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How in the world isn't there one up already?
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Seems to think everything is spam so here we go with some long posts.

>Steak n' Shake Fry/Steakburger Seasoning

4 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 teaspoons sugar
¼ teaspoon paprika
¼ teaspoon turmeric
1/8 teaspoon soybean oil
KFC recipe
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Applebee's Spinach and Artichoke dip

1 (10 ounce) box frozen chopped Spinach, thawed
1 (14 ounce) can Artichoke Hearts, drained and roughly chopped
1 cup shredded Parmesan-Romano Cheese mix
1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella Cheese
10 ounces prepared alfredo sauce
1 teaspoon minced garlic
4 ounces softened cream cheese
Pepper (optional)
This is fake. All the kfc seasoning packs are pre-mixed in bags. Also there are only 10 ingredients he lists. This recipe is closer, only I don't use the msg and I cut a tsp of salt out. You can also brine the chicken first too, if you want.
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I like Pop-eyes chicken better desu
>How in the world isn't there one up already
because most people don't give the slightest of fucks about replicating shit tier food
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Maybe you could try copycat dishes from good restaurants and not crap chains?
Example, maybe?
The wings at Pok Pok maybe? The burger and truffle fries at the Spotted Pig? (Already know that one). Or Savoy's summer lobster in Paris?

Come on, choose some good shit. If you don't go for highbrow you could at least do the best of the lowbrow shit, like Piedmont pork shoulder, Vietnamese sandwiches or some shit like that.

Here's the Spotted Pig burger:

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Turkey Noodle Soup
Panera Bread Recipe

Serves 6

12 ounces turkey breast cutlets, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon rubbed sage or poultry seasoning
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
3 carrots, chopped
3 ribs celery, chopped
9 cups low sodium chicken broth or turkey broth
1 bay leaf
3 ounces (1 1/2 cups) fine egg noodles
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 loaf Panera Bread Sea Salt Focaccia, cut into wedges

Season the turkey pieces with the salt, pepper, and sage. Heat the oil in a large soup pot on medium. Add the turkey and cook, turning now and then, until browned all over, 5 minutes. Remove and set it aside. Add the onion, carrots, and celery to the pot and cook until they begin to soften, 6 to 8 minutes. Add the broth and bay leaf.

Cover and bring the broth to a boil over high heat; then reduce the heat to medium low. Simmer gently, partially covered, until the carrots are tender and the flavors blend, about 30 minutes.

Add the noodles, parsley, and reserved turkey and simmer gently, partially covered, until the noodles are tender, about 5 minutes. Remove the bay leaf before serving. Ladle the soup into bowls and serve with the focaccia wedges for dipping.
I have the recipe for maccas special sauce. if this post gets 100 replies i will post it.
>implying half of /ck/ isn't "so guise lel wuts ur fav thing 2 get at Mcdonalds? lol mines the carbonara :P"
Baking powder is just baking soda + starch
like its suuuuch a secret lmfao
1⁄3 cup low-fat mayonnaise
2 teaspoons dill pickle relish
2 teaspoons yellow mustard
1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon paprika
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I found two that differ slightly so I'll post them both.

Ike’s Fish-Sauce Wings

(Serves 4–8)

8 garlic cloves, peeled
1 tsp kosher salt
1/4 cup warm water
1/2 cup Vietnamese fish sauce (Ricker recommends Phu Quoc or Three Crabs brand)
1/2 cup superfine sugar
2 lbs medium-size chicken wings (about 12), split at the joint
Vegetable oil (for frying)
1 cup rice flour
1/4 cup tempura batter mix (Ricker recommends Gogi brand)
1/4 cup water
Optional: 1–2 tsp naam phrik khao soi (roasted chile paste, for “spicy wings”)

Chop garlic, add salt, chop some more. Add warm water and let it rest. Pour through a sieve and smoosh garlic, saving what can't be strained.

Add fish sauce and sugar to the watery mixture and let sugar dissolve. Add 1/2 cup of the resulting mixture to the chicken wings, toss, and save the rest of the mix. Marinate at least 4 hours.

FRYING: First fry the leftover garlic in a pan until golden-brown, and set aside.

Heat enough oil to submerge the wings in at 325 degrees, mix the rice flour and tempura batter, and toss wings. Cook for 10-12 minutes until golden brown; drain.

FINISHING: Add 1/4 cup of water to remaining fish sauce mixture. Combine with chili paste (optional), bring to a boil, and reduce in a pan for about 45 seconds.

Using 1/4 cup of the fish sauce/water mixture in the pan, add about half the wings, tossing in 1tsp of the browned garlic. Glaze your wings and shit's done.
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And the slight variant

Bomb Vegetarian Demi-Glace

1/2 cup Asian fish sauce
1/2 cup superfine sugar
4 garlic cloves, 2 crushed and 2 minced
3 pounds chicken wings, split at the drumettes
2 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus more for frying
1 cup cornstarch
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon chopped mint

In a bowl, whisk the fish sauce, sugar and crushed garlic. Add the wings and toss to coat. Refrigerate for 3 hours, tossing the wings occasionally.

Heat the 2 tablespoons of oil in a small skillet. Add the minced garlic; cook over moderate heat until golden, 3 minutes. Drain on paper towels.

In a large pot, heat 2 inches of oil to 350°. Pat the wings dry on paper towels; reserve the marinade. Put the cornstarch in a shallow bowl, add the wings and turn to coat. Fry the wings in batches until golden and cooked through, about 10 minutes. Drain on paper towels and transfer to a bowl.

In a small saucepan, simmer the marinade over moderately high heat until syrupy, 5 minutes. Strain over the wings and toss. Top with the cilantro, mint and fried garlic and serve.
>chicken wings

u wot?
Why do you people make the flats with the extra bit still left on them? It has no meat as it's mostly just skin, ligaments, and bone. And it just gets in the way of eating the flat.
>he thinks restaurants actually give a shit about veggi-fags
If you order something vegetarian at a restaurant that serves meat, there's going to be meat in your dish
I'm not a vegetarian and I don't give a rats ass, but they are clearly retarded calling something "vegitarian" when it clearly isn't.

I'm not the retard, the stupid fucking gooks are retards.
Why add the word vegetarian there at all? Are they just trying to trick hippies? A better name would be "Veggie X" or something along those lines. Vegetarian does not go in the name of a dish that has meat. There's no point and it just makes them sound ignorant/stupid.
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When I copied the recipe off the website, I accidentally copied the title of a related video. Ignore that bit.

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Did you know Olive Garden actually posts its recipes online? Has anyone tried them?

resteraunt >>7061838
a place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the premises.

And Long John Silver's is fuckin delicious.
He's pointing out your spelling mistake you fucking imbecile.
Why would I assume he's pointing out a spelling mistake when he didn't bother to type it correctly you fuckknob
how new r u
>Mini Dog

New to /ck/ honestly. I first assumed he was making fun of Long John Silver's being considered a restaurant.
Hah, seems I'm done posting today
You know, that's a fair assumption to make.

I spell restaurant wrong every time, and I write for a living. I don't know what it is about that fucking word.
>most people don't give the slightest of fucks about replicating shit tier food
You're right, cooking is hard. Most people on /ck/ only give a fuck about eating/talking about shit tier food.
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>michael alone
>1cup ice
Like ice cube tray ice or crushed ice? What shape of ice are we talking about here

My name is Michael and I am often alone. I don't like McDonalds but I cook some pretty pretty cool food for myself. Maybe one day I will open a Michael Alone bar and serve some of my unique comfort food. I know another Michael or two who are also loners that may be on board.
My guess would be whole ice cubes since it specifies to blend after the list of ingredients? Not sure, haven't made it myself.
So Long John Silver's doesn't season their batter with anything but salt, and is otherwise a completely normal, boring batter recipe?

Why even bother?
the fish long john silvers uses is pretty good I had some cod fillets that weren't as good from Sams. So the quality of the ingredients is important too.
Anyone got the sauce for McDonalds Bigmac?
I know that there is a pic with a recipie
Just buy a bottle of thousand island
Where do you get baking soda soda?
Fucking stupid idiot, red shirted ass
Doesnt really taste like the sauce McDonalds, can someone lurk?
From the soda soda store
Kechup & mayo
Ty, anon. Gonna Save me a LOT of
Money since i Love McDonalds
Glad to have helped, broke brethren anon
I work in an Italian restaurant. All our vegan food is actually vegan, and our gluten free food is also gluten free.
Some people are actually vegan/gluten free due to food allergies and nothing will get your restaurant shut down and have you in debt quicker than having somebody die because of some bull shit like that.
Had an ex with celiac, when you say "gluten-free" you can't just mean "has no gluten in it," it also means "can't be prepared with/on anything that's touched something with gluten." That's the big fuck up most places don't know about.

Pain in the dick.
>3 tablespoons sugar

Jesus Christ.
I imagine that's why Starbucks doesn't put their calories next to their menu items.
>Thousands of white girl heart attacks
Red Lobster Biscuits

For the biscuits:
Cooking spray
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons baking powder
2 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons vegetable shortening, at room temperature
4 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
6 ounces grated yellow cheddar cheese (about 1 1/4 cups)
3/4 cup whole milk
For the garlic butter:
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 clove garlic, smashed
1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley

Position a rack in the upper third of the oven and preheat to 425 degrees. Lightly mist a large baking sheet with cooking spray.

Make the biscuits: Pulse the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in a food processor. Add the shortening and pulse until combined. Add the butter; pulse 4 or 5 times, or until the butter is in pea-size pieces. Add the cheese and pulse 2 or 3 times. Pour in the milk and pulse just until the mixture is moistened and forms a shaggy dough. Turn out onto a clean surface and gently knead until the dough comes together. Do not overwork the dough or the biscuits will be tough.

Drop the dough onto the baking sheet in scant 1/4-cup portions, 2 inches apart, and bake until golden, 15 to 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, make the garlic butter: Melt the butter with the garlic in a small saucepan over medium heat; cook for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and stir in the parsley. Brush the biscuits with the garlic butter and serve warm.

mom has made the zuppa soup often from this site, its pretty good
>Having a mom that can cook
Jealous. Mine only got better once I left the house and she got new diet restrictions.
I grew up without my mom arround.
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