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The Amazing World Of Gumball (TAWOG)
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Thread replies: 181
Thread images: 48
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Last thread this week to squeeze out the talk on 2 new great episodes that just premiered.
Old thread

The Mirror download link:

The Man download link:

Still no word with next week's episodes so keep an eye out for updates.
And here I thought the mirror was going to be about Darwin hooking up with Carrie.
Hoping Penny's design gets tweeked for season 4, maybe some actual hand and feet and proportions more like her shelled body.

> Gumball: "Well... you like different."
> Penny: "I've been trying out some things, you like?"
At least fucking a ghost is canon.
That would've been a nice subplot, I guess we'll just have to wait and see if they actually do somethin' with their relationship either that or Rachel
>Checks CN's next Thursday schedule
>No new Gumball on the 6th
what was wrong with this and why was it deleted?

proof? got a link to next week's schedule? I wondered why they didn't air the "new thursday" promo after RS this week. maybe its because they are promoting Into The Garden and it will take over Gammblor's spot for the week?
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I can understand their logic. Nicole offers a bigger game board.
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>medusa Penny
>Got a link?

NOV. 6th
>mirror download
Thought you meant like the first dl link was broken or something
Looks more like an average kawaii monster girl then Penny.
is that the joke?
Just as I suspected. Into The Garden took over Gumball's slot for this week (it will be gone next week since its only a miniseries) and then Gumball will probably return then with new episodes. It might also be to let the UK airings (I think theirs air 1-2 weeks after they premiere in the US) to catch up.
what is up with the grammar? holy fuck
westaboo's dont speak english
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>Gumball doesn't like rare meat
this artist is russian, hence broken english
>Grammar Nazi
Yeah, I'm one too
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tfw i am german on top
He lives in Ukraine so it's far more likely that he's Ukrainian with some grasp of Russian.
>Penny invites Gumball to the Fitzgerald Family Reunion
>they serve burgers
>Gumball asks for his well done
>Mr. Fitzgerald asks him politely, but firmly to leave
>the rest of the episode revolves around Gumball trying to sneak back in
His name isn't Ben Briquet for nothing
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Even tumblr is dead as far as fanart goes for this show. Sometimes all it takes is one person to start a spurt of competitive artfaggotry or just a simple theme in a show to get the creative juices flowing, but right now the fandom is dead quiet. Doesn't help that drawfags are so fucking flighty and transient, moving from one short term interest to another.
TAWOG doesn't try nearly as hard as other CN shows to appeal to tumblr.
None of them try, they just either appeal to it or not, Steven Universe has female characters so tumblr falls all over it, TAWOG is solid gold but tumblr can't be helped to care too much about something they can't project themselves onto.
>kindly but firmly ask them to leave
why is he asking him to leave just because he asked for a well done burger

makes no sense
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let me do a little dance first.webm
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Missed a couple requests from last thread
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he could be back any minute.webm
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The scene where Vlad arises as a ghost and hugs Carrie.
>tfw request this
thank you based webm anon
>Penny thinks Gumball said that she is fat
>Everyone mad at Gumball
>Gumball said he lost his friends and girlfriend

So that's it? She's dumping Gumball? It is the end now?
>your spoiler
added. need to keep a .txt file documenting all the good ones.

Ben Barbequesauce
Zyklon Ben
Ben Bartlett
Ben Babaganoush
Ben Booklet
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>you got the reference

well done, /co/mrade!
Probably not, could've just been a gag.
Within show?

Still no, he'd said that last time when it most certainly wasn't the case and she needed some space. It's one off gag.
More like they're mad at him, not necesarily losing them
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I know.. But it's kinda cruel for losing something you got that you want for with the plus.. Even if it just a gag (because I ever experienced the same problems, dunno why.. Kinda hurts..)
it's alright anon, I lost someone too; just a year ago actually.
I try to get over it but sometimes it just hits me...
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anybody draw granny jojo yet?
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What's wrong with these eyes
>Tobias in the background
Why are they so cute?
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Sexy 10 10 Darwin.gif
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I'm home and drunk and found this.
10/10 thank you for filling up the request.
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Teri's shapeshifting powers could rival Penny's. She can draw anything and it becomes practical.
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oh no.gif
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i shouldn't be getting hard but i am

You know there is a different between rare and medium rare, right?

I'm surprised though, he is a cat.

I don't know why but this felt really dark. Or... real? It's absurd of course, but I guess it's a bit unusual to see a slapstick cartoon use the "He just went out for cigarettes" thing.
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But Hank likes his hamburgers "medium rare, 3 flips" according to the episode when his dad dies and Bobby is trying to ask Hank questions based on the fact that Hank had unanswered questions for Cotton but it was too late at that point. Bobby asks how he likes his burgers, then Hank says "medium rare, 3 flips"

Also, its strange because cats love all meat so why would they discriminate on the cooking of the meat? Makes no sense.
Dark Comedy
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O-oh my

Half this thread is the terifag dumping smut, fuck that

Saged, reported, called the cops, notified the FBI, NSA and Israel, got tumblr to make a victimized pronoun and told /pol/ about your agenda
At least you didn't tell ISIS
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Eh, discussion was slow as fuck this week, the episodes were good, but I guess not what people were expecting.

At least we're better that the ones from AT and RS though.
>discussion was slow as fuck

That's because of that one fag starting threads and then deleting him halfway through. He was bragging about it over at that other chan.
Except when it comes to grammar, it seems.
But you can't delete threads beyond a certain point now.
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That shit was happening again? Jesus Christ that autistic fuck from a year ago is back.

Everyone should know better than to post in non-talkback threads

OPs cant bump. There was a reason we have always tried to contain the threads and why we wanted to stop the image dump.
except op can't delete the thread beyond a certain point anymore, I think after 5-10 minutes or so.
You're probably the faggot that's doing it

Who else did you think was dumping the same fanart all the time? Exact same modus operandi. He will not accept threads that dont go exactly the way he wants.
He'd do it after only a few posts, but yeah it killed the conversations dead.
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Well it wasn't the image dump threads then because those would go on for an hour or two.

They can. There is a window of time for it.
yeah, after ten mintues, the image dump threads were going for hours as they slowly died
But oh no, the ones that tried that were seen as autistic police in charge of killing fun.

God dammit people we are a small bunch, an easy target for shitposters and faggots alike, that's why us old fags believe in the one-thread rule that so far has worked like a charm, hell a few weeks ago we had the highest numbers of drawfags I've seen since the first season, simply because everyone that truly wants to discuss the show get together and actually does, instead of the little pockets here and there generated by random threads, that ultimately exhaust discussion too quickly.

No one can enforce it sure, but come on, we all love Gumball, and that's the best way to ensure awesome threads.
Speak for yourself. I'm an old fag and think that people should be able to talk about Gumball whenever the fuck they want.

Some of the best threads are in the middle of the week.
yeah, five to ten minutes, like I said.

> I'm an Old Fag, I've been here since Season 2

I don't know what drama went on, but /co/ is hardly the standard bearer and since tumblr and all the other internet hot spots were dead for TAWOG as well, I think it points to a larger cooling off trend then some petty thread faggotry.

I've seen it happen time and time again with Adventure Time. Something happens in the show to change the status quo, everyone gets excited, tons of new content, then the cooling off period where people proceed to do nothing but bitch, if anything at all.

Doesn't help that TAWOG doesn't seem to attract the female crowd like AT used to, alot of good ambient drawfag momentum in the fangirl demographic.
Why do you care about the genders of the drawfags?

That's kinda creepy.
He's right though, female drawfags tent to be more creative that their male counterparts, sure a bit too much on the romance/crossover/autistic side, but their works are overall more fun.

Also surprisingly enough they also tend to be less bitchy, God dammit if it is a pain having to endure a fucking guy complaining about lack of inspiration, depression, and unhappiness with his style.
It's not a matter of caring, I was merely making an observation. It was simply noting the different demographics and the amount of momentum they bring to a fandom at any given point in time. Like it or not the tumblr crowd gives alot of fuel to internet fandoms and fanart, being a snowball effect, thrives on the more drawfags there are.

Many of our mainstay drawfags have either moved on, are on art hiatus or don't put out enough content to fuel a self-sustaining draw-fandom. Many lurker drawfags need to be inspired or challenged to produce and if there isn't enough new content to achieve this then it's like an engine without enough of a spark to start the ignition.


> That's kind of creepy

Are you 12?
>are you twelve?

Says the guy with creepy hangups over girl drawfags
>alot of the newer drawfag content that is coming out is too lewd

I'm actually surprised at how little lewd fanart there is of unshelled Penny.
It makes more sense than "ZOMG phantom troll is back to hax0rz our threds!"

How is noting different trends in different types of drawfags a hangup or creepy? Explain this to me with your limited critical thinking skills.
> if anyone post the same image in more than one thread people scream "image dump"

That's clearly the work of the one autist who wants to kill the threads. Probably the same faggot who kept spamming those pics of the guy from Rush way back when.

Male artists are only insecure fuckasses when it comes to cartoons and 'expressive' art

You wont find hemorraging vaginas like this among say, industrial illustrators and trained storyboarders. The word 'art' alone makes guys behave in a very inmature way.

Girls seem to avoid getting emotionally invested in drawing for some reason. I have no idea. Maybe they just have proper outlets that males lack.
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You're just throwing anything that sounds remotely coherent together at this point aren't you?
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The fuck is wrong with you, you're doing more damage than him with all this "let's get our tourches and kill the monster" meta bullshit than any alleged thread killing troll ever did.

Probably wasn't even one guy, just a bunch of coincidental dumb ass incidents that you wove together in your mind into some masterful conspiracy.
This... this is surprisingly true, I've never thought about it this way before...
Mm, nah, professional artists are constantly upset with their own work. Pretty much anybody who matters is unhappy.
Girl artists constantly have hundreds of "fans" telling them how great they are and how loved their work is.

it's just men trying to get in their pants. It's exactly the same people who obsess over the genders of drawfags.
I think it's because the design is so inherently non-condusive to sex appeal, but honestly as a shapeshifter changeling you'd think this would be the perfect challenge for any artist, but outside of some creepy furry vore stuff, no one's really touched it.
Yeah I would have thought artists would have jumped all over that regardless of form, just for the shipping.
That's not really true.

Male artists get the same amount of unconditional praise on most sites that enable such commenting and though female drawfags may get a little extra attention (allegedly) it really doesn't make that big a difference.

I think you're just projecting too much onto the argument and trying to turn this into a "hurrr, gurls have it so easy!"
It's fun to watch gumball fans sling shit at each other.
>girls are always better and I value their presence much more than male drawfags
>it's not like male drawfags get any less unconditional praise though

pick one
>It's fun to watch anons sling shit at each other
>It's fun to sling shit at each other
Especially gumball fans. Because they do it a lot.
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Nice Strawman there.

Evidently there's not anything else to talk about.
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So comics anyone?
>It's fun to sling shit
All fandoms on /co/ do it alot, if anytime something doesn't go the way someone expects it to then obviously someone else must be to blame. Insert some loveshy tumblrphobic aspies, console war level brand loyalty and arguing for the sake of arguing you pretty much have any thread on /co/
> It's Fun
> to shit
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I don't know what I was expecting
Man talk about wasted potential on those, such great art used on at best mediocre writing and characterization...

I still have hopes that whoever's in charge will look up to what season 2 did to incorporate it to the comics, the artwork itself deserves it.
>Give it all you got
For you, /co/.

where did this anon go they drew such a cute sarah
He needs the professional kebab removal hat.

There is a history of unpleasant people with axes to grind against /co/ in this fanbase though. From the guy that got banned for saving all the fanart and filling up any and all threads to the point a drawfag quit drawing because of it and then tried to organize a raid on tumblr, to the steve howe guy posting his retarded lewd greentexts and forced memes, to the guy who got anal devastated and started impersonating tripfags and namefags and shitting up threads all on his own, to the trap and fat fetish shitposters, to the autistic shitposters all the way back in S1 like Cyrus who harassed the creators on twitter, etc.

This fandom has had it all. Mostly ex-ponyfags being scummy as usual.
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We slav now?

Daily reminder that Nicole and Gumball are Russian blue cats and probably descendant from immigrants
>probably descendant from immigrants

Of course they are, every american is a descendant of one, your country really is the best example of a melting pot of cultures.

But Elmore is part of cowpokeland, not America.
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12 years a slav.png
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I find it fascinating how wrong /co/ was about The Man. We had seen a number of storyboards from the episode and it was generally believed that the episode would have involved Granny JoJo wishing Richard and Nicole never met. People assumed it was the time travel episode that's been hinted about.

the show makes an habit of naming it's episodes in the most inconsequential and vague way possible, trying to guess what the hell they're going to be about is like, half the fun of following the show.
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He's the Gumball we all deserve
Anyone have the link for the thread before >>66808919?
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Would you a Tina?
Richard being taken by his new dad for icecream
We need more Tina fanart.

search the archive
And Molly.
>Taking away the saggy cleavage.
>frustrated by off-model art
Are you me?
Just type in The Amazing World Of Gumball (TAWOG) on the archive's subject line.
I want pics of Tina doing girlish things. Maybe with Molly.
How about violently mauling her to prehistoric orgasm
I was thinking along the lines of putting on makeup in the girls room or playing with dolls, but hardcore lesbian sex would be fine too.
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Good to know there are other that prefer innocent stuff over smut, don't get me wrong I love the latter, but the former is just... Cute.
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here's a pic of a T-rex riding a speeder.

reverse-search it

>reverse-search it

All I'm getting is some kind of lizard porn site
actually I prefer the smut, it's just not necessarily super girly
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Maybe yuropoors will have better luck coming up with nice discussions, so yeah, a pic for them.
>Gumball says damnation
So what will Cartoon Network censor that with in subsequent airings?
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finally a good excuse to post this shit I've made
I didn't know CN gave a shit about that kind of stuff.
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I actually love the art style of this show.
They censored the shock collar scene, they're bound to do something with this.
shock collar?

Early season Regular Show loved to take the piss out of things. Until parents bitched and CN went back and took the piss out of Regular Show
From The Skull. Gumball and Darwin tried to use them to condition Clayton and them to stop lying.
When did it get removed? I feel like I still see it in reruns.
I'm not sure if it was censored everywhere, but I know it was censored in the US.
Wish the show weren't so cheap. Would like to see a side profile view rather than three-quarters all the time
How many times have they censored the show? I know they swapped him out saying coward instead of bimbo in The Storm. The shock collar scene in The Skull. And I think they took out the last bit in The Coach where they're surprised the coach is female.
That's the thing, I am in the US.

That last one is definitely not censored in the US.
I think it's odd. I've seen people wanting to see you get this done about a week ago, then you post it and no-one notices.
maybe cause its not that impressive, thats ok, its just a small thing.

I got a lot of attention in my deviantart page though, so I'm good.
It's cute. I like it.
dawww thanks
Will we ever see Nicole's dad?

bet he'll be just like gumball but older
I bet he's a black man
So much for Halloween...and 2 threads.
>Wish the show weren't so cheap
It isn't
Where the fuck were you.
I missed you bby
What's happening here.
Cute, when you gonna finish it?

I do not understand
Looks like they got nothing to talk about too.
Also gump before I go to bed.

Same question
Nicole burning her mouth with hot coffee was removed from The Remote.

You were missed purpleanon.

I though you were gonna add eyelashes to Anais, also will it get finished?
And then they did sex.
sometimes the subject isnt always typed in by OP.
So can someone please be of assistance?

you can search gumball and look at the post dates.

but in this case, there wasn't a previous thread.
The coffee scene was not.
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Thread replies: 181
Thread images: 48

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