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sperg's kitchen 2.0
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You are currently reading a thread in /ck/ - Food & Cooking

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half pound of sausage
half pound of ground beef
block of velveteta
can of ro-tel
red onion
chili powder
tortilla chips
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started browning the meat
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sprinkled the meat with chili powder and cooked until very fragrant
drained the ro tel, reserved the liquid and added the it to the meat
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forgot pic
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the velveeta and a splash of milk
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reduced the heat to very low and began melting everything together

it doesn't look very good at this point
It's like hamburger helper, minus the noodles
That's a shitload of velveeta, my man
objectively disgusting
>block of velveteta
kill yourself
The common vernacular is, "my main man."
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chopped up some onion
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it's a bit too thick so I think we'd better add some of the liquid from the ro tel
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see kids?

uncle whoremel fixed it
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it was still a bit thick and a little bland so i hit it with a little more milk and some sriracha sauce
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cut up some
*cut up some lettuce
>too bland
>let's add milk
Fuck this looks like something I'd make while drunk down to the seasonings and everything.
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I had to throw something in there to loosen it up and I was out of ro tel juice. milk seemed like a better option than water bro.

it's pretty close to the consistency i want now, i think i'll add some black pepper
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put some of the dip in a bowl and topped with lettuce and onion. i thought about adding a dollop of sour cream but that just seemed like overkill.

served with tortilla chips
looks decent but if i ate all that velveeta id either be shitting a lot or not a lot at all, stuff dont agree with me
Time to start drinking again, bud, you fell off the wagon
Thread replies: 25
Thread images: 14

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