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>hungry >no food in house >think about what to buy
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File: grilled cheese burger.png (488 KB, 599x501) Image search: [Google]
grilled cheese burger.png
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>no food in house
>think about what to buy at store
>absolutely nothing sounds good
>choose to sit and starve

What causes this problem? I don't understand how someone can be so hungry yet the thought of food is completely unappealing.
Same happens to me sometimes
Happens to me when depressed. I've gone a couple days on a cheese stick
You probably aren't hungry, just bored and seeking stimulus. When you are hungry you will definitely have cravings. Generally for specific foods that contain the nutrition your body needs. If you don't have cravings for something/everything then you aren't really hungry, just seeking the dopamine high that results from consuming food.
As someone who has done this, it's definitely not boredom and it's definitely hunger. I've been so indecisive that when I finally do get food, I'm too much in pain from hunger to easily eat it.
I hated that stupid grilled cheese sandwich as bread trend, because really think about it
you are taking a cheese burger, moving the cheese, and just putting two extra slices of bread in there.

great job guys, you are eating more bread on your burger than you were before
Buy a rib eye steak. Itll fix that depression
Find a chinese food place that delivers and order one thing from each category.
>fridge full of ingredients for delicious things I could make
>end up drinking soy sauce with ham as a sashimi substitute

my stomach hurts.
For me it's just pure apathy.
I don't feel like going shopping. I don't feel like paying delivery prices. Usually I'll just chug some water to stave off the hunger pangs while I figure something out and work up ambition.
I used to eat bread with uncoocked spaghetti and maggi (?) which made my mouth full of holes because i was so damn hungry
but the bread is coated in butter and fried
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desert of marketing.png
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Supermarket food sucks, there's literally zero nutrition in 99% of their foods. So when you're hungry for actual sustenance other than calories, there's nothing out there.
but that is bullshit, there is plenty of nutritious food in a supermarket. plenty of non-nutritious food too. you only say this to feel superior
You're supposed to shop the walls, you fucking buster.
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I love these pictures
I do this too. I think it's because food is way too special to me. If I make something really uninspired or poorly cooked I'll probably end up not eating it.

I could easily go 24 hours without eating (but I try not to anymore) yet frequently eat 1100cal homemade meals for one. Im also underweight and very depressed.
Are you depressed, anon? Just chug some alcohol and sleep it off.
Your probably pregnant tbqh
>What causes this problem? I don't understand how someone can be so hungry yet the thought of food is completely unappealing.
You're waiting too long. You're too lethargic for the energy to do something adventurous. This is why people reach for packaged food.

Try making your own planned leftovers. Take that square of lasagna out of the freezer, pop it into the oven or microwave. Pour some wine and wait a few minutes for your glorious awesome creations to be reheated for a quick option. Soups, casseroles, yum. Toss those pot stickers into a 12in skillet with some water, and steam 5 minutes while you make an nice dipping sauce and sip your beer, and microwaved edamame. Enjoy that blue cheese ball you made you last night with the clean cut up veggies you already prepped. Enjoy those deviled eggs for a couple of days. Boil those ravioli while you heat up that sauce you froze.

BOTTOM LINE: You need to take your energy when you get it, and plan ahead, and prepare ahead. Don't be so hungry you can't move yourself to work for the meal. Maybe add a 3oclock snack of an apple, or some cheese and a nice beverage. Happy hour before the drive home, get some sugar in your blood with an appetizer, and then come home a few hours later, with a nice tossed salad from the fridge for health.
Pretty good recipe a nigga gave me in a thread a ways back

wash 1 cup rice let dry 20 minutes
carrots 1 cm cubes
dice onion
mince garlic

heat 1 T oil or butter in a pan
add spices simmer 1 minute
add rice to oil
turn with spatula until rice has absorbed most of oil

boil 2c chicken stock
add carrot to stock
add 1/3c lentils to stock
add rice to stock put a lid on it
simmer 20 minutes

sautee onion
chop cilantro mix into cooked rice
add sour cream

I used stock cubes and basically forwent the onion and carrots and sour cream. Used salt, pepper, chili power and crushed red pepper flakes for spice.

Pretty good stuff, especially with some chicken breasts to go along with. Super easy to make large quantities of and thus save leftovers of
grab a dill pickle yo! when you're hungry and don't know what you want/nothing sounds good, a pickle satisfies
When that happens to me it's usually sheer laziness. Hungry, don't want to cook despite a fridge and pantry full of ingredients. Usually just end up eating a saltine or two and drinking some water (or a beer).
I did the same exact thing last week. I just choose to eat some crackers every now and then because nothing sounded appealing.
It happens when I start skipping meals so I try to make sure I eat consistently.
Whole or spears?
whole, kosher kill if possible just because they have a more "pickle" flavor
I'm not sure what me being superior has to do with making observations.
I'm more partial to spears, they're slightly less of a hassle to fish out of the jars in my experience.
yeah but a lot of the time in my experience the spears are kinda limp and just don't have that snap a whole pickle does
even those kind of 99c or cheaper stores sell canned veg, fish, flour, and olive oil near me. people just don't know how to shop.

Some issue with serotonin or dopamine...
What the fuck are you trying to prove?

Captcha: Select all steak

You're a woman aren't you?
What even is?
i know this feel all to well

look out for andreas gursky and edward burtynsky, m8.

t. /p/.
this might sound esoteric or broscience, but at times like that i assume something is slightly wrong with my stomach so my next meals are all green and fresh vegetables for like 1 or 2 days, all crunchy stuff, for "cleanup". maybe some tuna too or boiled eggs. seems to work great, so theres that.

also, literally first world problem amirite.
And the sky is blue right?
>triggered by vegetables
you weigh 400 pounds, don't you
Tits or gtfo
>Get called out for lame posting style
>I-I bet you're scared of vegetables!
>my god you're probably fat
What if you should just fix your faggy lexicon?
But eating vegetables sounds worse than not eating anything at all.
Same here. When I get a bad spat of it, I can go days without it and I have to force myself to just eat something very calorically dense, generally bland lentils or black beans and rice.
Usually a symptom of depression. I have it happen often enough that I pre-make meals so I don't have to worry about having the energy to cook. The hard part is forcing yourself to eat them when your mind is too apathetic to know what it wants.
I "fixed" it by forcing strict dietary restrictions on myself.
How do you force yourself to do anything. Do you hallucinate a drill instructor shouting at you?
Some people do. Or their dad or mom or older sibling or whatever.

you're probably broke
Not sure what causes it desu
I have moments where I haven't eaten anything in a day but nothing sounds good so I put it off until I have to
So get your burger on texas toast. Bam. Buttery garlicy fried bread buns you fat fuck
I've had the same, and it more often than not comes with really bad dips in my depression

Also happens when I'm so happy in a day that I literally forget to eat...but that barely ever happens
I do this, but due to laziness. Days off I won't eat anything until I'm dying of starvation, usually sometime after 6pm, and the need to survive overtakes the laziness and I finally leave the house to get family size cool ranch doritos and eat the whole bag in 5 minutes while driving home
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