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Fruit Flavored Beers
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Are they heresy?
Pretty sure this is an objective question but imo, if you need a sweet taste in your beer you might be underaged or have shit taste.
i'd try one for fun. definitely wouldn't drink a whole 6 pack.

i actually enjoy the rootbeer beer meme though. its tasty shit
Place for everything in the world. Certain fruit beers can occasionally be good (Founders Rubaeus).
It's a'ight, not bad in the summer I would imagine.

I had a mango flavored beer from voodoo. It felt weird since I was drinking it on a winter night, but it wasn't really bad.

However after a quantity of around two bottles though, I woke up with a wicked awful stomach ache and threw up a small amount, so I usually try to avoid wickedly sweet shit. Always makes me sick.
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not if you drink the good stuff, OP. but yeah, nobody should be subjected to drinking more than a few at a time.
I tried the peach ones, they were pretty good. I wouldn't drink more than 3 or 4 in a night though.
Pretty much what everyone else is saying; some can be good on occasion just to have 1 or 2. No one should be drinking them regularly, they start to taste disgusting after more than a couple.
Not heresy in and of itself.

But it really REALLY depends on the beer.

For instance, Shock Top Raspberry Wheat tastes like a fucking wine cooler, but 21st Amendment's Hell or High Watermelon is one of the best wheat beers you can buy and the watermelon flavor is perfectly present and subtle.
>if you need a sweet taste in your beer you might be underaged or have shit taste

this is false as shit. A lot of really damn good beers have at least some sweet flavoring in them, if not a bunch. this ranges from stouts to barleywines. just beers that are overly or overpoweringly sweet are shit. that's when you might as well just get a cider or mikes hard or something.

>Certain fruit beers can occasionally be good (Founders Rubaeus).
this. there's some really well done fruit beers put out by some breweries. just don't get blue moon or shocktop, or that type of crap.
>good stuff

Belgians make the only acceptable fruit beers
Drink what you like. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot who isn't worth listening to.

I don't have a taste for it myself, but if you like it, drink it.
>there's some really well done fruit beers put out by some breweries. just don't get blue moon or shocktop, or that type of crap.
If you're saying you like fruit beers and then saying you don't like Blue Moon, you're hipster as fuck. There's a reason Blue Moon made fruit wheat beers popular.

No? Are you retarded? If you want to be an elitist snob, then go drink exclusively Reinheitsgebot compliant beers
Either that or they're just now old enough to legally drink and have no perspective

I'm old enough to remember when Blue Moon was considered an exotic or "fancy" beer and I'll always give it props even though I've moved on

>in b4 flyover
>in b4 grandpa

he might just not want to support big breweries like molson coors or AB inBev

im autistic and wont buy their shit unless its slightly interesting

Good on you, I make sure to check who's the ultimate owner of a brand. What Ahneuser-Busch is doing to beer is awful.
I love bluemoon, I usually get its variety flav pack
Well, to be fair, I don't mind Blue Moon as a cheaper beer to get, but shit like Shocktop is just gross.

Pretty much this. If I'm looking to try interesting stuff and casually drink I'll get a few things from a craft brewery. If I'm looking to get shitfaced I'll buy more from a big brewery
There are some really good fruit beers, but the majority of them are pretty gross. They feel gimmicky as shit. I had a grapefruit wheat beer once that was amazing.

Keep on raging against the machine there fellow kids.

I hope neither of you have cars, cellphones, game consoles, etc etc either
To be fair, the beer industry in the US has developed pretty radically lately, and there's way more variety and whatnot to get into. I feel like Blue Moon is just considered one of the more decent macro beers nowadays.

keep guzzling your near frozen budweiser cletus
>i wont buy big brew unless it's slightly interesting
well aren't you devoted

>What Ahneuser-Busch is doing to beer is awful
And that is..?
>Well, to be fair, I don't mind Blue Moon as a cheaper beer to get, but shit like Shocktop is just gross.
You're a fucking idiot. You can't say you like Blue Moon and "Shocktop is just gross". You're implying you're either retarded or just trying to be "cool" in your choice of beer. I bet you smoke cigarettes to be cool too.

"I like Jif but Skippy is disgusting!"
If I wanted a fruity beer, I'd just drink a lambic.

However, if I wanted a flowery beer, I'd drink a beer made with tea. Shit's great.

AB inBev actively pumps out propaganda that craft beer is gay and budweiser is for 'real men' (superbowl commercials specifically), while at the same time trying to buy up every single craft brewery they can get their hands on

Their entire history has been based around buying surrounding breweries to eliminate any competition and then driving their own quality down because they know morons will guzzle it down without question

Maybe if they actually did anything in terms of competition, but they just use their money to buy out everyone while being hypocritical about it
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Fruit beers are great anon.
>if I wanted a flowery beer, I'd drink a beer made with tea
Recommend a few? I drink tea daily and beer almost daily, and the thought of combining the two has never crossed my mind.
Would simply mixing some of my favorites end well, and at what ratio?
Why do craft breweries always have shitty puns or plays on words as names for their beers?
>AB inBev actively pumps out propaganda that craft beer is gay and budweiser is for 'real men' (superbowl commercials specifically), while at the same time trying to buy up every single craft brewery they can get their hands on
Holy shit, you mean they're a business, and on top of that heinous act, they also advertise??
What the fuck have I been buying!!!
Wheat beer flavored with berries is delicious liquid breakfast and I will fight any insecure, closeted homo who disagrees.
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>Aw yeah bro, I don't even like beer, I just drink it to get wasted LOL!

Blue Moon and Shocktop taste nothing alike. Like at all. Shocktop just tastes like nasty ass flavoring while BM actually tastes like a decent beer that uses real ingredients in the wort. It has nothing to do with "being cool".

Also, try to not be a raging fucking cunt who feels the need to sperg at other people having differing tastes.
My best guess is it's just the type of person who gets into craft brewing is the same type of person who relishes dadjokes. My kinda people.
Self-distributing nano is the future of beer. Hyper-local in-city breweries driving their product to retailers and restaurants. InBev can buy up all the imitation craft they want, it won't stop the movement.
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I've never mixed it, although that would be fun to try.

See if you can find this, it's one of my favorite beers.

It's like McDonalds buying out quality burger restaurants while at the same time making commercials about how delicious their cheap burgers are and telling everyone that if you eat 'premium' burgers you're a pretentious piece of shit

But McDonalds obviously doesn't do that, they fucking produce the best they can at good prices and deal with competition

I literally could not give a fuck if someone drinks it and I'll drink it if someone buys me it, but I'm not supporting a company that's actively trying to destroy an industry
bruh didn't you know, if you like yuengling it means you have to like heineken too or youre a hipster faggot
Nobody unironically likes Heineken.
I don't think they make fedoras that tip this hard. Do you have yours custom made?

>Blue Moon and Shock Top taste nothing alike.
As someone who used to drink the two almost exclusively for like 2 years... I'll go ahead and say you're full of shit.

Epic samefag, scro.

and angry old turds who sip budweiser all day detected
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>My tongue is handicapped

I used to hate Budweiser because I hated beer

Now I hate Budweiser because I like beer
Oh man, a Blue Moon and Shocktop expert! Teach me!

Sorry it seems to make you so mad, but they don't taste alike to me. I like one and dislike the other. If you think they're both the same, great for you. But I disagree.
>actively trying to destroy an industry
>an industry that they are in
Ok champ. I know what you mean, but you aren't too great at using language.

Anyway, it's competition in an open market. You don't fault a business for simply being profitable, and using that profit to attempt to expand their marketshare. Because that's retarded. The demand for quality/craft beer in America is going nowhere. Big beer can buy as many craft breweries as they want, there will always be a market for existing and new craft breweries to flourish. Big beer isn't trying to destroy any market nor will they ever be able to, because in an open market, competition means the customer will always engender businesses that create what they want to buy.
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>not exclusively drinking angry orchard

How does it feel to drink shitty pisswater while I enjoy my tasty apple flavored beverage?

I don't get where you're going with this, I literally do not give a shit what you think

I don't buy their products because I don't like their business tactics. It's simple. Stop sperging.
At least drink hard root beer if you're going to be a faggot.
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Now you're just going in a circle. Go jack off and have a nap already, Steven.


>Drinking good things is bad because most people don't drink good things

Spot the tool
>guy who's been sperging whole thread at people who like craft beer telling someone to stop sperging
>I literally do not give a shit what you think
Calm down, if you're seriously getting this steamed over a chat about beer on the internet, you need to get a little perspective.
And be careful with that edge.
lambics ciders and meades? no not heresy.

artificially flavored pissbeer like OP? a special kind of heresy.

>implying I'm not openly homosexual
Lol are you just entertaining yourself now by making things up and pretending anyone is thinking or saying them? Hahaha why
Blue Moon is not an adjunct lager. Don't act like you know things you don't.

You asked what I think they're doing is bad, which is their business tactics, and then acted like a retard and tried justifying it

>sperging whole thread at people who like craft beer



>Oh my god he used a bad word he's so angry haha!
It's the same guy pretty much hating on everyone in the thread who disagrees with his boner for shitty macro beers.

At least his memes are dank.

This. If you want to try nice stuff, get a lambic or something. If you're getting fucked up at a party, get the pissbear. Not hard.

It's like comparing shitty box wine to a half-decent bottle. One's clearly nicer than the other, which is more economic when looking to get wasted.
where is the "rolls eyes" emoji on this subreddit?

>disagrees with his boner for shitty macro beers

What the literal fuck are you talking about

>>7506752 was my first and only post outside of that reply chain

I know most people on /ck/ are absolutely stunted but come on

yes, the guy who said he doesnt buy AB inBev products because of how they treat the craft beer industry is definitely the same guy with a boner for 'shitty macro beers.'
Oh, replied to the wrong guy. Drunk as shit, sorry.


this thread is fucking filled with retards though im out

i will never understand how /ck/ manages to get filled with people who genuinely enjoy the shittiest, cheapest, most processed garbage they can get their hands on
Pretty much this.

What started as a decent thread with OP looking for relevant opinions went to shit real fast.
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Ship all y'all back to plebistan and nuke the shit out of it.

Because most people on this shit board are poorfags who would rather circlejerk about things they can actually afford to eat
better than IPA meme beers
OP here

Beers that are overly sweet with fruity flavor are cancer. It's not even a beer at that point and if you're an Americunt like me, it's probably artificially sweetened. There's probably some good beers out there that have hints of fruit flavor out there, but I say leave fruit-brewing to the wine drinking, cheese eating, tongue kissing, fry eatin, boring film makin, shitty overrated philosophical writin, surrender monkeys in France :D
>midas touched me

good shit m8, this is my go to beer when I wanna spend almost 4$ a bottle.

Doesn't even taste like a 9%, shit goes down like water.
favorite fruit beers are Abita Purple Haze (and strawberry when its in season) and Fruli.
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Ausfags, this beer is the shit.
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I'm not sure why the fuck anyone would argue that sweetened or fruit flavored beers are heresy or bad at all.

If an adult is permitted to enjoy the occasional soda pop for the unique flavor profile offered, why shouldn't they be able to enjoy a fruit flavored beer? Fruit and beer together offer unique possibilities, and anyone who would criticize such a beverage is obviously insecure about their masculinity.
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perfect for the summer time when you're at the lake

fuck you if you disagree, these are incredible

Hey bro, what's hop-pun-ning?
I beg to differ on the Rubaeus. Most of Founders beers are really good but Rubaeus was not one of them, way too fucking sweet.
I can't even beer to hear these puns any lager
But they don't taste anything alike.

I hate shock top but I enjoy blue moon.
>blue moon and shock top dont taste anything alike
It's like you're saying pizza hut and domino's dont taste anything alike.
Another down-vote for both Spew Moon and Shit top. Tastes like a diabetic's urine.
Blue moon is really disapointing. I grabbed a 12 pack that had 4 varieties because I remember I liked it as a teen, but I realize now it's just because it went down so easily. It tastes like nothing now. The peach flavor just tastes faintly like rotting peach, the vanilla type and the cinnamon type are way too sweet, and the origional one has no distinctive taste

It's only a good beer for people new to alcohol who don't like the taste of beer/alcohol
>Are they heresy?
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Belgian fruit lambic
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Blue moon anything sucks. Most of the macro brews in general aren't good I have had one or two that I couldn't pass up trying just because. As far as fruit beers go stick with sours lambic and most are really good
How the fuck can food be degenerate unless you are of the Muslim or Jewish persuasion?

If you're to the point where you're contemplating whether or not a certain food is degenerate you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and reevaluate your direction in life.
epic 21 year old post
this guy is trying so hard to convince himself he enjoys the taste of beer
lol how old are you, 16 - 19?
It's ok, you'll get there, just keep drinking.
The high school mentality of what's "cool" and "grown up" is overflowing in your post.
Here's a quote to ponder from C.S. Lewis:
>When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
>what is product differentiation
>Drinking memefishhead

You have no right To be calling anyone a pleb you fucking entry level pleb.
Hey I'm confused.
I do not like IPAs.

But I'm drinking this right now and I really like it.
Having "extra pale ale" on the label, I assumed it would be similar to an IPA and I would dislike it.

Is there a sensible explanation? Does pale not refer to the extra hops IPAs are all about?
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Having this right now
These are amazing in the summer. And I don't usually drink beer.
>craft brewing
>not being a proper alcoholic who couldn't give a shit
i'll drink a peach ale and enjoy it and won't give a shit what some bearded autist thinks
It feels pretty good actually since I'm not blasting down all that sugar water.
That shit barely has any alcohol in it so I feel like I might as well drink grapefruit soda, but they are delicious.

From google:

Pale ale is a beer made by warm fermentation using predominantly pale malt. The higher proportion of pale malts results in a lighter colour.


The word in IPA that refers to the hops, is "India". Historically, beers were over hopped because the hops helped to preserve them on the long voyage from Britain to India.
What's google?
Blue moon is terrible regardless of what you say
sour grapes
Sure mate
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When I first turned 21 this meme beer was the first thing I ever bought.
I really liked it. Granted, i'm still probably a pleb in beer taste, but I still get it sometimes.
I have a few of this sitting in my fridge. Now I'm tempted to go have one
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This whole thread is dumb. There's nothing inherently wrong with fruit in beer. Macro trash is gonna be macro trash no matter how much artificial fruit they add to it like in OP's pic. Blue Moon is terrible and making a peach version of it is still going to be terrible.

Echt Kriekenbier is loaded with cherries and it's one of my favorite beers of all time. The base is Duchesse de Bourgogne, another of my favorite beers and in this case the cherries change and complement an already great beer instead of trying to cover a terrible base.

Ballast Point Sculpin is another good example. The base Ipa is fruity and delicious just from the hops, so the grapefruit version makes total sense as it enhances the already present grapefruit notes. Then they get bought out and have to make more money so they meme it up with a pineapple version which tastes artificial and out of place.

Adding fruit for the right reasons can be great, but adding fruit to add fruit is not.
>supporting ABI
Your taste in beer is bad and you should feel bad
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