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Hanger steak is the best cut.
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Hanger steak is the best cut.
There was a hipster food critic in my city who would mention hanger steak in almost every write-up whether it belonged or not. I really hate that faggot.
>looks like a dick

I'm not familiar with this cut of meat, but is it what it sounds like?
Ribeye is probably the best cut t b h
Meme cuts and that were previously cheap and now over hiped by hipsters are not good.
>it's not good because many people like it.
Hanger is tasty.
Flat Iron is the cut I hate. And it's not because of presumed "hipsters" liking it, it's because the industry re-discovered it and started shoving it down the throats of restaurateurs. It's a mediocre steak that is overpriced.
This. Also, ribeye cap meat marinated and cooked Korean BBQ style is amazing.
The truth
Ribeye has the best flavor.

Tenderloin is the most tender.

They are the premier cuts and usually similarly priced (very expensive). Pick the one that suits what you want that evening.

end of discussion.
Beef is the best cut
Hanger is nice but that background musk is a little too reminiscent of silage for me.
I'm guessing it's mostly used for like fajitas and shit
This. And it is only a 2# piece at best on a 30# shoulder clod. Such a waste for a broke ass flank
Whats a good/decent cut that's still cheap?
>Mostly uncooked fat and connective tissue
I prefer Tri-tip cut
This this, ribeye cap meat is the #1 cut of beef. That and shortrib maybe.
What is the uk equivalent cut?
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>mfw the best steak I have ever had was a flatiron at breakfast at the top of a casino
this is the best one but also the one people fuck up the worst so it's a gamble
I raise steer (only six each year) and make sure I keep the hangers. Occasionally I sell a few because a few customers are happy to pay for it.
I don't like grass fed ones, but a steer who eats corn makes it a top cut.
There's a "new" cut every few years. I like the flat iron. What "cheap" steak do you like better? Skirt? Flank? Flap meat?
The hanger steak has historically been more popular in Europe. In Britain it is referred to as "skirt", which is not to be confused with the American skirt steak. In French it is known as the onglet, in Italian the lombatello, in Flanders the kroaie and in Spanish the solomillo de pulmón.
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