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Just found out one of these opened up in my city not to long
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Just found out one of these opened up in my city not to long ago.

Is it actually good or is it just another NYC meme
They're alright
It's alright.
Careful with the hot sauce.
It's not really a NYC meme, it was popularized by poor out of town teenagers and 20somethings visiting the city on their first school trip and finally this was some food in midtown they could afford

Remember every 4chan NYC food thread is flooded with shit like this. Get the $1 ''''pizza'''' that tastes like chemicals and ass that literally only delivery guys and homeless people eat. Go throw up on St Marks place because wow it's a shop that sells glass smoking bongs for the marijuana new york is so kewl. Midtown is a wasteland because I'm too poor to afford good restaurants therefore they don't exist. Go spend 4 hours riding the subway to eat a $3 taco in gravesend so you don't have to spend $25 to eat an identical taco at tacombi even though your parents spent $800 sending you to the city which translates to $200 per day, fuck common sense just blow half of a $200 day riding the subway because someone on 4chan said to go to Brooklyn and 20 year olds can't into opportunity cost

Nobody here actually eats Halal Guys except construction workers and even construction workers don't really like it, they just eat it because it's cheap and won't make them sick.

You can really taste the extra suffering.
I don't understand this. People will happily accept nasty shit like downer cows getting cut up and served to consumers, and chickens drowning in their own shit, and if you have a problem with that you're some kind of vegan. But the exact details of the final 30 seconds of an animal's life are a huge fucking deal and if you don't get worked up over that you love terrorists and hate freedom.

Why is this?
It's literally unnecessary.

There's no reason to waste money and resources taking a roundabout method. Shit-filled bird cages produce results. Ritual slaughter doesn't.

*adjusts silly hat*
Shut up

Drives me crazy, even Greek guys in NYC say Jy-roh.

Street meat/halal is awesome though.

Tacombi really isn't that good.

Most people in my software office in Flatiron eat halal cart at least once every 2 weeks. You might not like it, but plenty of people do.
Are you from East Brunswick?
a halal guys opened in my city recently also and the line went out the door and around the corner. what even is halal cooking?
What do you mean by "results"?

The halal meat place near me has much better tasting meat than your average grocery store crap. It's on par with the hipster butchers selling fancy stuff from obscure breeds of animals. Fine with me if they want to kill the animal in a special way; the fact is it tastes better and it's probably safer to eat too.

So if by "results" you mean "shit-filled bird cages produce meat that is legally permissible to sell and most people are too stupid and will just buy it because they don't know any better", then sure, I guess. It's your body, you can feed it with literal garbage if you want
Hi appnexus employee

What's with the stupid backpacks?

Nope, funded startup (actually direct competitor of appnexus). Which means we got to leave the Port Authority area.

It's misleading - halal is the Muslim version of Kosher.

However Halal carts - which Halal Guys claims to be the first of - generally refers to carts that serve gyros and lamb/chicken over rice.

Which is
Gyro style lamb or marinated chicken
Tumeric spiced rice
Iceberg lettuce salad
White sauce (mayo based parsely sauce, similar to tzatziki)
Hot sauce

It's tasty, not that great for you, and for $6 one of the cheapest meals possible in NYC
the supreme irony is the regulations surrounding Halal dispatching were originally intended to minimize the animals suffering. Slit the throat, thank allah, let the cow fall asleep.
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