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Hi /ck/, My hubby works long work shifts and when I ask what
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Hi /ck/,
My hubby works long work shifts and when I ask what to make for him for supper he always says he wants cucumbers with salt. I'm currently preggers but I feel I could do a little more for him than that, anyone have any easy meals I can prepare for him?
bait thread

Also, don't you mean "WE are currently preggers"?
tzatziki is pretty much cucumbers
buy some pita
Eh. That poor dude could cut and run at any time
spoiler: he's banging some chick at work. Hence the "long work shifts"
what the hell

is cucumbers with salt an actual thing or is it a euphemism

i feel like this is some sort of cūck thread
>Not going home for some cucumbers and salt after a long day of work

You've got a lot to learn

Unless he, too, plans to carry it to term and squeeze it out his ass, then no.

It's real. Some people also put lemon juice on it.
Make him a cucumber stuffed jalapeño with a cucumber cream cheese deep fried in a cucumber tempora batter for the appetizer.

For the second course, to cleanse his pallet make a simple cucumber salad with a cucumber dressing of cucumber, cilantro, basil and olive oil.

For the entrée make a cucumber hash with a cucumber BBQ sauce comprised of cucumber, vinegar, brown sugar and purée tomato. You'll have to go heavy on the cucumber with the sauce as it will be overpowered by the vinegar and tomato purée.

For desert make a simple cucumber sorbet with caramel and mint. Mint will be a great accent with cucumber as they're both light and fresh.
If you lurk then you will see.

If he wants cucumbers with salt then just give him cucumbers with salt.

I like cucumber finger sandwiches personally.
I love you.
Make a little salad dipper lunch then. Those carrot sticks or precut circles, cucumbers, celery, little tomatoes. Have some yummy cheese (aged cheddar or goat cheese) and a few nice favorite crackers to go with it. Drink? V8 and a very cold (ice packed) something else for hydration or caffeine. Try making an iced tea from jasmine oolong and some honey, and watch no one have anything as craveworthy. Constant comment over ice with lots of sugar and ice in a Tervis. Or cold brew some coffee and make it iced or reheatable.

I slice fresh cucumber, hit it with lime juice and sprinkle with mexican chili salt (walmart has it). Good on mango too.

Almost daily, I add a sliced cucumber either to the top of my chicken salad sandwich (tarragon-walnut salad), or I sprinkle the cucumber with dill on top of a cream cheese everything bagel.

Watermelon is a similar mood as cucumber.

I love a really good pasta or potato salad. Find out if he leans more towards pickled or creamy versions. Get some steak in there, roasted chicken, anything goes, esp roasted vegetables if leftover from dinner's grilling. I have discovered these grain blend "suddenly salad" kits, basically boil in the bag grain blends with quinoa/barley/cracked wheat, you name it, and it's kind of a nice alternative to taboulleh mood, but any version of them can be kicked up with soem fresh mozzarella, cucumbers, bell pepper, sliced corn,whatever you want.
Either he is manorexic or eating at another woman's house...
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