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What would you like to drink? "I'll have a glass of
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File: maxresdefault.jpg (198 KB, 3000x1688) Image search: [Google]
198 KB, 3000x1688
What would you like to drink?

"I'll have a glass of red wine."
File: fedora flare.png (413 KB, 474x528) Image search: [Google]
fedora flare.png
413 KB, 474x528
What would you like to drink?

"I'll have a glass tap water"

What's fedora of red wine? It's just an alcoholic beverage that goes well with food. Shit bait, shit thread.
I've seen these threads with water, soda, wine, etc.
I guess true non-fedoras just don't drink anything
I'll straight eat the back half a goat while the front half still breathin motherfucker you skinny faggots wanna talk food lets fuckin talk food you pussy bitches

got my teeth cut the fuck out and replaced with teflon coated titanium bitch i got a thirteen million dollar artificial intelligence bionic swallow muscle designed by nasa that can straight push an unplucked turkey down my fuckin throat fuckin feet and all you fuckin busters

sometimes i order like three or four double quarter pounders and walk out into the parking lot and just start cold whippin em at passing police cars i don't give a shit nigga the cops know i eat taser electricity like a german nigger eat mustard that shits like fuckin parsley to me

the sun don't set bitch i just get hungry at dusk
File: tip toppidity.png (51 KB, 370x370) Image search: [Google]
tip toppidity.png
51 KB, 370x370

What would you like to drink?

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