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White people from america, what is your cuisine like? I see many
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White people from america, what is your cuisine like? I see many maymays like the one attached making fun of the food white people eat. Show me what your family actually eats.
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White person here and that's actually what I'm having tonight... right now, in fact.

As to the topic, America doesn't have a cuisine. We have all the cuisines.
The US is like fifty small countries in terms of stuff like this. Every single actual American in this thread will reply with something different.

That being said: the US has a reputation of some regions having bland food because of immigration. Areas with heavy German and Scandinavian immigration are going to have a lot of traditional bland cuisine.

That being said any decently sized city has good stuff if you look. Even in the center of the country, where the only thing that is hard to get is ocean fish.
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>america is super duper diverse, stop generalizing!
>tonight we're having "spanish" food (i.e., cuban)
>oh wow I sure do love the spicy (!?) chimichurri sauce! but don't give me any of that habaƱero sauce, I'm not cuban enough lol!
ugh americans
if you give 360,000,000 monkeys typewriters and have them type for 250 years, one of them will write Larousse...
No one likes your worthless spic food.
Pretty sure it's different for everyone

Personally for me a typical daily meals is as follows
Bfast: black beans, eggs, onion, jalapeno, wrapped up in a tortilla with a side of turkey bacon
Lunch: tuna burger with a side of salad
Dinner: chicken breast, steak, chili, pasta, and a side of salad

Say what you want about dirty spics but their food is not worthless
Shut the fuck up you filthy spic, kraut, toothless prick, faggot, mick, cakek prick
Is chili eaten as a main course? Does it usually have a side like rice or something?
>crosses border into thread to cause trouble and online-rape people

trump was right
it's hearty and full of beans and meat so you rarely need anything else, usually just garlic bread if anything.
>White person here and that's actually what I'm having tonight... right now, in fact.
Me too.

Turkey and sausage gumbo made with leftover turkey from Thanksgiving.

Good stuff.
>Not realizing that the U.S. has more regional variety than Europe, or any other continent

Grew up southern, and we always started meals with a small salad, and the main meal always had a protein, veggie sides, and some kind of carbs.

Proteins: Cured ham steaks, beef steaks, roast chicken, fried chicken, baked fish, hamburgers, spaghetti with meat and marinara sauce, pork chop, BBQ ribs, pulled pork BBQ, meat loaf, roast turkey, chilli

Veggies: green beans, carrots, stewed tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, string peas, cauliflower, corn, beets, spinach, collard greens, saurkraut

Carbs: Baked potato, mashed potato, sweet potato, boiled potatoes, black eyed peas, baked beans, bread, cornbread, mac n' cheese (home made, not the box crap), yams

We didn't usually eat desserts, but when we did, it was mostly fruit based.

Had relatives that lived in Texas, and they ate a lot more food that had a Mexican influence.
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Ah okay because I'm Arab and we have several dishes that kinda resemble chili and are usually eaten with rice. Garlic bread would sound good with that though
Shake and bake chicken
fish sticks
squeaky boiled green beans
boiled corn
boiled peas
boiled carrots
mashed taters
prok chops
roast beef
Tonight I had homemade butternut squash soup, then for the main course I fried up a couple of slabs of polenta and had homemade family recipe chili on the side, and store bought sorbetto for desert.
I thought gumbo was negrochow.
I like too eat my chili with a thick piece of crusty bread, no beans (not to say beams are bad in a chili, just not my preference)

Side note: maybe you can help me with something, i've been trying to remember the name of this dish. It's essentially lasagna with an arabian twist, pretty sure its egyptian in origin
It's Louisiana creole and cajun chow.
Thing is we don't really have a "native cuisine" unless you're talking about actual Native Americans. Since our country was founded and built by immigrants, what we eat is mostly a mishmash of different foods. Based on where you live or your ethic background.
If you live near the coast, then there could be more seafood. Inland would have more grain and meat.

For me, breakfast is usually a yogurt, some sort of bread, juice, and a black coffee as I drive to work. On the weekends I'll have eggs, bacon or sausage and toast. Or a bagel with lox.

Lunch varies, but is usually a sandwich. Today was a turkey sandwich made with leftovers from Thanksgiving and a cranberry relish.

As for dinner, tonight I had a pan seared chicken breast with pan sauce, white rice and peas.

With all that said, there is a big chunk of the country that eats what you posted, fast food, and frozen meals all the time. Some people consider a box of hamburger helper and ground beef as a special meal. There are many people who don't know how to cook, and have no desire to learn.
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Macarona Bashamel by any chance?
All food niggers eat was made by the white man
Creoles aren't black people? I thought it was a blanket term for people who descended from slaves. (I legitimately don't know, I'm not trying to pick a fight.)
>Creoles aren't black people?
lol no
you what?
>Thing is we don't really have a "native cuisine"

That's bullshit.

Every region has a "native" cuisine due to the fact that they made meals from what they had.

Nobody does steaks the way we do. Nobody. And that's because they didn't have the land to raise beef the way we did, and still do.

We own BBQ and smoked meats.

Virginia hams are the best in the world.

Southern fried chicken is now popular all over the world. Southern fried catfish would be a delicacy in any Asian country.

New England clam chowders, Chesapeake blue crab, and Maine lobster would be enjoyed around the world.

The only people that say there's no such thing as "American" cuisine have either never been to the states, or never left it...
Depends, there's Louisiana creole and Haitian creole but throw some in there and your not that wrong
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Southerner here

lots of chicken and bread
carrots, greene beenes, potatoes, cabbage, corn, etc
fair amount of beef, usually in hamburgahs
other meats are rare

pic related is a native dish of my culture
Louisiana Creole people are descendants of French and Spanish settlers in the Louisiana region.
Pizza, "chinese" food, burgers of every type, size, flavor, and topping, hot dogs, tex-mex, the best damned pies you've ever tasted, chicken fried everything, buffalo wings, deep fried ANYTHING, ice cream and finally one of the most diverse and American foods: Barbeque- this one you will REALLY get different answers form state to state (mostly south).
>Southerner here

No ribs? No ham? No pork chops?

You from southern Jersey or some shit?
virginian here, those are some fine looking biscuits
Kentuckian here. Like many southerners, we have a garden. We eat whatever is in season, and preserve what we can. That includes tomatoes, potatoes, corn, beans (dry and green) squash (summer and winter), peppers and various herbs. We also raise chickens, do we eat a lot of chicken. We don't eat a lot of red meat or fish (husband is allergic), but we do eat a lot of pinto beans and cornbread.
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Southwest here: our distinctive food is Green Chile (a pork and chili stew) - aside from that the local food generally overlaps with northern Mexican/Spanish-derived cuisine (tortillas, chilis in everything, chorizo, sopapillas, tamales, etc.), with the addition of Navajo Fry Bread. Also, pretty much all food is served with the option of red or green salsa.
no, Georgia. I said other meats are (comparatively) rare, not non-existent. We only eat ribs every couple of weeks maybe, and ham about the same frequency. I don't really like pork chops.

I got the picture off google but they look more like the ones I make than any of the other pictures I could find. Too many people don't know how to make fluffy/flaky biscuits for some reason
Where in KY? I used to live there, one of the best places I've lived.

A spic wouldn't make the mistake of using Ʊ in habanero.
gross shit like pic related is quick lunches poor people eat and little kids. my dad use to eat american cheese and bologna in a tortilla for a snack. Poor as fuck college students will eat that kind of shit too.

My family grew up on a lot of canned veggies. For most of my childhood, I hated vegetables because I didn't understand how they truly tasted. Now I fucking hate canned food. I never liked bologna or american cheese, even as a kid. But we had it a lot.

White people also often underseason their food.
Simpsonville, just outside Louisville.
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White people food varies a lot by region. Most of the people in this thread are from the South, whereas I live in French Canada and eat shit like this.
Ok, I lived in Florence/Edgewood, pretty close to Cincy.
I have a lot of family there. I moved to WV after that though and my shit went downhill fast.
d'la tourtiĆØre sti!
Why are French Canadians so rude? Every one I have met has been a terrible person with no manners.
You know how poor white unemployed male virgins on 4chan have a chip on their shoulders because they feel entitled to something they didn't work for?
Imagine that, but also being french and having an even dumber accent than the Midwest
because of the winter. they get locked in their houses for 6 months a year, so they are a little bit rough when they get out of it.
No te metes en estas pendejadas
>mas puto
I love in a ski town in Colorado. We have 4-5 feet of snow six months a year. People in my town still manage to be decent.
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Spaghetti squash marinara
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>didn't notice anything else wrong
>noticed the habaƱero
why are gringos so proud of their ignorance?
quebec has a lot of snow plus really cold temperatures.
I live in southern quebec and it's bearable, but in Quebec City, fuck it's already in the -5oC.
have you ever met a friendly eskimo or a friendly finn?

italian, irish, french, and german dishes. Around Christmastime, we make traditional German, French, and Belgian recipes passed down for generations.

The closest I ever ate to OP's picture (unless it was something I literally prepared for myself as a 9 year old), would be grilled cheese and homemade tomato soup made by one of my parents.
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I grew up in the Upper Midwest, where brats are common, especially during summer months when they are often grilled outdoors.
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I now live in the South where fried catfish is popular, especially in Fridays.
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Mac and cheese is a popular side dish.
>Yuropoors don't like cheese that's yellow because it's unnatural
>Eats cheese with maggots
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Dry rub ribs.
most of the memes are just poor people food, the stupid shit is stuff like we season chicken with water and we cant handle spices/spicy food. We have literally fought wars over spices and their trade
I always like my food with some heat, which is usually jalapeno peppers, just cause theyre easy, grown by my sister, and at my personal enjoyable spice level.
I used to think ketchup was spicy, but that was when i was like 5.
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don't be fooled.
"White" people cuisine includes Italian, French, English, Spanish, German, and American, among others. White people cuisine is arguably the best cuisine in the world.
America was historically (and still is, for the most part) peopled with people descended from immigrants of those countries. We have all their cuisines here, plus some things that are uniquely our own (steaks, southern, Creole, etc).
White cuisine is great.
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BBQ(all of it)
Pot Pies
Corn Bread
Chicken Salads(light dressing)
Eggs, Eggs, EGGS(seriously, any way you can make eggs, we eat them)
Hand rolled sushi
Chicken n Dumplings
Beef n Beans n Rice
Chicken and Beef Stir Frys with vegetables
Pasta(Mac n Cheese, Alfredo, typical red sauce sphagetti/lasagna/ravioli)
Potatoes(Every way you can make em, Scalloped, Mashed, Baked, Fried)
Lots and LOTS of Broccoli/Green Beans(typically casserole)

I love all kinds of food.
>that burn
I thought Cajun = French descendant
Creole = mixed race descendants from French and Spanish colonialism
>Paper plates

Looks like you accidentally spilled beans into your chilli :/

In my state Chili is sometimes poured over rice but I frown upon it. We already have bread for fucks sake.
>The US is like fifty small countries in terms of stuff like this.


This is SO going on reddit
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unappetizing as fuck
I usually just eat that pic most days/meals

Sometimes we eat lettuce with ranch dressing.

... the rub isnt even cooked
Well I live in Portland, OR so there's a Thai restaurant on literally every block. And every restaurant serves beer, good beer.
Nong's is so good.

As a term the ultimate origin of the word Creole is African. It stems from the Portuguese word that means "to create" and basically means "of the colony" once they started to have children with native women.

Criollo Goats, Criollo houses, Criollo whites, Criollo blacks, etc....

Creole as a term is used in all latin derived countries in the Americas from Portuguese to Spanish to French

In Louisiana the history of the word changed. When the Americans took over there were insinuations that White Creoles had black blood because Americans thought Creole = mixed race creoles and so White Creoles began this silly campaign and attempt to claim Creole meant those of French or Spanish ancestry in books.

But in the end Creole means the melange of cultures that formed a new one, some Creole things or concepts are more African or Native American or European than others but they all still influence in some ways.

In the case of gumbo its rather Senegalese or more accurately Luso-African, very good it reminds me of my peoples food!

got a good recipe?


honestly surprised about that. didn't know there were so many fellow southerners here.

on a daily basis my breakfast consists of 1 avocado and some cottage cheese. cereal if i'm in a hurry (plain cheerios)

lunch is some sort of salad usually. i make all different kinds.

dinner consists of soup and a plate of vegetables.
> began this silly campaign and attempt to claim Creole meant those of French or Spanish ancestry in books.
you seem misinformed, in latin america "criollo" means pure spanish blood
>in protein

Nigga what? Spaghetti is almost all carbs aside from tiny chunks of meat.
most white families that DO cook their own meals tend to prepare more european dishes as they're passed down from generations, there are obvious exceptions in places where they have actual real regional cuisine that is deeper than a few dishes, especially the south.
>tiny chunks of meat
>not having an 80:20 meat to noodle ratio
At that point you are just devouring tomato sauce and ground beef. Is it even spaghetti anymore?
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we eat whatever the fuck we want cause we can. /thread
Spaghetti is a type of pasta, not a dish you retard
>>Eats cheese with maggots
No one actually eats that, it's a meme
pork roast with apples
Johnny Marzetti
Cottage pie

each region has its own specialty dishs and such, I can speak for new england having chowders and baked beans, stews and American Italian foods in droves

mostly the meme comes from pissy colored people not getting that just overseasoning your food does not make it good
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Honestly these black people memes actually hurt my feelings because my parents couldn't cook at ALL growing up and the food I ate was usually even worse than the shit being posted by blacks on twitter. Here are some examples of recipes that they would prepare

>Mash Potato with gravy and sausage
Just one single potato per person squashed into a vague disc shape after being microwaved for 10 minutes. then powdered gravy poured over with cold cut pork rolled into a cigar shape

>Chicken Stew
Cold cut chicken of various types floating in boiling water. Dad was really proud and would always take a sip while the water was still boiling and pretend it wasn't burning horribly

>Beef Stew
Same as above but with cold cut beef.

Cold cut ham between buns. I know it just sounds like a ham sandwich but my parents INSISTED it was 'hamburger night' and even bought McDonalds uniforms online to 'serve' the food to me

>Pancakes with syrup and cream and a side of bacon
Frozen pancakes from wal mart. The 'syrup' was just honey that had been microwaved then mixed with cubes of ice 'to add some 3D flavor' to the flat pancakes. bacon was precooked bacon cubes

Apart from that it was just cold cut meat sandwiches and nothing else apart from fast food. the worst part is that we are middle class and have always had an amazing kitchen.

so your parents knew how to use a microwave and boil water? that's sad.
>my parents INSISTED it was 'hamburger night' and even bought McDonalds uniforms online to 'serve' the food to me
you aren't serious... right?
>White people from america, what is your cuisine like?
americanized chinese/indian/italian/mexican food
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That's a keeper
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Cajuns are descendants of Canadian-French exiled from their Northern home in parts of Nova Scotia and other freezing ass places in Eastern Canada.
Creole are mixed, but not only French (from France and not Canadian French) and Spanish but Native American,African, and German among others. Not all Creoles share the same lineage. Some may be of Afro-Caribean-German decent, while others are French-Spanish or many other flavor combinations. The Majority of Creole's in Louisiana do have some African in them somewhere, but a few do not. Most people do not realize the diversity that can be shown under the "Creole" umbrella. They just think "Black and French". Now people like to call themselves "Creole" if they live in New Orleans and are "Light Skinned-ed", but that is just because they want to be special.
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I was going to make fun of you but then I saw

>even bought McDonalds uniforms online to 'serve' the food to me

And I just can't. What the fuck, anon?
Okay fine then, spaghetti is literally all carbs.
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Your parents are fucking stupid, but they certainly loved you.
tfw indian
would try/10
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>Cold cut ham between buns. I know it just sounds like a ham sandwich but my parents INSISTED it was 'hamburger night' and even bought McDonalds uniforms online to 'serve' the food to me

Oh lawd...
>At that point you are just devouring tomato sauce and ground beef.


That's essentially what a U.S. spaghetti meal consists of in most places, and it's delicious. Tomato sauced seasoned with basil, salt, pepper, and oregano, combined with ground beef and some garlic or wine, blends together well, and can be served over any pasta, or even rice.

Served with a veggie side, like grilled bell pepper or zucchini, and you've got a meal with carbs, proteins, and veggies.
>no fish
>no fried chicken
>no ribs/brisket/pulled pork

Do you live in a fucking swamp or something? Or a cave? Where are you from in the south where these meats aren't regular staples?
Who is this semen demon?
you just made me grateful more than ever that my mom is a damn good cook.
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>snotty whites
Fucking dropped
>Do you live in a fucking swamp
Isn't the entire south just a swamp?
We wuz cajuns!
>Utah cuisine
Cracker, please.
All of the 'native'food in the US is a mix of shit for different cultures.
>White cuisine is great.
>Bland food is amazing.
My family does paper plates, since we don't even own 50 plates for all the family that comes over.
That didn't answer the question at all.
>my taste buds are so underdeveloped that food is only good if its covered in hot spicy shit.
White American food is like taking all the best things of every other's cultures food and discarding it so that it doesn't taste like anything. Then you claim that it's the healthiest shit on earth.
>white people's taste buds are so undeveloped that anything with adequate seasoning is considered 'hot spicy shit.'
How do you come up with this shit?
What do you define as not "bland"?
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even water is considered spicy for you pussy ass white boys. have fun eating your green peas and chicken breasts, school shooter.
>even bought McDonalds uniforms online to 'serve' the food to me

jesus fuckin crizzles.
lol cracker barrel
shit is disgusting
those eggs are cooked so awfully jesus

and all that gravy on that piece of chicken, disgusting

you americans eat some straight trash
That's chicken fried steak, you fucking commie

>shrek is love, shrek is life
I think you forgot to mention the watermelon Leroy.
>piece of chicken
That ain't chicken
The eggs are the equivalent of over easy except they're sunny side up, not sure what the proper term is. You're a dumb fuck if you think fried eggs should be cooked all the way through.
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i dont get it, where your nigger parents back cooks or just really poor
>where your nigger parents back cooks
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tell me more.
Creoles are not all mixed race and Cajuns do not all share Arcadian ancestors.

They are not different people, Codofil created the notion of a Cajun ethnic group. Before they were just poor people who spoke French or German, Cajun was and to really old people still is an insult.
That came later, the oldest reference for Criollo in a Spanish colony shows quite clearly it's origin is with Lusophone and hispanophone black people.

>in the early 16th century Garcilaso de la Vega in his book, "Royal Commentaries of the Incas and General History of Peru," Garcilaso de la Vega tells us that the word criollos or criollas was first invented by the Negroes to mean a Negro born in the Indies. Its use was devised to distinguish between Negros born in the Indies compared to those that were born in the New World since the former were held in high honor since they were born in their own country. He later goes on to state that the Spanish copied the term from the Negroes to describe people born in the new world. This means that all people born in the New World, both Spaniards and Guinea Negroes, were now considered criollo.

I have the origin and original use of the word outside and within Louisiana. What did I miss?
acadian you fat anglo-saxon

ALL food is a mix of shit from different cultures, not just the U.S.'s.
>thinks white people don't grow hot pepper's in their garden
>butthurt shitskin detected
I am from Senegal and I am not fat.
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here we have British delicacy. this is top notch cuisine that is consumed by millions of brits everyday. much better than a burger desu
>honey that had been microwaved then mixed with cubes of ice 'to add some 3D flavor'
hahahaha wat.
burn coal pay the toll
>White people from america, what is your cuisine like?
Varies widely by region and class. Poor people across the country eat shit like OP pic, and even worse. The middle class tries to be health conscious, and eats a lot of chicken breast while trying to convince themselves they like lowfat this and that and whatever "superfood" is trendy at the moment. But still they mostly eat just a slightly better version of the industrially processed garbage the poor are eating.

The upper middle class does better if they actually bother to cook. Otherwise they're just eating the "gourmet" versions of the shit the middle class eats, with a little more international flair thrown in. But they don't have to care too much because they can afford to eat out at reasonably nice restaurants pretty often. So at least they have some idea of what good food tastes like.

The white Americans who are really eating well are those who grow/fish/hunt their own food or live near people who do. Those who can afford to go to the best restaurants and/or buy top quality ingredients when cooking at home. And those lucky enough to live next to immigrant neighborhoods, so they have access to the kind of inexpensive deliciousness that operates outside the system white people have established here.
Biscuits and Gravy, this morning dish is the kitties titties in the North West!
>Even bought McDonalds uniforms

you fucking with us, right?
This. Southern cuisine is as original as possible in terms of American cuisine, not to say other regional cuisine is indigenous to America. New England cuisine and most regional BBQs are purely American.
Another southerner here. Most of this stuff is about the same in my household with the exception of some vegetables. Only change I'd make is replace baked fish with fried catfish, crabs and Oysters on special occasions
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>You're a dumb fuck if you think fried eggs should be cooked all the way through.
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1: Jellied eels is a meme food: it was a local delicacy in a tiny part of London that no longer exists. The only people who eat it now are hipsters
2: You can get a better burger in London than you can in most of the US

Meant for >>7123572
>2: You can get a better burger in London than you can in most of the US
inb4 10,000 butthurt flyovers saying their local place makes the best pucks of cooked ground beef with salt on a bun because you've never heard of it
Sure he would, if he had a cold or something.
>You can get a better burger in London than you can in most of the US

You can get a better burger in any city than you can in most of the world
That sentence was completely pointless, do you really think that one of the best burgers in London being better than fast-food joint burgers is an accomplishment?
>You can get a better burger in any city than you can in most of the world

I know. It was a response to facetious remark about London cuisine from an American
I actually live in a swamp and we eat all the things you named
>You can get a better burger in London than you can in most of the US

>this is what British people actually believe
>tfw can't identify my own cuisine culture because it just seems standard to me

I live in new England, but I don't even really eat that much seafood.
sorry based senegal!
i really want to visit sƩnƩgal before I die.
Mousaka is like chili but with fried eggplant. And sometimes chickpeas
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>bought McDonalds uniforms online to 'serve' the food to me
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>parents INSISTED it was 'hamburger night' and even bought McDonalds uniforms online to 'serve' the food to me
>even bought McDonalds uniforms online
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>even bought McDonalds uniforms online

top kek
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>mcdonalds uniforms

It seems I can no longer find the shit that I had prior to reading this.
Shut the fuck up hamburger soupfag

That pun is top notch
Do u praise allah in eccentric fashion before u eat?
Only trailer trash eat those kind of shit meals in your pic.
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California here, I mostly just browse online, see a few recipes that look good, get the ingredients and take a shot. For some reason I gravitate a lot towards mushrooms if I don't stop myself.

>mfw my first time making risotto comes out just as well as could be hoped, no grit or mushiness, creamy, plenty of flavor but not overwhelming

I burnt the onion though kinda, so it turned the whole thing a sorta gold-brown color. Oh well.
I don't have a pic but we almost always eat our food with cooked frozen veggies, literally every single meal.
As for actual entrees, roasted chicken with salt and pepper or spaghetti with homemade meat sauce is pretty typical for us.
>hey look at this joke i made literally moments ago, haha! aren't i so funny! epic! be sure to #like #comment and #subscribe!
How? How the fuck can you get like that?

How the fuck can anyone be so inept at cooking, what the fuck?
canned soupees
frozen din dins
baked potatoes
steamed broccoli
ice berg lettuce
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We eat whole foods usually.
And by whole foods I clearly mean that we eat our foods whole.

Picture not related.
>Honestly these black people memes actually hurt my feelings because my parents couldn't cook at ALL growing up and the food I ate was usually even worse than the shit being posted by blacks on twitter. Here are some examples of recipes that they would prepare
>>Mash Potato with gravy and sausage
>Just one single potato per person squashed into a vague disc shape after being microwaved for 10 minutes. then powdered gravy poured over with cold cut pork rolled into a cigar shape
>>Chicken Stew
>Cold cut chicken of various types floating in boiling water. Dad was really proud and would always take a sip while the water was still boiling and pretend it wasn't burning horribly
>>Beef Stew
>Same as above but with cold cut beef.
>Cold cut ham between buns. I know it just sounds like a ham sandwich but my parents INSISTED it was 'hamburger night' and even bought McDonalds uniforms online to 'serve' the food to me
>>Pancakes with syrup and cream and a side of bacon
>Frozen pancakes from wal mart. The 'syrup' was just honey that had been microwaved then mixed with cubes of ice 'to add some 3D flavor' to the flat pancakes. bacon was precooked bacon cubes
>Apart from that it was just cold cut meat sandwiches and nothing else apart from fast food. the worst part is that we are middle class and have always had an amazing kitchen.

What the fucking fuck.
You don't have to quote the entire fucking post, you fucking mongoloid.
>You don't have to quote the entire fucking post, you fucking mongoloid.
Just to piss you off...
Every bit of that post gives me the same reaction, fuck you.
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>current year
>using plebbit
>paper plates
>mac and cheese with Thanksgiving

Yep. That's defiantly a black family. At least living in flyover land, we have real plating and silverware, along with proper, hearty thanksgiving foods.
Rice, beans, corn, etc.
Midwestern is the clearest and most understandable American accent.
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salty bby
I'm from San Francisco, and we eat dicks, but then, everybody knows that.

Matter of fact, we eat dicks by the bagful.
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I am very sad for both of these families. It's a shame neither side can eat a decent Thanksgiving meal.
I'll be sure to upvote, friend :)
Creoles are black, they're just not *African.* To call a Creole an African American is like calling a Spaniard a Mexican. Different countries/continents, same skin color.

>black people


>Louisiana Creole people are those who are descended from the colonial settlers of Louisiana, especially those of colonial French or Spanish descent. The term creole was originally used by French settlers to distinguish those born in Louisiana from those born in the mother country or elsewhere.

>French or Spanish descent

I hate disinformation.
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Try -28oC during winter. I live in the northern midwest US.
'Muricans! Is cornbread worth a try? And if so, what's the best recipe?
It's alright. All cornbread I've had is tasty, but pretty dry. You might want something to go with it to offset that.
And what would a true southern side dish be?
>these images will be one year out of date in less than a month
Also does John Oliver even say "IT'S 2015" that much or is it a /tvpol/ meme?
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Chili and cornbread is the way to go man. Beans n' meat, and when its all done cooking and you serve it up, sprinkle cheddar cheese ontop so it melts a bit, then dip your cornbread into your bowl of chili to soak up all that delicious flavor!
You should also try fried polenta, if you have leftover cornmeal. There are lots of recipes, but you basically just make polenta, chill it until it sets, cut it up, then pan fry it until it's crispy.
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This guy has to be the best person on /ck/
Niggerchow is usually pretty good.
>just screaming
I think there's less of a "American food" and more of a "North American food" and it's a whole bunch of regional cuisines including French Canadian food, Mesoamerican, Mexican/Southwestern, etc. Some foods exist across national borders but in different forms, i.e. US vs. Mexican tacos.

America also has a lot of internationally-inspired foods. These aren't actually foods from other countries. Every country has foods that are inspired by cooking styles from other countries, but aren't from those countries. I.e.
Japanese curry (India/Britain) and croquettes (France/Spain)
Hong Kong toast (France)
Vietnamese banh mi (France)
Indonesian/Filipino lumpia/popiah (Fujian)
British lamb vindaloo and chicken tikah masala (India)
Chinese/Taiwanese New Orleans roast chicken (???)

So in America you find food like ground meat tacos, various kinds of pasta casseroles, "Asian food" like ginger-lime whatever, "sushi," crab rangoons, among other things that you simply can't find in the regions they allege to come from. You can't call them bastardized versions of those countries' foods, because often times they're not even based on any food from other countries, just borrow some ingredients and sometimes cooking styles from overseas. Do you think you can find Beijing beef in Beijing? Do you know how many dishes are made with deep-fried beef in China? Like, fucking zero.
also if you actually want to know what Americans (who can cook) are eating, just go to allrecipes.com or foodnetwork.com or pinterest or something. Lots of modern American home cooking is simply what people find on their favorite cooking sites. Some of those foods are obviously borrowed directly from other national cuisines, but Americans are constantly coming up with home-brewed recipes based on what they see in magazines, on facebook, or eat in restaurants. American food is pretty mixed, because America has an extreme range of crops due to being so huge and having varying landscapes and climates, not to mention the influence of spice trades over a few centuries.
You have to imagine the USA as lots of little countries put together, kind of. The cultural divide between a Rhode Islander, a Louisianian and a Californian are going to be massive. The internet and metropolitan cities confuse things a little (someone from Miami and someone from San Francisco will conduct themselves almost identically, while someone from Alberta and someone from Ybor City will have that cultural divide.)

As far as "white people from america" goes, which did you mean? The Deitsch in Amish Pennsylvania, who make scrapple, Birch/Root Beer and nearly every quintessentially "American" dessert? How about the Cajuns, who focus on rice dishes and seafood, like gumbo and jambalaya? The Old South with their biscuits and gravy, their chicken and waffles, their king's cake, cornbread, and smoked meats? Let's not forget that Americans invented modern barbecue, and that each state has a preference for marinade, cut of meat and cooking procedure.

Please kill yourself.
>You can get a better burger in London than you can in most of the US
I would actually make you swallow all of your teeth if you ever said this to me
"American Food" = USA food. Don't be a dense twat.
Cajun is code-word for white. I really don't give a shit about what "creole" is though. Those fuckers need to let go of that "distinction", they're all mixed with black these days anyway.
what an arbitrary line to draw. southwestern food has more to do with north Mexican food, and food on either side of the Canadian border, than does say northeastern and southern American food.

Cajun is a unique European-American group that may have roots in French, Spanish, and Basque people
Don't start this.
It really isn't, you know
Cornbread is delicious.

Any recipe is good, however, I enjoy mine with jalapeno peppers.

Collard greens.
Green bean casserole.
Spinach and tomatoes.
Peas and carrots.

There's lots of options.
>I'm going to take this one single example of American food and make it my permanent opinion on all American food
People like you need to leave 4chan
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pork tenderloin sandwhiches. there is no mixing, thats just fucking fried pork on a bun.

ALSO. chicken hearts, smelt, rabbit, gizzards are the shit

what's the issue. he was right. you're just a pos
>be Russian
>Oh, so you eat lots of borsht right?
>Fake smile : y-yes.

What else do Russians even eat? I've visited my grandparents a few times as a kid but there wasn't really any other dish that I recall. Lots of soups and lots of really hearty salads with potatos/beets and often meat.
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I like all the foods everybody listed here, but I will not deny I would like a lot of them better between two slices of bread.

I can't stop myself, sandwiches are just so fucking good and they let me eat with my hands like a filthy animal.
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>you americans eat some straight trash
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