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what's your favorite POP?
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what's your favorite POP?
Coke, but I begrudgingly admit an unironic love for Diet Mountain Dew.
I'm a Pepsi max girl. I love it to death
>diet soda
How does the dicks in your ass feel, you in denial faggot
Coke Zero

Dr. Pepper or throwback Dew if I don't feel like drinking something with aspartame in it
Diet Dr. Pepper

literally death in liquid form. Enjoy your cancer you shitters.
Ohhh goddddd pls rspnd to me pls be my gf I can get U all the Pepsi Max pls respond
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Sure is pleb in here
>fucking 7-up?
Dr. Pepper
Chances are your tits are bigger from drinking too much soda.

that's a sparkling beverage as the can clearly states

also the best one is the pomegranate

followed by blood orange
Semantics. They are a god tier mixer and if you are drinking soda straight there is something wrong with you
Grapefruit is also up there.
Dr. Pepper, Pepsi Max and Diet Coke proven to be shit. All others are acceptable if you really must drink carbonated sugar water. There is literally no point in less sugary versions since the sugar/syrup is what makes them taste not complete shit.

As for my favourite, I'd say Coca Cola since when I fancy something sugary, its syrupy caramel taste best hits the spot. If I wanted something with a more fruity and slightly more complex flavour, I probably wouldn't reach for the carbonated jew. Same goes for the slight bitterness, sourness and nuttiness of Dr. Pepper - there are far nicer and more elegant ways of enjoying those flavours.

Ice cold water is always the most refreshing drink though. And I'm surprised no brand of orange soda is listed.
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Irn Bru - glass bottle.jpg
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This. This is my favourite.
Tried it and it was okay,tasted like a sour orange and cream soda.
Usually Vernor's, or Dr. Pepper if I want caffeine.
Root beer
for some reason root beer is god tier at restaurants but for other times I like Dr Pepper
Coke and grapefruit soda. I like Squirt but the only other kind I've had is Izze and it's not quite the same.
I thought glass bottles were illegal in scotchland?
my favourite COKE is a nice cold sprite
>my favourite cola isn't cola
well done
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root beer

99% of restaurants ive been to in my life dont even have it, have to pick coke or pepsi both of which leave a glob of flem like stuff in the back of my throat.
please kys
I had Mountain Dew for the first time this week
It was super sweet I don't get how people drink it

The only soda I really drink it Dr. Pepper and I wanted to try cooking with it someday
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I liked the grapefruit one but I am no longer allowed to consume Grapefruit
Pic related is also nice
Diet Pepsi
>I am no longer allowed to consume Grapefruit
why not, court order?
Grapefruit interferes with a number of medications
If I could exist like a fish but Dr. Pepper instead of water I would.
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I recently found this exists...it was fucking GOAT
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I'm a dirty spic and i'm lucky if i ever find these here in based Chile, but when I do.

I could drink this until diabetes, no joke.
When I used to drink the stuff it was coke.
2nd best mainstream root beer. Good taste, anon.
I prefer Barq's, desu.

If you can find A&W's Cream soda, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it.
sprecher root beer is god tier

also helps that i live 15 minutes away from the brewery
the amount of sugar is disgusting though
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Oh baby. Great to drink, great to throw in with your pulled pork during cooking, great for floats.

It really does it all
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