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Has /ck/ watched fuck that's delicious? How is it?
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Has /ck/ watched fuck that's delicious? How is it?
i enjoy it, if you like bronson you'll probably like it. some of the shit they do is outrageous.
keep it canada with matty matheson is way better

they need to bring that shit back
Its not good as a cooking show. All it really does is make me hit up my dealer, all they fucking do is get wrecked and eat.
Depends if you can stand wiggers. I find I can turn my /pol/ filter off and enjoy it in a demented kind of way.

He's a smart enough guy considering his wiggerness, but you know how that goes, pretty much muhdicking around.
Keep it Canada and Huang's World are much better. I can't really tolerate Bronson. Wiggers are more insufferable than negros.
>muzzie albo scum
I enjoyed it. Would watch new episodes. All they do is smoke weed and lard out. I rather enjoyed the vice channel for a day or two..... but now it's all repeats. I like where the channel is going as far as it being entertaining, minimal commercials, but would like a couple more shows.
matty is pretty based
The channel is likely to go the way of The International Music Feed did before it. IMF was great. Had very, very few commercials. But that was the problem. Because it lacked ratings, it couldn't /get/ commercials with which to support itself. I suspect Vice will do the same.
Its fun to watch, keep it canada is better tho.
Matty's kid is qt.
I wish Action Bronson wasn't so disgusting.

Guess I'll get my wish in 30 years.
it's pretty good. the food they eat always looks fantastic, but i like it better when they're not spending time in trendy bourgie joints, always like it when they go eat street food.
[spoiler]also Body is hilarious[/spoiler]
It's stupid. Watch an fat wigger eat
Any where i can watch this with a cable subscription?

>It's stupid.
>Watch an [sic] fat wigger eat
Fat guy smokes weed
Fat guy eats food
Fat guy gives some bullshit philosophy
Fat guy smokes another blunt
Fat guy rhymes
Fat guy eats again..

Such fucking inspiration

Sad part

Before that was about what the benefits of weed has over pharmaceutical, and they kill it with a fat ass Dr Seuss
I like Bronson, but he's hard to watch with all his wheezing and heavy breathing and claims of having once been athletic and able to squat 600lbs
It's just a bunch of fat fucks stuffing their faces. Kind of gross, honestly.
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>anything involving white rappers not named Eminem

Yeah you can take your hipster hop and fuck right off, especially that fatfuck wanna be Ghost
It's hilarious
Vice channel is complete shit.

>dude weed lmao!
>gonzo journalism for the new generation!

The fuck, at least H2 had Modern Marvels and the occasional informational program. And apart from the feigned ignorance and libcuck agenda, I do enjoy a lot of their shows like in conflict zones, the African problem with alcoholism, and North Korean slave labor camps in Russia. So what's with this dumbed down bullshit programming on this shitty channel?
Are you going to ignore all the on-site reporting they did in Ukraine for the sake of -

>libcuck agenda

aah, fuck it.
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Imagine being this much of a pleb holy shit
On vice channel? Not the youtube channel, the television station, which just launched last month. And they do push a leftist agenda, but it's nice to trigger ya bby
I take that you haven't followed Vice in a while? Euromaidan was literally the last bit of actual journalism Vice did, after that they just resorted to doing nothing but "DUDE WEED LMAO", SJW agenda and Buzzfeed-tier filler content.

I used to be a huge fan of them but unsubscribed from them on all fronts because it came painfully obvious they had nothing else to talk about besides weed and how oppressive white males are.
>>muzzie albo scum
>Bronson was born in Flushing, Queens, New York, the son of an Albanian immigrant father and a Jewish New Yorker mother.

You have no idea how many Albanians are Catholics, do you?

He is a slav jew that is white enough

Not that it matters though, except for that he shouldn't be a cringy rapper.
tried watching but that guy is an absolutely disgusting fat slob
Pretty sure that bearded hipster blob would eat anything even if it taasted like dog shit.
>he thinks albos are slavs!!!
They're not Slavs. Their language isn't even distantly related to any Slavic language (or any other language, for that matter). They're genetically dissimilar, as well.

>some albos are catholics
>fattyfuck is an albo
>therefore, fattyfuck is a catholic
False. Have you never done simple logic problems as a kid or something?

If you knew anything about Albshits, you'd know his surname, Asllani, is a Muzzie one, descended of the related Arab surname Arslani, and not a Catholic one. Asllani is an ethnically Kosovar surname and the vast majority of Kosovars are Muzzies.

And! According to Muzzshit tradition, he's a Muzzshit because his father is one.

>but anon!!! according to jew tradition, he's a jew because his mother is one!!!!

Oh. Guess that'd make it a hard call, huh?
Well, except for the fact that he is a filthy, disgusting Muzzie by his own self-admission.


He's about as white and Catholic as ISIS.
Bronson is based af.
Are you even from any country in the balkans?
Why are you so triggered ?
You obviously don't know any Albanians or the language kek

>some albos are catholics
>fattyfuck is an albo
>therefore, fattyfuck is a catholic
False. Have you never done simple logic problems as a kid or something?

Usually a muslim man would marry a muslim women, not always obviously.
It is fair to assume his father might be catholic for marrying a jewess
>corrects someone for wrongly claiming albanians are slavs
>provides full explanation and knowledge of the origin of an albanian surname, down to the specific ethnicity it comes from
>"hurr durr u dunno no albos or the lang lelelel"

>it's fair to assume his father's catholic
Except it's not. If you know anything about Albania and Albanian surnames, you'd know immediately that his filthy Albshit father couldn't be a Catholic.

>Usually a muslim man would marry a muslim women, not always obviously.
The only thing stopping a Muslim man from marrying a non-Muslim woman is the family of the woman in question being too smart to allow such idiocy.
In areas of mixed religions, such as Albania, Lebanon and coastal North Africa, it's not uncommon for a Mohammedan man to marry a female member of the People of the Book (IE Jews and Christians) if she or her family will allow it. The reverse, however, is generally illegal in those countries as by law, a Muslim woman must marry a Muslim man and no others.
Muslim women are trained from a very young age that their position is to be subservient to a Muslim man.

The fact still remains that he's a Albshit Muzzie and not Catholic, Jewish or Slavic.

The worst thing Milošević did was stop.
shit you took time out of your day to write that. sorry about your life situation.
Trying to watch this shit right now, god it's horrible. This channel is cancer incarnate.

>dude weed lmao
>gays around the world
>women's rights around the world
>everyday "documentaries" featuring little bitch feigning ignorance
>some c rate comedian show
>this fat fuck with a tied up pony tail smoking weed and stuffing his gaping maw

Fucking terrible, and Vice used to have some interesting youtube videos.
P. ironic considering their founder is /po/ incarnate.
Gavin left.
For some reason i just watched the first and second episode of this.

Holy fucking shit, who watches this. Its a fucking unfunny wigger making subhuman tier philosophy and smokes weed lmao ;P.

Man munchies fucked up when they let go of matty matheson, atleast he did some semi funny jokes and knew something about food.
Hands down one of the worst episodes on JRE
they didnt let go of him though?
s2 of keep it canada is still in editing as far as i know.
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