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what is the budweiser of wine?
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File: budweiser.jpg (2 MB, 1936x2592) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1936x2592
what is the budweiser of wine?
File: Carlo Rossi Burgundy 4L.png (109 KB, 260x424) Image search: [Google]
Carlo Rossi Burgundy 4L.png
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this crap
maybe charles shaw except its drinkable
naw this is the 40OZ. of malt liquor version of wine
Fruity Lexia or Passion Pop
Man can. Look it up.
Yellow tail or barefoot.
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cam here to post this^

but also gallo
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Can this fecal matter be used for cooking?
You fags need to up your game.
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So is Budweiser
Australian Chardonnay
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We buy 1.5 L bottles of this at SAMS for just under 8 bucks. Good wine for the price I guess.
Yes. I like to use cheap burgundy like Livingston to slow cook a chuck roast in. Makes a great beef beef bourguignon.
Beaujolais Nouveau
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ya'll are all wrong.
Barefoot California Wines.
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This, and also this
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>I like to use cheap burgundy like Livingston to slow cook a chuck roast in.
Cooking cheap meat in cheap wine is common; I do it often. Good wines (up to, say, $50/bottle) will improve the, but only if the other ingredients are also really good otherwise it's pure waste of money.
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>5% alcohol
isnt that technically flavored malt liquor?
I currently have a 4L of paisano. It's apparently the Italian word for peasant. So at least it isn't pretending.
>tfw used to live in Sebastopol and haven't even heard of this wine until now
where does one get it?
Only gentlemen and classy wenches drink red. Bud would be a white. The De Bortoli shiraz cab cask is surprisingly drinkable.

I love these. Sometimes I impulse buy a couple at gas stations. They're just so cute and tiny and easy to drink in semi-public places.
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