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>people are actually voting for the gape soda, grape being
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>people are actually voting for the gape soda, grape being the worst flavor ever invented, over the delicious Baja Blast

Is this a joke?
You can get delicious Baja blast any time at toxic hell (taco bell)

You can't get delicious pitch black anywhere ever if you don't vote for it

I dunno man. It has to be. I picked this up the other day expecting something new and lovely but was only greeted with a mouthful of purple liquid shit. Wolfthorn deodorant smells like baja blast tastes. Hitler did nothing wrong.
Fuck. Off. Shill.
>You can't get delicious pitch black anywhere ever if you don't vote for it
Good. The world is a better place without grape soda.
What the fuck??? I thought I was in /b/. Dammit clover.
Why would you deny people what they want? You can always get Baja blast even if it loses, you can't get pitch black if it loses.

Why are you such a meanie?
>on 4chan
I've actually stocked up on cases of both. I was considering waiting until one of the flavors leaves, and then selling the bottles I have on eBay for a profit.
People also want Baja Blast more easily available
Fuck off with your stupid grape drink
>Toxic Hell
Are you 14?
I actually really like both flavors

The worst is original dew. Tastes like shit
It's exclusive to Speedway gas stations actually. It's promoted on the radio all the time.

>buy diet mountain dew
>tastes like shit
>read ingredients
>water, orange juice concentrate
>toxic hell (taco bell)

Thanks for clarifying.
You're welcome ;)
The last time they did canned/bottled baja it tasted like shit compared to fresh out of the fountain taco bell baja

You're smoking crack
Back when I drank soda, Mountain Dew Pitch Black was my favorite flavor. The couple times they bought it back I stocked up on it and had cans for months.

Way better than Baja Blast which was always available at fucking Taco Bell.
Its all tastes like liquid candy that's been sitting out in a car on a hot day to me.
Fountain soda tastes different from vendor to vendor you're just shit posting
no it's not. I bought a 12 pack from my grocery stores a few weeks ago

I think it's exclusive for fountain at speedway
mountain dew has a top tier marketing team
as much of a better idea it is to have pitch black when, I need cans of Baja blast in my life
>Americans literally drink a soda called Poop Blast
Even our surströmming isn't this much of a joke.
Is it just me or did they forget to put any actual flavor in Pitch Black? I tried really hard but could not pick up anything even remotely close to a grape flavor.

>gape soda
he is right though the dude is a straight up meanie
Baja Blast Master Race Reporting In
When you vote it says only one stays. But even of Baja blast loses who in the right mind would get rid of it.
It's in stores. It just means they're keeping one on production lines for bottling, and probably adding a 2l option.

Remember when it was whiteout and... Some other flavor? Same shit. If baja blast lost it'd probably stay at taco bell.
but baja is disgusting

people only pretend to like it over muh exclusiveness to taco bell
>reverse psychology
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Only good thing about pitch black is that it reminded me that pic related exist. Not sure why I ever stopped drinking it. GOAT fruity pop.
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