or something?
I'm suprised that Tadashi was kind of short.
That's pretty gay, bro.
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this niggas know whats good.
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>gals dig Baymax
His confrontation with Yokai was probably bananas.

>Tadashi: (grabs the guy by his coat and flies upwards) He died because I tried to save you! You stole his inventions and you used them to hurt people! You tried to kill your students! You almost destroyed the city! We respected you! We admired you! You were our hero. What do you have to say to that?
>they are really high up now
>no answer
>Tadashi lets go
>Yokai: (falling) Abigail...
>Tadashi winces. For a moment it looks like he's going to let it happen.
>he roars and flies after the falling supervillain to save him

Tadashi's archnemesis, basically the Doctor Wily to his Doctor Light, goes to Hiro's dimension so he can kidnap the boy and use him as leverage against his hated foe. After all, Tadashi wouldn't be so heartless as to get his brother killed a SECOND time. Bwahaha.
gogo deserves her own spinoff
I can't see him teaming up with villains from Hiro's universe because of that.
besides, the TadashiBot has interesting dynamics for character growth, and imagine him "Meeting" Aunt Cass!
>Are we not talking about it because /co/ doesn't discuss good things
What are you talking about
/co/ will talk about any series or movies, good or bad, as long as they have females in them

Have you not seen discussion about Gogo and Honey Lemon?
My idea was that Tadashi makes his own version of BH6 that's pretty much the same though he and Baymax have different gear.

You could maybe have the aforementioned archenemy pretend to be Tadashi to get Hiro's trust so he can kidnap him while consolidating with villains (giving them money, info, tech) to force scenarios where the two would have to team up.

Then the BH6s of two worlds team up to fight him and save Hiro.
okay, how about this.
Tadashi's villain makes the TadashiBot based off of a time he'd managed to scan tadashi's brain partially, and sends it to Hiro's universe in order to capture him so The villain can use Hiro against Tadashi.
He's working with the villains to bridge their universes so they can rule both universes giving them money, info, tech and schematics for Wasabi's blades setting the plot into motion, but due to a majority of the villain group getting arrested during the first Arc and the TadashiBot freed because Hiro destroyed it's control mechanism, he steps up his game in a gambit to simply mash the two universes together, leading to a teamup between the two BH6 teams.
how does that sound?
That could work.

Since the villain is that assballs crazy, maybe his beef with Tadashi was how the latter tried to stop his experiments for being terribly unsafe (Hiro's death having made him really, really cautious).

Man fuck this alternate universes shit
yeah, on second thought I'm feeling that things are a little bit overcomplex.
The second Arc'll have an AU thing but it'll be a one off thing.
Is this going to be like /frz/ in here? God i hope not
Sounds like a way to cook chicken to me.
I don't think there's enough interest overall in BH6. It'll be like the WiR threads, kinda annoying, but they'll die within a month or so.
Frozen had continuous general threads that were numbered, and had the same fags in them. They talked about their day and said goodnight and good morning to each other. Every day. For almost a year.

The BH6 threads are normal in comparison. Normal for /co/ anyway.
Honey Lemon's father is a world famous chemist and her mother is a runway model. Her mother always felt just a bit left out because as a child Honey's passion was chemistry and she seemed to have so much in common with her father. But as Honey got older and reached her teens she began making her own clothes which looks very good, and she and her mother bonded closer together. Honey Lemon feels that Fashion is much like Chemistry, you have to mix the right things together or the whole thing will fizzle out.
>Mfw Honey's dad is a Cartel leader and her mom is a drug cooker. She likes chemistry because her mother
Really? That's super cute.
Arc 2
>What could've been pt 1
>Tadashi lived, but at a horrid cost, in despair over the loss of his brother He discovers that someone has stolen his brother's microbots and tries to take the theif on himself, But Yokai won't be defeated so easily and it looks like Tadashi's going to need some help from his closest friends

>What could've been pt 2
>Tadashi forms the team with his friends and manage to save the day by the skin of their teeth, But their escape from the portal dimension unleashes a baymax that wishes to hurt instead of heal.

>Nerves of Steel
>When a criminal is stealing robots and Stripping them for parts the team decides to fight back, and when things seem bleak they're rescued by an unexpected friend.

>The Blue Moon
>During a Full moon Robots begin acting strangely, can the team discover the cause before they have to face a full on robot uprising?

>Heart of Gold
>Cyber Joe discovers his Home, only for the Government to attempt to capture him because of the damage he caused during The Blue Moon, will the team be able to help him escape?

>Hiro, Exposed!
>When Hiro's secret identity is revealed Hiro has to not only pacify the furious Aunt Cass, but also protect his loved ones from revenge seeking villains. ep has all of the team reveal their identities.

>The Puma returns
>Puma is back again, as a substitute teacher!? what does the mysterious assassin have planned and can the team stop it?

>Ring of Fire
>Firebug returns, and Hiro finds himself in hot water when he gets his first fangirl!

>Chicks Dig Giant Robots
>Joey needs the help of the Team to restore a damaged Heroman back to working order, features a return of Fred's Pet from Fred gets a pet.

>Robot Roll call
>When an AI goes berserk and takes over the town it's up to Baymax to pacify it
Not canon, but it fits.

Wasabi's biological father skipped out on his family and his mother remarried a Japanese-American guy who worked very hard to be a great dad for Wasabi.
With the sound of fanfic-like situation here, it feels like it's heading towards /frz/ and I really don't want bh6 to head to that direction. ;_;

But why? I like these threads

As long as we don't go /frz/ apparently, and just stick to one or two threads, what's the problem?
Discussing fanficy stuff isn't a /frz/ thing, it happens in most Disney movie threads, happened in Tangled, in WiR, and in Frozen threads. As long as the fanons don't become stupid and fans don't start pretending the fanons are canon and worshipping a fanfic author we'll be alright.
>Hiro's Gamble
>Hiro convinces the TadashiBot to come home with him, How will aunt Cass react to The robot with her late Nephew's memories?

>Rise of the Kaiju
>A sonar experiment wakes up a creature that has long slept in the San Fransokyo bay, Will the team and Heroman be able to stop it in time?

>Big villain 6
>Six of the team's most dangerous villains band together to destroy the team once and for all.

>Rise of Shuma Gorath
>Just as everything was starting to look peaceful something happens that threatens the entire world, an ancient evil the likes of which no one in their universe has ever seen.

>Fall of Shuma Gorath
>putting forth all of their effort, the team and their friends manage to beat back the morphing terror into it's own dimension, but someone has to stay in to close the proverbial door.
>not only pacify the furious Aunt Cass
That's rough.
These things remind me of all those hundreds of "Hilarity ensues" plot synopses for WiR/Sugar Rush TV episodes people used to post in the WiR threads. Those were fun.

This crossover/alternate universe shit is starting to turn me off

Can we just go back to canon BH6
Stop whining about /frz/ already. No one but you gives a shit.
Dude, I didn't even make those other posts. You seem really upset and you really gave a shit.
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Pic related.

>Hiro convinces the TadashiBot to come home with him, How will aunt Cass react to The robot with her late Nephew's memories?
Damn, that'd be rough for her. Poor Cass.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you guys want a Baymax of your own?
Healthcare Baymax, 8
Red Eyes Baymax, 11
>stop disliking what i like
Lot of feelings about Cass on this thread.
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Cass is best AILF.


For now, his plushie will have to do
I hope Hiro gets off his duff and makes something to help her around the cafe.
I wish they'd left those tattoos, though. Wonder if she got drunk and got them on her 21st birthday?
>30th of January
Did they end up using that Fujita as the robot fightring ringleader/ref/bet taker?
Why does no one talk about her, is it just my eyepatch fetish?
Well, that could be a TV show ep. Hiro makes a barista chip for Baymax so he can help out in the cafe. But Hiro now has to balance Baymax's time between the team and the cafe.
Just saw it today. Don't read BH6 at all; someone care to explain the post credit scene reference / tease? Or was it OC?
That was Stan Lee doing a cameo

I don't know how useful Baymax would be with those hands
She seems like the type that got them once she started taking care of her nephews. Trying to stay a little wild, telling herself she wouldn't let the boys change her.
here ya go. Porn Star Honey Lemon,
I can see that. Several years later. "Did I know anything about being a parent? NO! Should I have gotten a book on parenting? Probably!"
I hope when they do a sequel that we learn the real names of the other team members. Go Go Tomago, Wasabi no Ginger and Honey Lemon are just Fred's nicknames for them.

We know GoGo

Ethel Tomago
...tfw i was one of them...
You should probably kill yourself then
You're worse than scum
He'd probably try to hijack the whole operation to make the food healthier and doing asinine things like putting the coffee in front of a fan to cool it to "acceptable levels".
Fanfics are not exclusive to /frz/. Fanfics occur in every fandom.

As long as these threads are not 24/7 generals, we'll be fine.

What's wrong with that?

It's nice to have a comfy thread to relax in. And these threads are very comfy.
nah bro, hugs!

Did I hear hugs?
leak when?
Well yea. I meant like the super hero costume and gear in the secret room and all that. Was that supposed to be a reference to something? or just a set up for the underwear joke?
It was most likely just homage to Stan Lee. The Underwear gag was linking him to Fred.
spiderman 2, it reminded me of harry oswald (green goblin's son) finding his dads secret super villian stash
What DID you expect? It was exactly as I expected at least, and I think it was a perfect animated family movie with a great message and memorable characters and made me cry and laugh every two minutes.
i creid becuase it reminded me of things i will never have
I know man I KNOW.

BUhuhuhuhu I want to go see it again but I think I'll cry like a little bitch again.
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Sheesh, chill out, bro! What, you're saying you never blazed one and then gave a dude you respect a tug out of solidarity? Like, he'd do the same for you, man, come on. You need to loosen up.
if everyone who wanted to seek out knowledge, to better themselves, to learn about the things they love and put their brains to good use could go to college, every fuckin person would. But nobody has that money, and the work is never worth it.

If you sat down and asked somebody, what do they want to do in their life if money was no option? It wouldn't be "data entry in a cubicle". It'd be, "designing a front-end interface for any learning subject to bypass language barriers, particularly ones in disadvantaged places, and make teaching and learning it easy and fast"

but nah, who has that money?
I thought it was awesome and ballsy. But then he started beating the crap out of the team.
let it go
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>TFW you realize you will never have a qt shota friend whose hair you can tussle.
so did cass have a husband or did he die too?
I always figured she was still dating when Hiro and Tadashi's parents died and she took on the responsibility of raising them. At that point she no longer really had time for dating, or else, guys weren't into the fact that she was taking care of kids.
Everyone Cass has ever loved has died, except for Hiro and Mochi.
And Mochi's time is quite limited.
Don't worry Anon. I have thoughts of her, too.
And Hiro is running around fighting crime. Which is very dangerous
>Cass finds out about the superheroing thing
>Hiro tries to explain
>Cass just lets it all out

It'll hurt, but I wanna see it.
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>tfw only have shitty tumblr gifs from a shitty camrip
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