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Tell us about your funniest dining experiences.
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Tell us about your funniest dining experiences.
I ate dinner one time while watching my favorite comedic film.
>inb4 rip with a tip
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ok so i should start by saying im 6'4", pretty good looking, and make quite a bit of money

>be at this super posh restaurant on new years in downtown new york, cant remember the name of it
>with this girl ive been fucking on and off
>waitress come and asks us for our drink orders
>i ask for a pinot noir, the slag asks for a pinot grigio
>pinot grigio
>in the winter
>never have i been so amused and disgusted at the same time
>i excuse myself to the restroom, grab the waitress
>we fuck for like 20 minutes before i return to the table
>tell date im feeling sick and have to leave, ill call her when i get home

>still havent called her
Do you work at wendys?
youre so far off i wont even bother replying to your comment
So hardee's, then
When you mentioned that you're 6'4" i get reminded of some shitty /pol/ meme that went something like "I'm a 6'4" chef who works at wendys"
if you all must know i work in finance
Wendys accountant? I'm onto you.
This wasn't MY dining experience, but it was when I was a server. I had to wait on a table of fucking clowns. Literal clowns. They weren't dressed up at the time, but they all wanted to tell me stories about their clown antics, and I nearly freaked THE FUCK OUT. Unfortunately, I was the last server working (our boss would let people go the closer it got to closing) so I had to wait on this table of somewhat normal looking people all talking about "clowning" and "performing" and being weird and creepy as fuck and I wanted to throw their plates at them and run away. Even my boss was freaked out. After they left (they were the last table of the night), my boss and I sat down and drank a bottle of champagne just to laugh and get over it.
Did you two fuck afterward?
you're the top pleb tbqhwy to not have orrdered the prix fixe and had a separate glass for each course

what's wrong?
you're sweating.
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