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Food That Ensure A Devistating Hangover The Next Day After Drinking
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Like most of /ck/ I'm a full blown alcoholic.
It's functional alcoholism at this advanced stage, and I very rarely get hungover anymore.

Can anyone explain what it is about fried chicken that will give you a crippling hangover that lasts about 7 hours the next day if I eat it while/after drinking?
I don't get it. Ive frequently eaten much greasier and higher calorie intake meals when drinking and have no issues, but fried chicken ruins my life the next day every time.

Any ideas?
Also post any foods that are the same so /ck/ can know what to avoid
You're just a fucking pussy
shitty modified vegetable oil that your body cant process
Underage plz go
I've been drinking longer than you've been alive

Either nut up or shut up, faggot
Probably because it's salty as shit
no salt has no effect on your endocrine system

salt can make you dehydrated but thats it
what do you think a hangover is if not major dehydration?
hes talking about when you feel like shit because of what you ate like when you eat something with a ton of carbs you want to fall asleep

if your dehydrated you just drink water. thats not a hangover or even a problem just drink water
Alcohol makes you dehydrated too ya dingus.
Yeah I've sort of noticed this too and I think I've figured it out. Depending on what you're drinking, I usually drink whiskey, and it causes that terrible gut-rot feeling in the morning. One night I ate an absurd amount of semi-spicy fried chicken to wash down the jim beam. Next day was miserable. I'm assuming it's because fried chicken is so oily and since oil helps you shit, combined with the gut-rot, things can get pretty violent. I think really oily foods also inflame your intestines and shit for several hours after you eat it, and I'm sure that has somethign to do with it, but I don't know.

worst hang over I ever had was sucking down a bunch of whiskey and finishing the night with like 6 white castles. the next day my stomach was a fucking war zone. oh my god the farts were rancid that day my friends.
At least look it up on Wikipedia. Dehydration is just a small part of a hangover. If you're only dehydrated, you don't have a hangover.

You may have an ulcer from the alcohol
Thanks for the intelligent response.
I know it was related to my question, but I'm still trying to figure out why it's only fried chicken that has this effect.
I'll do other stuff like cutting fries from a potato then drowning them in grease, but I'll be fine.
Fried chicken just takes shit to a whole new level for me and I'm not sure why
I'm not OP, I'm not an alcoholic. I probably drink like once a week maybe less. Only time I ever drank way way more than I should have was when I was going through a break up. Pretty positive I don't have an ulcer, I eat spicy shit constantly.
My dinner almost every Tuesday is 6-8 pieces of spicy dark meat chicken washed down with a pint of rotgut whiskey and probably a liter and a half of homemade iced tea and I never have hangover problems. At most I feel a little queasy but then I take a five-minute walk and feel just fine.

Drink more water - every fucking day, not just when you drink - and your hangovers will weaken if not vanish.
You might be a vegetarian and not know it.
>Fried chicken


I imagine it's more attributed to what or how much you drink when you have fried chicken.
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