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>sister and her BF ask me to help them cook supper "because
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>sister and her BF ask me to help them cook supper "because I can give them some pointers"
>see them making basic mistakes
>offer some pointers
>"jeez dude don't be a back seat cook I know what I'm doing"

Lord Jesus give me strength
Am I the only one that has this happen?
Yeah. You're an anomaly
Yep I don't associate with tera-plebs like you and your family.
Tera what? Speak English you fucking nazi
>American education
>Skin head arrogance
kill them and eat them.
>American can't even speak English so fires off insults in all directions

why even make a big deal of it. the second they criticize your first suggestion is your ticket to get the fuck out of there (i.e. 'well i tried' and leave)

Fuck people who don't want to take advice.
Other than avoiding them, best them to do with those kinds of people is to just ask questions when you spot mistakes.

Emphasize that you've never seen something done that way before or say it's original. Bate them into asking you some questions.
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