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You come home from work and your quirky 4'9" Guatemalan
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You come home from work and your quirky 4'9" Guatemalan wife has made this for you.

What do you do?
kill myself
pat her on the head they she could reach the stove and then throw that shit out and order chinese
>You come home from work and your quirky 4'9" Guatemalan wife has made this for you.
Beat her for making me lose the presidential nomination of my party then make guac in my guac bowl.
horizontal or vertical?
>inb4 both
Sorry anon.
My experience with central americans leads me to assume that it's both
Have her sit on my face and then get some tacos.
Taste it.
Get drunk and beat her. Maybe unconsensual sex later on that move
>please clap
build wall
Make fuck with her but worry about the prospect of manlet offspring
Call immigration
text girlfriend and see what she's making for dinner
I assume "quirky" is code for BPD.
Looks like she has only added water to Bombay mix but ate all the peas and peanuts before serving
Guata-maul her
Dump ammonia on them and search for more. Probably in the garbage cans outside. Maybe get fly paper because they had to come from somewhere.
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