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Chuck Steak Black On Inside
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Hey guys, I bought some chuck and was cutting it up for chili tomorrow but I noticed it was black inside. I can't remember if others have been black inside but is it okay to still eat?

I imagine because I'll be simmering it for about 5-6 hours that it's better than normal, but is it like off or just freezer burn or something?
just be yourself man
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It's dead, anon. I'm sorry for your loss, if there is anything I can help to get you through these difficult times please let me know.
Appearance no doubt plays a big part in what we think of as fresh, and in the case of red meat, you probably equate a bright-red color with freshness. This color is a result of the protein in meat called myoglobin, which turns into oxymyoglobin and produces a vivid red color when it comes into contact with oxygen.

Not all red meats are the same color, though — color is influenced by factors like diet, sex, exercise, species, and especially age, which can produce darker-colored meat.

Prolonged exposure to air and light will also darken meat that starts out bright red, as you've probably seen when pre-formed hamburger patties start to turn gray, but are still red or pink inside. Color changes can also occur if raw meat is frozen, where it can fade or darken in color.

If its sticky, smells bad and fully brown, you will know its off.
It's fine. its not actually black, just very dark red. if you leave it out, they dark parts will turn red, then grey as it oxidizes
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Ah okay, I diced it up and put it in airtight bags in the fridge so I won't be using it for another 12 hours but it should be fine.[spoiler][/spoiler]
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