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Whatcha brewing?
Whatcha drinking?
Shoot shit and share recipes.
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I'm producing wine because I'm not a hipster faggot fuckwit
>I'm producing wine
>Not a hipster

holy fuck the delusion.
maybe you aren't a hipster but you are definitely every lame ass 60 year old white rock star. even sting has his own winery now. you are as lame as fucking sting. wow.

anyway I brewed a stout about a month and a half ago and it should be ready for tasting in about a week.
shut up idiot with your stupid beer. winefags own this place now. let me show you the door.
>my alcohol is so much more sophisticated and nuanced than your alcohol

holy fedoras batman
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you sure talk big for a wannabe fratboy living in his mom's attic.

maybe you'll understand superior taste after you get your associates degree.
I'm hoping my apple trees deliver this year so I can make a ton of cider
Don't you have to control temperature while brewing? Do I really need just one carboy to brew a >meh beer?
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*tips mash*
Temperature has been at a consistant 62-65F. I'm using some cheapo little IR thermometer.
I'm using S05 anyway. It can handle up to 75.
So, using extract kit?
You want to keep things pretty constant, but if your house has central HVAC then you shouldn't need special equipment for adequate temperature control.
Do you have a recipe in mind or one that you usually use?
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Planning another steam beer, only lighter and hoppier this time.
>you are as lame as fucking sting.

Sting is cool, I remember hearing something that he forced his personal chef to have three-ways with him and his wife (the chef is a girl, so it'a alright).
What is the hop schedule on that beer?

It seems really unbalanced, 81 IBU is pretty high for a beer with an OG 51.

Without knowing your hop schedule I'd say lower the amount of early hops and add them late in the boil for more flavour and aroma, around 15 minutes and 5 minutes.
Is there a good guide or wiki for brewing?
I'm rearing to get into it but naturally I have literally no idea where to start. All I know is that you throw a bunch of shit into containers and pray.
It's a shit recipe tbqh
There's heaps of good online forums for brewing, Google it and join one.

They're full of people willing to help out noobs.

You got to find real honey though. Stuff on the grocery store shelves is cut with corn syrup.
A blood orange hefeweizen. Just bottled it, but pretty sure I overprimed it. Used enough corn sugar for a 5 gallon batch but I ended up with 4 gallons. It smelled amazing.
I brew wine and beer. I'd make my own hard liquor and grow my own weed too, but that's too much paperwork.

currently have a blue berry mead I'm waiting on the yeast to die off so I can backsweeten it and add more blue berries for flavor. I also have a bochet going that I'm not sure is going to turn out; even Lalvin EC-1118 is struggling with it right now due to the specific gravity (1150). Gonna start a 1 gallon batch and flavor it with juniper berries this weekend because I got a bunch of them for free and I've wanted to try them for a while.
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It's 41 IBUs. That IBU/GU scale is about bitterness relative to maltiness.
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Just chilling with an American classic
if I were to buy a keg full of beer from a distributor would I be able to re-use the empty keg for homebrewing later or are they somehow different?
They're the same, but most distributors make you pay a deposit for the keg.
>Whatcha brewing?
Kombucha fermenting, gingerbeer carbonating, and beer aging. Gonna start some more beer on sunday too.
>Whatcha drinking
Mixed some beer and kombucha and let it sit for a month. Turned out sour as fuck, its great. Would highly recommend to anyone who wants to try
as in they expect you to return the keg once you're done with it?
is this some kind of brew planning software?
>one gallon batches of beer

Literally why

[spoiler]It's possible I have a problem[/spoiler]
it makes sense if you're the only one drinking it, guess
>eight pints

That's still just a slow day for me, though. I suppose you could use it for sample batches to see if you like a particular style or not.
what are you, Bacchus?
that'd last me a week or three easily
>not drinking every day

Give it time, son. Give it time.
a pint a day is reasonable, but you're saying you drink more than a gallon of beer every single day
you're damn right you have a problem
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First day on /ck/?
Yeah but that's still only 8 beers. A lot more effort than its worth, unless you're testing a style before making a whole batch like that other anon said.
I've got 11 empty two liters and a 5 gallon water jug used for water coolers. Also got a 20 foot 3/8 piece of tubing for racking, cut into two 7 foot lengths and one 6 foot length. A few packets of Red Star wine yeast.

It's a true poorboy setup but it works like a charm and is safe.

I feel like nobody respects you or takes you seriously unless you've got a glass carboy, hammered copper still, or oak aging barrel...

But I've made some good stuff with it.

I don't use yeast inhibitors, either. I let it ferment to dryness to stop the yeast.

My recipes are one 12 ounce can of grape juice concentrate, 36 ounces of water, one cup of sugar. That'll fill a 2 liter just fine, leaves plenty of headspace in case of foaming but foaming hasn't happened to me because of my yeast choice. I tried the same recipe using mixed berry concentrate but it wasn't that good tasting. The grape one came out better than most wines I've had, and at less than a dollar per bottle it was incredible.

I also used two gallons of apple cider and three 12 ounce cans of concentrate. Came out to around 3.5 gallons but after adding 6 pounds of sugar it was around 4 gallons. It came out strong as rocket fuel compared to the hard cider most are used too, and stronger than most wines.

Good yeast will ferment to incredibly strong levels if you let it.

I've gotten to the point where I don't use an airlock, I just screw the cap on and leave it loose enough for the excess CO2 to escape. It doesn't negatively effect the wine at all and as long as you sanitize the jugs before use and keep them out of your way, it's fine.

Rate my methods =)
Brewed up a batch from a brooklyn brew shop kit today. It was pretty fun but holy shit there's a lot of sediment in the carboy. I dunno if it's because a lot of the grains got powdered around during shipping or if I just was a little messy during the sparge.
Right on.
If you're abv is high, age that shit a while longer.
It is worth the wait.
Yeah. It just saves them money to reuse kegs, they're not soda cans after all
You don't need to be that specific for starter homebrew.
Don't make sudden changes, and it is better to be cooler than warmer.
And to answer your second question, YES.
If you can follow a recipe, you can make beer.
The key ingredient is sanitation. Love helps.
>Rate my methods

Poor Alcoholic/10
I'd like to know about the yeasts you're using, though
>Love helps

H-how do you mean
One gallon batches are good for testing an ingredient, recipe, or method.
drinking on a rye IPA and have a belgian tripel that I'm aging on draft until the rye is kicked.

Have a couple russian beers in the bottle, also an 8.5% apfelwein, 8.9% christmas ale, 10% stout in bottles.

Fermenting an IPA, about to get some more apfelwein going, and brewing a deschutes fresh squeezed clone tomorrow.

Gotta keep that pipeline full of beer.
>Have a couple russian beers in the bottle

Tell us more about these. I don't think I know any Russian styles except Imperial Stout, which I guess is actually English
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My wife picked them up in a russian store near her work, I've never tried either, only russian beer I've had before was baltika 9... a strong lager around 8 or 9%

I use Red Star Cote des Blancs. I wanted to use Red Star Pasteur Blanc because according to my research it can handle making a very high alcohol content wine, but then again it might work slower... no idea. The guy behind the counter gave my grandma the wrong kind because he convinced her the Cote des Blancs is for making cider :/

I need to wash the lees and reuse my yeast, that way eventually I could end up with like a few ounces of good wine yeast that could crank out a fine dry wine in less than a week lmao that would be amazing :)

And yes, I'm fucking dirt poor :(

Wish I wasn't, but whatever. Being forced to improvise might actually make me a little more intelligent and resourceful... or it might make me an envious and salty bastard.
>very high alcohol content wine
Get you some Lalvin EC-1118, my man. It's tolerant up to 19% abv

>might actually make me a little more intelligent and resourceful... or it might make me an envious and salty bastard
You can definitely be all of those. It sounds like your system works for you just fine

It does, but my family doesn't like me being able to make that much booze. They don't like it at all.
Yeah, Brewtarget. It's open source. The interface is kinda weird, but once you got used to it it's pretty damn useful. I usually hit the calculated OG pretty spot on.

There's also Beersmith, which is more popular, but you gotta pay for that.
Anybody skilled in all grain?

I've been trying to find answers to that, too. I basically want to make 100% wheat beer with no other ingredients.

I'd love if you could use store bought flour as well, if you can get it to not form clumps. That way you can make bread out of it afterwards, or dumplings or something.

100% wheat beer has been done before, I'm sure.
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Just started a batch of maple wine
I've been all grain brewing for a couple years now, around 100 batches under my belt.

You could do just wheat but it'd be very two dimensional.. you'd need a lot of rice hulls to prevent a stuck sparge.

Wheat beers are usually 60-70% wheat and the rest pilsner or another barley with a husk.

Wheat has no husk, which acts like a filter to keep everything from clumping up when you're running off or sparging. So if you're not using barley, rice hulls are used to substitute for the barley husks. They don't add any flavor, only help keep everything flowing smoothly.
How do I know how fine to rush the barley? I feel like I've pulled way too much particulate matter with the first few all-grain batches I've done (I mostly brew mead), and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.

Trial and error.

keep track of your brewhouse efficiency when making batches using brewersfriend.com >Tools>calculators.

Vary your crush until you find what gives you the best efficiency and no stuck runoffs/sparges.
A lot of folks say you just want the grain cracked and the husk as intact as possible. I usually go a little finer than that because it ups efficiency.
Have had them both and I can vouch that they are about as shitty as steel reserve.
only had the werewolf last night, it was pretty meh.

Won't be expecting much for the triple bock
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Turned out nice, not too sweet, actually pretty sour and lemony, and packed full of raspberry flavor.

Will try something with ginger, cinnamon and a 3rd ingredient I havent decided on next. Any suggestions?
nutmeg obv
Some fellow ex army friends of mine started homebrewing while in the army. Using those plastic baby's first homebrew kits.

Now one of them owns a Brew Pub Pizza place.

One time he was making an Irish Red Ale. Though something went wonderfully wrong. It ended up being IPA strong, yet still had the red ale taste.

dang, sounds awesome
It's really simple, Syrup to water ratio is 1:3 and the champagne yeast has no problem with the basic sugar
dang, just that eh? Didn't know it could be that simple. Is it normally good?
Nice health potion
Yeah, might need to backsweeten it a bit, though you could also make rum with it.

Man, I'm going to try this now, I've got a 1 gallon jug in my room that's been inactive for a while.


That DOES look like a health potion, what all went into it? Just raspberries?
As for the ginger idea, what about a simple mead with ginger and green tea in secondary?
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Not just beer but I figured it was the best place to ask. What does someone drink if they can't stand the taste of beers and alcohol but want to get wasted? So far I have tried
>New Amsterdam
>Land Shark Lager
>Bud Light
>Miller Light
>Abita Purple Haze
And so far the only bearable one has been Land Shark and even then I got tired of it after like 3. My gf suggested body shots but I have a bad feeling I won't like tequila

I'll take body shots off of your GF anon. It's okay, I'll drink all that nasty tequila.
I'll probably brew a raspberry wit in a month or so.
>>New Amsterdam
>>Land Shark Lager
>>Bud Light
>>Miller Light
>>Abita Purple Haze

These barely qualify as beer.

Try some dunkel beers, or some belgian strong ales. hefeweiss beers are usually go places to start for beginners, too. maybe from there move on to some chocolate or coffee stouts. gradually works into the ipas.
those are all shit
just man up and chug some cheap whiskey or something if all you're trying to do is be a degenerate
no, he should grab some cheap vodka and with the leftover money he can buy himself a pack of smokes and a tracksuit
I live in california, out in the country and I just picked quite a bit of oranges and lemons off 80+ year old trees

Is there any brews I can use them in?
Try Joe's Ancient Orange mead, it's simple and tasty
you need like a good smooth entry level.beer. guinness is honestly a really good start just because of how accessible it is and how easy to drink it is. try that or maybe fullers breakfast stout. itsa little strong but its good and the flavors are obvious and as I said, entry level.

I would avoid super hoppy beers for a while until you get into it because the bitterness will probably turn you off. avoid bud and all that other shit you said. unless you're camping or some shit there's no reason to drink glorified funny-tasting club soda.
>avoid super hoppy beers for awhile

this means anything that says IPA on it.
I tried to brew mead a few years ago.
It turned out disgusting.
Is there a /ck/ approved alcohol guide or something?
I'm interesting in trying new things. Basically the only thing I drink is Jack Daniel's and I've seen a lot of people say it's shit, so I'd like to broaden my liquor range somewhat.
>Is there a /ck/ approved...[anything]?

lol no. But yeah, Jack is pretty shit. It's super sweet and not all that great tasting. If you're looking to branch out in terms of whisky, just pick up any bottle of whisky that's more than $25 for a fifth, but less than $60.

There is no branching out into vodka; good vodka just tastes less like alcohol than bad vodka.

Rum is always cheap until you get into specialty batch stuff. I personally don't ever spend much on rum, it's mostly a mixer for me.

I have no experience with tequila outside of a bad experience back in high school, so I can't make any reqs there.
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I don't drink whiskey, but in JD's defense, they do make some really pretty christmas commercials...
Is it tricky to avoid sourness when doing all grain? I mean, aren't lactic bacteria everywhere?
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What I've had past 24 hours.

3 gold medal winner from ontario bring awards, "coffee oatmeal stout." First time having. Definitely lives up to its name.

Rugged bier smoked Applewood. Has an image of a campfire and that's exactly how I'd describe the taste

Hockley amber. 5.2% but tastes like a lighter Molson. Nothing else to say.

Baked apple mead. only mead I've ever had but I enjoy it. Really tastes like nothing else, and everyone I know irl who's tried it agrees.

Fracture imperial IPA. 9.1%. Strong but drinkable. Fucking $17 for a 6 pack. Only really worth it if you like to try strong IPAs.

>needs recipe

seriously dude, just juice 'em all, get some of the rind and toss that in, and pitch some yeast.
Never had an oatmeal stout before but I saw some bottles of Backmasking at a local store an the label immediately caught my eye

Should I get it?
Farms and some brew stores but yes made some amazing meade with pumpkin for one batch :canned pie filling of all things worked best: and blueberries :pureed but make sure to keep a path out for co2:
Out of curiosity what kind of yeast did you try for the meade? Thus far my best batch was 18% champagne
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kill yourself
418 brewer here
beer general

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