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Kitchen Nightmares
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Have any of you knuckleheads worked in a restaurant that could be featured on Kitchen Nightmares? Any stories?
Yes, but it wasn't for any outstanding reasons, just an old menu, poor decor and bad food.
i was going to say the only time it happened to me was i got a job at an italian place and the first time I went into the freezer it was horribly unlabeled with a bunch of rotting or moldy food. I asked the owner if it was always like that and he basically said "you don't have to work here if you don't want." I took that as a sign that management and the back of the house didn't get along too well so I said "bye then" and left. They're still in business but it's mostly because of all the old people who have been going there since the 70s. Nobody who eats there is under 50
>Chef was 6'11 and 3 like 400 pounds
>Used to have a chair at the kitchen
>Would always arrive late
>Would sell expired food
>kitchen never would get clean unless i took intiative
>chef would steal booze and drink it at work

I quit the place and they closed down 3 months later, not because i left tho, that place was doomed.
did they burn it down like my local chinese restaurant?
>slammed for lunch cooking on the line by myself
>chef in the back making in house kimchi using cayenne pepper and pickle juice
>literally spends entire lunch rush preparing
>after lunch scraps kimchi because it's gross and tells me to come up with a dinner special

>dish on the menu is grouper with raspberry jam and coconut.
>one dinner service called out to dining room to be complemented for having fresh caught grouper.
>owner actually buys frozen talapia and serves it as grouper.
>owner actually buys frozen talapia and serves it as grouper.

lel we had 3 dishes with different kinds of white fish and we made them all with frozen tilapia
My last cooking job right after college. Two dude-bro knuckleheads started up a 50s style dinner because they thought it would be "fun" and "easy"

Neither knew how to cook, the other chef was a crackhead who showed up for work 50% of the time. Nothing was labeled, inventory was a mess, and one of the owners who worked the line couldnt do more than 3 tickets at a time without getting flustered.

Eventually I found a job in my desired industry (cooking was a fallback) and eventually they ended up selling the place to some people who knew what they were doing.

They redesigned the entire place and now it's seemingly doing well.
I deep fried dough at the county fair one summer.
>thought it would be "fun" and "easy"
Holy fuck, why is this train of thought SO common? My folks wanted to buy a restaurant before too and most of the shit they cooked at home was pre packaged frozen shit. I don't get it.
how many fat chicks did you bag, my record was 11

the math looks good on paper/ $1 of ingredients turns into a $9 plate and drinks are 10x better. they fail to realize the actual work involved, that's why immigrants open restaurants and grind like coreans in WoW, but hipsters fail
you dont even want to know

>worked in some shitty italian restauraunt
>workers would regularly do drugs in the kitchen because it was so boring and the food was so easy to make
>it was basically just pasta with tomato sauce or some random combination of pasta, tomato sauce and some leaves
>if customers complained we would take the dish, put it in a microwave, and put some more cilantro on it to make it seem brand new
>we often left the spagehtti on for too long so starch built up and it was fucking nasty, sometimes we had a spot in the corner of the kitchen just for excess starch
>sometimes for lunch we'd just put drugs in with the tomato suace and eat it and then cook for the rest of the shift like normal
the money looks good on paper if you know how to manage your inventory. They didnt even have a walkin freezer to keep costs down. They were lucky there was a grocery store next door because whatever wasnt rotting was short.

What a clusterfuck that place was. Waitstuff was cute as fuck though.
Haha, yes back in the 80s. In Ireland Grafton Street's Papion or so. I stayed one week.
Never seen anything like it and I have been around...
Great story anon
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