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Full Fat Yogurt and Its Rarity
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File: fatyogurtbro.gif (24 KB, 288x230) Image search: [Google]
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I like my yogurts, I'll eat low fat, 0 fat, greek style. I don't mind.
However, does anyone else find it hard to find a plentiful variety of full fat yogurts? Feels like there's less choice and less stock wherever I go.
Don't get me wrong, the 0% yogurts are still nice, but you can't beat a nice full fat yogurt.
your mom likes my full fatty

yeo valley are usually reliable for full fat yoghurts but other than that it's always 0% or 1% everywhere

it's got to be fat
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Make your own.

1. Buy gallon of whole milk
2. Buy plain whole milk yogurt with active cultures (pic related)
3. Heat milk in double boiler to 185 deg
4. Cool milk to 110 deg
5. Add anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 cup of yogurt
6. Insulate container with blankets / whatever to maintain heat in order to allow the cultures to work on the milk.
7. Leave it alone over night.
8. The next day you will have a gallon of plain whole milk yogurt.

Keep about a cup set aside, and when you start to get low, all you need to do is buy milk and use your own yogurt to make more.

>buy plain whole milk yogurt
>the next day you will have plain whole milk yogurt
I haven't ever had a problem finding full fat yogurt in England. All the flavored yogurts tend to be low fat but they're shit anyway
Personally I think full fat yogurt tastes a lot better than 0%/low fat until it's strained. Full fat Greek yogurt just tastes like thick heavy cream to me
Same goes for stuff like cottage cheese and mayo.
Fat is an important part of a healthy diet. I run 5 days a week so a few extra calories isn't going to kill me, plus I don't want to eat disgusting low fat stuff anyway.
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I don't think you understand what shitposting is.
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Engage shitposting.gif
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You capitalised rarity. Reported.
Dude what the fuck
It's hard to get full-fat Greek yogurt ever since degenerate "health" brands pumped the market full of fake 0% shit. The only brand I can get full-fat is Greek Gods.
never heard of making your own yogurt brah?
Trader Joe's has it.
Ive made full fat Greek from a plain non-fat container and the full fat was sweeter and tastier in every way... but i can't eat that shit every day.. most people that eat the shit every day are body builders that need the non fat shit. I just started a clean bulk and i am finding fat in every fucking thing i eat.
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