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ITT: we make cheese dips
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ITT: we make cheese dips
okay, shoot
well if you are pretty lazy and dont want to put a lot of effort in for a group of people you could just mix rotel with velveeta
File: beer cheese.jpg (186 KB, 720x372) Image search: [Google]
beer cheese.jpg
186 KB, 720x372
Spicy beer cheese is the best cheese dip.
I bet you're the type of guy who thinks beer batter is better than normal batter too

On onion rings it is.
Cream cheese, pepperjack cheese, and whatever beer I have on hand makes a half decent dip.
Processed cheese slices are so weird that they actually can be melted and used as cheese sauce for nachos

Are you stupid, or do you just not have functioning taste buds?
universal cheese dip recipe:

shredded cheese + evaporated milk + a little bit of corn starch

add whatever

1. if you use pre-shredded bag cheese it'll probably come out gross bc bag cheese has additional stuff added to keep it from clumping together, and that'll fuck up your dip

2. if you use processed cheese you might not need the milk or starch bc processed cheese already has added emulsifiers

3. if you need to reheat your cheese dip you will probably have to add a little extra water when you reheat it
cheese of your choosing
sodium citrate

cheese sauce
>we depressed chili dip now

So how anyone have any decent cheese dip recipes? And I'm not talking about Velveeta and rotel
Tiny bit of salt

Tiny pit of pepper

1 part manchego

1 part blue cheese

1 part cheddar

2 parts mozarella

Olive oil

2 parts sour cream

Tad bit of water

Heat it up in a pot

Make sure it's low heat

Stir it

Add specifically in that order

And most definitely

Look that shit up yourself and stop being lazy
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