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Normie reactions to cosplay/j-fashion
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I want to hear your stories.

I'll start with mine, but I'll warn you that they're not very interesting really.
>con is in close proximity to a Pentecostal ministry event
>fleeting eye contact with conservative, also oddly dressed (in their own way) families
>mothers with children and gruff fathers with handlebar mustaches are constantly scowling
>moms shielding their kids' eyes
>refusing to be in the same elevator
...I wasn't even cosplaying.

>chilling at a starbucks in a hotel lobby
>12-14ish looking teenage boy in a backwards cap trying to be hard
>asks me what's with the getup
>"This is a themed event."
>asks me if I'm gay
>tell him to fuck off
>he does
>comes back with his mom
>I tell her to fuck off too
>and then the other customers and employees clapped and my name was albert einstein. Nah, just kidding. She was just like "Well I never" while I death glared at her much like the families mentioned in story #1 until they left.
Halloween night
>outside of a bar with friends, waiting for our Uber
>indignant "Are you fucking gay?" bullshit
>this one is notable because the person saying this shit shit was a disgusting, unattractive neckbeardy type
>blamed us for the Uber taking too long
It's halloween night dude what the fuck. You're old enough to drink, and this was in 2014, we live in southern california, and you're still acting like this.
>Maou-Sama minus cape
>"Can I get a big mac?"
>"Can I get a selfie?"
Weird little exchange from about a week ago. Some nutter wanted to play "dog catcher," I guess.
>Riding the bus home and I'm wearing nanchatte
>Pretty quiet, not many people on thank goodness
>Minding my own business dicking around on my phone when I notice this older lady giving me the nastiest stink eye
>Ignore her initially, no biggie, people stare. But then I look back up and she's still looking dead at me
>Great, I've managed to attract the attention of a crazy person and this is probably the tamest I've dressed all week
>"Why aren't you in school?"
>This smug nutcase thinks she busted some kid playing hooky
>I'm twenty-six, ma'am.
The fuck did she think she was gonna do had I have actually been some kid? Creep.
What kind of nanchatte were you wearing? I'm about to get into it and I was thinking of avoiding ties and blazers for that very reason.
> Height of the Homestuck Craze
> Park with gazebo right next to con center, used for photoshoots all weekend. Except...
> Some poor bride and groom have rented out the gazebo for wedding pictures.
> Middle of Saturday.
> Same time as the Homestuck photoshoot.

Everyone was respectful and tried to stay away, but there is just no fixing the background of those photos. Even Photoshop can't fix that many gray weebs in one spot (without hours of work). The bride looked like she was going to either cry or murder someone and couldn't decide which.

I wonder what con this was
There was a prom party taking photos at the Japanese garden during this year's spring norcal gathering
The year before there was a wedding party
They both had to compete with all the people in cosplay for the spots.
I got one of my dream dresses the other day, I got so excited I immediately had to show my co-workers. One of the girls in the office was gushing over how cute it was asking me all about what I'd be wearing it to.
>"Don't tell me how much it costs! I don't want to know!"
Lol, made my day.
Bambu desu
>old granny worried about the future of the people she marched to get into school throwing away their opportunities
>call her a nutcase
you do realize you were pretty much wearing a school uniform? what did you expect to happen
>cosplaying Len and Rin
>hillbillies drive by in truck
>lead hick screams "Faggot!"
>literally holding hands with my gf
>all of my what
>Go out and enjoy nightlife+karaoke in a group of three
One bouncer applauded and thought the getup was real nice but that he couldn't us in due to dress code. Fair enough.
Another waived our cover charge because they thought our presence would make the venue more interesting
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normie related one:
> this weekend, full kylo ren suit
> walk up to the restrooms of the con , typical 2 sided lobby , one door men , opposite side women.
> finish my business at the rest room , walk out , helmet on because i hate having things in my hands
> automated lights turn off as i´m walking out
> cleaning lady coming out of the ladys room at the same time.
> gets suprised and jumps out crashing onto cleaning cart .

i helped her get up and such , but it amazes me her reaction, i was not the most shocking suit there , there were zombies with creepy makeup

>emo culture at its peak locally
>first cosplay ever , skullman anime ver.
>first helmet ever , a bit crappy but resembles the character , even had light up eyes , but i admit its a rather obscure character.
>emo weeb faggot looks and yells " look , jack skellington"
>first time every cosplaying at first con
>14 years old
>super proud of my costume I made
>walking back to hotel room with dad and little sister at night
>a bunch of drunk people see us and start laughing hysterically
>one guy starts mocking me, telling me it isn't halloween
>more pointing and laughing
>I'm just walking back to my hotel room
>I don't say anything

Maybe I'm just a baby but it really hurt my feelings at the time, especially because there were so many people dressed up around the area yet I was the target for these people and I was with my family
>Another waived our cover charge because they thought our presence would make the venue more interesting
Awesomest thing I've ever read about cosplay.
>and he was right!
>old granny worried about the future of the people she marched to get into school throwing away their opportunities

you're definitely reading too much into this anon
>At a meet a couple weeks ago
>There's like twenty of us but we're not the weirdest dressed people present, it's the fucking Kentucky Derby
>A lady comes up and asks if we all planned to dress like this together
>No, twenty women just decided to wear petticoats to the same event.
>She then asks us if we're all wearing rented costumes
>Bitch show me a store that rents Angelic Pretty, I'd rent shit in a heartbeat

Same event, less funny:
>Some dude wants photos with as many of us as possible
>I'm not really interested since I'm off to one side and trying to have a conversation with another girl
>dude reaches over and grabs me by the arm, tries to physically drag me into the photo
>He hadn't even asked me if I wanted to be in it before just grabbing me, wasn't trying to get my attention or something
>Tell him not to touch me
>must have looked like I was about to stab a bitch because he actually looked apologetic when he let go

The fuck kinda barn do you have to be born in to think that grabbing complete strangers and trying to drag them off is going to get a favorable reaction?
>at con connected to hotel
>get dressed in normie clothes at hotel room before we leave to get food
>get in elevator
>people on business load in
>"Wow, finally some normal people!"
>kid acts rude
>gets his mommy when you're rude back
> At A-kon in Dallas
> Apparently a lot of Britfags were here on vacation, couldn't get the details too well because they were all wasted
> Cosplaying Tavros from Homestuck (Fuck, I'm glad I dodged a bullet on that fandom)
> Huge and shitty horns on the side of my head
> Hear this from behind me
> Girl literally grabs my horns off of my head and tries to run off with them
> Stumbling around drunk with shitty paper mache candy corns
Reminds me of this one time that my friend really wanted us to cosplay for her birthday party for some weird ass reason.

> Wants party in a local pizza shop
> fuckwhy.jpeg
> Wearing the most casual cosplay I can find in my closet
> Mainly just a bright wig
> Thirteen year old girl glaring me down from the small arcade that they have in there
> Literally glares all the way from the arcade and to the walk to her table
> The most pissy and disgusted face I've ever seen
> Turn to her and look at her shirt
> It's Hannah Montana
> Glare back at her, my bitch levels are over nine thousand
> "Nice shirt"
> She bursts into tears, hysterical because I'm apparently super scary and intimidating
> Runs to her family at their table
> Her brother and father charge over there like they're going to kick my ass
> "Hey, bro, are you bullying my sister, bro???? I'll fight you, bro!"
> Tell them to fuck off because she's a little bitch
> Damn that pizza was good
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>Cosplaying a Digganob
>I'm painted partially green
>Guy asks if i'm Shrek in a joking manner
>Tell him yeah, it's from the upcoming fourth film, Shrek 4: It's all Ogre now
>We laugh and go our separate ways

And that's it lads.

How you guys run into so many of these rude as fuck people is beyond me.
>The fuck kinda barn do you have to be born in to think that grabbing complete strangers and trying to drag them off is going to get a favorable reaction?

He could be a Northerner.
>Sharing next hotel over with Jehovah's Witness convention
>Hop into elevator with a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses (they had badges for their respective convention)
>Decked out in full body paint and honestly look kind of demonic
>oh no
>What seems like an eternity of awkward silence goes by (it was probably like one minute in actuality)
>One of the ladies finally starts to say something
>"I like your costume, honey! It's very cool!"
>oh thank god
Are you talking about the religious families where like, they seem to always have a pack of kids with them and nobody except the dad ever talks and all the women wear floor length black or tan skirts?

They're always glaring, what's the deal
>They're always glaring, what's the deal
Because amish people don't often see other people dressed up as anime characters. Also, they're contemplating just how long you're gonna spend in hell for doing that.
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Or we do it in our free time.
I'm in the US Navy, cosplay is a good break that I rarely get.
Not the Amish I know what those guys look like

I mean I've seen these religious families at like Six Flags where everyone's dressed normie and they're STILL glaring and miserable
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>be 17
>chilling at Seattle Center with my cosplay group
>dressed as Giotto from Katekyo Hitman Reborn
>my gf goes off to do a shoot with her friend
>minding my own business on a bench
>suddenly some 50-ish year old dude in a trenchcoat sidles up next to me
>asks me in a southern drawl what this is all about
>motions toward a scantily clad female
>"wouldn't you love to slowly undress her and caress and lick those nubile teats?"
>"uhhh... I guess"
>"you're lookin' real fine all dressed up like that yourself"
>"th... thanks"
>"how old are you, boy?"
>"'cause in Georgia the age of consent is 16"
>he turns about-face and marches off

And that was the last time I ever cosplayed.
If only we could aspire to the noble art of "calling people losers on 4chan" like you, yeah?

You laid it on a little thick there, nobody is going to believe that or even care. There's not enough self-hatred here to use that one, and for most people, cosplay of literally just a hobby.

If you tweak it, though, you could probably get your (You) 's on /a/ or /r9k/ though. Consider this one a freebie.

it's a hobby bro, chill
amish isn't the same as mennonite, yo

Amish people wear other colors besides tan and black

source: used to live in amish country, tho was not amish
gr8 b8 m8
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0/10 bait
didn't even try
i just want you to know that you are all doo-doo heads and what you do for fun greatly offends me and significantly affects me to the point i must put a stop to it.
So there's this Lolita that rides the metro. I see her most times on my way from work. I'm always mentally challenging anyone around her to say something rude.
Because most of these stories really just piss me off.
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>nubile teats
christ above
Seems more of a southern behavior
Why don't you say something nice? If you say like "Your coord is really pretty" then you can drop some Lolita terminology in there
Was this Anime Los Angeles?
fuck I meant Anime Las Vegas
>implying ship gay hasn't been a thing for the last 5000 years
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This was at fucking anime conji 2013 wasn't it

>mfw I walked by the wedding on the way to the meet up in full gray paint

I remember these three guys in suits walking by the gathering and looking very confused
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Wearing cosplay makes you a normie, fool! REEEEEEE
I guess I'll contribute, nothing interesting
>At local anime con in April
>Just got out of Madoka costume, throw on random wig and sort of raver outfit
>Chilling with group waiting on pizza
>See a bunch of maybe 8-9 year old girls going up to bunch of cosplayers asking for photos
>Come over to our group, ask for photos. Happily say yes and take photos with them
>Must be some dance meetup next door
>Ask what is going on here, just tell them it's a Japanese culture convention
>They go on about how cool everyone looks and then run off
>At con in full cosplay
>Me and friends are hungry, food at con is crap and overpriced
>Order pizza
>Pizza deliverer arrives, looks confused as hell
>Pay, he leaves while still taking it all in

Poor dude. But now I make sure to order pizza at every con at least once.
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>wear simple otome with a cat bag in the subway
>two guys in their 50's sit in front of me
>suddenly one of them goes "yer just sixteen you shouldnt be dressing like that"
>I'm 19, kinda babyfaced but ok dude
>"..excuse me what?"
>Second dude goes "is that a cat? Here pussy pussy cat" pointing at my bag
>feeling pretty uncomfortable
>And then first one fucking says
>"har har it's well placed"
>bag is between my legs
Thank god it was my station next. Guys like that make me remember why i'm lesbian.
Because complimenting someone doesn't always stop assholes. But I see your point.
I think i might be misandrist to a certain degree and things like this fuel it even more.
Some men are truly pig disgusting.
>At otakon
>Get on hotel shuttle to con center
>3 cosplayers and 1 norm family
>"Hey we got a convention like this in Philly! Are you guys like the furries?"
Thought this was relatable, my dad just told me this today.

>dad's a musician, plays private party gigs and whatnot
>last night he's playing at a very fancy hotel on the east side
>motor city comic con just ended
>talking to one of the hosts of the party, middle aged dude
>host is like I just fucked up real bad
>he was in the elevator coming down from his room
>tries to make smalltalk with the other guy sharing it with him
>"You hear about that convention happening? What kind of assholes go to those things haha"
>"I do"
>turns out it's Adam West

Guess he was put up there for the weekend. Foot in mouth.
>you're just sixteen
>proceeds to joke about pussies

Men are so gross and the older ones are the worst.
Anime conji was an autism festival and so is Hanadoki
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Holy shit, I'd hate to be that guy.
Youz not a git
>live in city that claims to be one of the most haunted in america
>out and about in gothic
>get mistaken for ghost tour guide multiple times
>people start asking me history questions and where stuff is
I kind of get it because we have a lot of companies that do ghost tours? But none that have the tour guides dress up in historical costume. Also the dress I was wearing had a print and was pretty un-historical costume-like
St Augustine? Or is that just full of goths?
And? Normies think any dress + poof = Alice in Wonderland, they're stupid af

Speaking of which
>Out in old school lolita
>Middle age man shouts "Hey Alice in Wonderland" from car window
>I'm wearing pink????
Fucking Yanks, right
Dont worry

>out at the botanical gardens
>wearing alice themed coord
>middle age man laughs "DID YOU LOSE YOUR SHEEP"
>im fucking alice
>walking by a sex shop wearing Baby's Blooming Snow White in white
>man from the shop yells "hey little red riding hood..!"
read that as
>get mistaken for ghost multiple times
and was really fucking confused about how someone mixes up alive and dead people
Can confirm.
>at Whataburger (it's my birthday yo) wearing Soufflésong's Mucha print in "off white" (olive green)
>elderly Indian man approaches
>"You look like Alice in Wonderland!"
>wearing low-poof black dress with white accents
>dark auburn hair in low pigtails
>expecting "It's not Halloween" or Wednesday Addams comments
>dude on bus: "So are you like a gothic Alice in Wonderland????"
So it's definitely not the colour, or even necessarily the poof. Is it the mary jane shoes? I give up.
>wearing all black classic coord, sheer tights and ankle boots
>red hair under a wide brim hat
>menopausal women keep calling me Alice

I think it's a combination of the knee-length skirt and how normies think that anything with a ruffle is Victorian.
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>I'm cosplaying Rei during free comic day
>buying lunch
>kindly elderly man turns to me and smiles
>"You look like Doris Day!"
>"Thank you, sir"
>holding hands
>friend met some guy online
>wants another guy to tag along with her for safety
>I agree to it
>she then tells me they're meeting at a Christian event (she's Christian but tolerable and not pushy)
>I still agree, after all, I'm going for her sake not my own so hey
>wear visual kei shit
>go to concessions because I'm dying of thirst and it's a break from the awful music
>guy in a fedora with unkempt hair behind me
>"that's a nice Tripp jacket"
>inform him that it's not Tripp, but try to take it as a compliment
>"ah, I see. Did you get it at Hot Topic? "
I'm sorry that happened to you, especially at such a young age and in front of your family. Some people are just dicks and it would have upset me too.
It was such a lovely compliment to me. Because I am actually a devout Doris fan. I've seen all her movies, Pajama Game and Pillow Talk are my favorites. She is still alive and she is so nice and loves animals.

I found it funny too because other than the light bob hair I don't see much resemblance.
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>few years ago
>be new lolita
>babbys first coord
>had blonde hair
>wear sax old school coord
>ridiculous number of alice comments
never again
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>turns out it's Adam West
How do you fuck up so hard
> Wearing head-to-toe sax blue old school
> "Hey, Little Red Riding Hood!"
People are just dumb I guess
Idk, maybe she wasn't expecting someone to be fucking rude. I wouldn't call granny a nutcase, but there are better ways to go about it.

I've had people ask if I'm a student/which high school I go to which I guess is a subtle form of doing it but much more polite. But seriously though, we often had half-days, spirit days (where half the school was away watching a football or hockey game so the rest kinda skipped), we walked to church, some of us left school because we had fitness class at the Y or we had coop placements...it's nice that she cares but we had a million reasons to be out and about, so it doesn't help anyone if granny can't mind her own fucking business. Just my 2 cents.

not op; but to be honest I mostly get positive reactions. Never worn a tie but I wear blazer and bows and I usually gets lots of compliments.
Different anon but I'd expect the old lady to mind her own damn business instead of getting her jollies from confronting people on a bus.

After a con, my friends and I went to go grab something to ear at the food court of a local mall. I didn't have spare clothes since I wasn't planning on this, so I was going to have to go in still in costume. As a show of solidarity, two of my friends chose not to change out of their costumes either.

And thats why the Chosen Undead from Dark Souls, Emiya Shirou, and a Jedi went to a mall Chipotle. We got all sorts of looks, but we decided that the best way to handle this was to just walk in like we owned the place and pretend that nothing was wrong.

An older gentlemen in line ahead of us asked if we were in a play. After a small group huddle, we decided that the easiest way to answer that question was 'yes'. However, since we had responded to his question by first forming a goddamn huddle, I don't think he bought it.

The best reactions we got were from kids at the mall, though. The look of sheer wonder on these kids faces as they saw a dude bedecked in knight armor just walking around like it was no big deal.
Reminds me of the mall across from Anime Weekend Atlanta. If you go upstairs to the foodcourt there's another escalator that goes down and it goes right past the kiddy play area downstairs. You sit in the foodcourt for half an hour you can regularly hear unholy screeches of glee from kiddies losing their minds as cosplayers go past them on the escalator to get back to the con.
Anytime an irl friend sees my lolita instagram
>is that really you
>no way you actually wear that outside
>did you make your clothes
>hot topic during that time where you got looked at if funny you werent goth/emo/scene
>go in wearing sweet lolita
>guy behind the counter with a rainbow mohawk and a shit ton of face peircings
>guy working behind the counter points at me
>everyone else in the store chimes in laughing
>didn't say anything back I was just taken aback on how this fucking human pincushion made fun of me for looking different
Things that never happened for $20.
I don't believe this happened. Hot Topic people are usually excited to see lolitas or just don't really care.
>In seifuku on con day
>Small con, only in second year so locals aren't used to it
>Go to lunch counter nearby
>Black guy tried to pick me up, calling me an"Asian slut"
I'm white
>>Black guy tried to pick me up, calling me an"Asian slut"

Does calling a girl a slut ever work? Cause judging from how often I hear it used, it seems like lots of men seem to think so.
Unfortunately from my irl experiences that doesn't sound unrealistic at all. Sure my eyes are sorta almond shaped but they're still very different. I don't even look 1/8 asian.
Maybe on "empowered" women? I know it does work on stereotypical ghetto women at least. Everyone else hates it. Non-ghetto men probably get it from puas,trp, or some dumb shit like that.

Seems like a ghetto thing to do. I have no idea. No one has ever tried to pick me up with a 'slut' line.
I don't even know what to say to this. This is hardly the first time I've told this story here but this is the first time I was doubted for it.
You ever been to a hot topic in the old times?
>dressed as elsa
>need to take bus to meet up location
>really short bus ride and stops right in front of location but the stop is right by my uni
>awkwardly really standing out
>two international asian girls ask to take photos with me
>tell me I look good
Kinda the reverse, actually, but:

>be vendor at Bronycon
>not a fan, but money's money
>coworkers warn of weirdness even by con standards
>am not disappointed
>visit my parents a couple weeks later
>had previously told them I was taking a business trip to Baltimore, evasive on details
>after greetings, Dad says, "So, really? Bronycon?"
>apparently his coworker was there for a different event a week later and heard about the event from the traumatized mutterings of convention center staff
>end up telling them a few of my new war stories
>particular attention paid to the guys in fake pink army fatigues (and their contrast with the actual vets in jeans and tees)
>good laughs had by all
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i dont see the problem variety is the spice of life and it makes a good story later as well.
stereotypical yeah, but desu that only works if the guy actually knows the chick. I'll tell ya from first hand, calling a random ghetto woman "slut" is how you get your ass beat
he might have thought that you were a hooker.
With PMX's move to pasadena , its now across the street from a shopping area with a ton of different stores and restaurants. (Which is great fuck the LAX area)

But since its a con where 95% of the guests are in lolita, it generated a LOT of looks. Normally when a con grows up in an area the locals are used to it, but this was like bam.

And its an area with money, and rich people are so much more likely to be nosey.
My aunt refuses to believe petticoats are real and insists my skirt poof is the result of Photoshop or some Instagram filter...
This is about as believable as the "Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed" quote about a comic book shop.
I've had workers be rude to me too. Usually if you just ask to see a manager they get an "oh shit" look on their face. I had some bitch sneer at me when I went to Victoria Secret, scoff at me when I I bought some underwear, and whisper to her coworkers about me and say "freak"
If the person IS the manager, just call corporate.
>Scout Trooper costume
>Halloween at college
>Taking the elevator to head home from class
>Opens to two girls waiting for it
>They both scream
>Ask for a pic with me

Normal day for the 501st.
I have an endless amount of these stories, honestly. I have no idea why either. Things just keep happening. Here's a cute one though.

>Otakon 2011, dressed as Sayaka from Madoka
>Friend gets really sick and I take her back to our hotel, about half a mile from the con
>Head back to the con alone
>Several people run out of their apartments to get a picture of/with me
>End up missing the first bus, nbd
>While waiting for the next one, little girl sees me and bolts across the street towards me
>She asks me if I'm a superhero and if I'm going to stop bad guys
>I tell her yes and make her pinkie promise to look both ways before crossing streets from now on

>Now on the bus
>Lots of stares, but very few questions
>Another little girl keeps staring at me and smiling at me
>I smile back and let her hold my sword for a few seconds
>She keeps tugging on my cape shyly
>Bus reaches my stop and I go to exit
>Suddenly feel tugging on my back
>Little girl is hiding under my cape and trying to follow me off the bus
>Her mom drags her back on, apologizing profusely

When I finally got back to the con, my other friends were freaking out because I took so long. They asked me if I was okay traveling around downtown alone and I just told them that I felt like a fucking rock star the whole time.
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>go to C2E2 as Quiet from MGS V
>one chick like full on wrapped around me for a picture, didn't think much of it
>browsing plenty of fish like I normally do
>message from someone
>it's that chick
>"Hey I remember you! You were that pirate at C2E2!"
mfw pic related
>Plenty of fish

Wow you must be desperate or ugly, or both.
Most of the reactions I get from people are nice, I feel bad for some of the people in this thread.

>wearing Daenerys Targaryen cosplay in downtown Toronto after friends and I left fan expo
> some guy across the road yells "khaleesi!" so I wave back and he excitedly says "oh my god she waved!"
>few minutes later, waiting outside for a restaurant with friends. didn't have anywhere to change into normal clothes so I was still wearing my cosplay
>totally smashed guy comes out of he restaurant and sees me
>gets really excited, asks me if I'm Daenerys, tells me how much he likes game of thrones
>takes picture with me and is tells me he's excited to show his friends after

>staying at aunt and uncle's house in toronto getting ready for anime north
>first time wearing kimono
>walk out of the room all dressed
>uncle says "I'm a nice China doll" or something along the lines of Chinese
>wanted to say something but I didn't

>wearing casual to a local con, no white makeup or wig or anything
>see my elementary school friend's dad so I walk up and talk to him, he didn't recognize me at first though
>says I'm dressed as a "geisha girl"
>don't even bother saying anything

I know they didn't mean to be rude, but westerner's ignorance surrounding Asian culture is astounding. Me wearing yukata is nowhere close to the look of a geisha...

I mean wearing casual yukata to local con*

I'm typing on my phone and it fucked it up
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It's the first association people have. You pretty much only have to put on a bathrobe and wear red lipstick and everyone will recognize you as a "geisha" right away. It's stupid but I personally don't really mind unless they're the kind of people who actually seem proud of their ignorance. My cousin and her friends are like that, and once sneered at me simply for pointing out that China and Japan are two separate countries. Sometimes I worry about people.

The Daenerys thing sounds fun. I've noticed people are a lot nicer and more accepting when they recognize the character vs. when they think you're just some freak in a weird costume.
I get that every fucking time I wear red lipstick. I'm pale with dark hair, but I'm also a Caucasian girl wearing either jeans, boots, and a hoodie, or a poofy dress.
Like, guys.
Guys, please.
I cant stand people that will give you shit for how you dress. It doesnt fucking matter you know? Im a flamboyant as fuck guy, dress flashy regularly, and every now and then ill have someone try to be shitty about it for no reason. I maced the last fucker that came up to me and said shit.
>two friends chosde not to change
that was nice of them
you live in New Orleans?

Your dad didn't tell them off?
i have no father, not anymore
Damn anon, you okay?
>Attended a small local con as Nico from Love Live in the school uniform
>took bus back home at the end of the day, didn't bother changing because it's a comfy cosplay and I'm not bothered by stares, brother is with me anyway
>ask bus driver for our tickets, he stares for a moment then smiles and just goes "woah, you look awesome! Do you dress like that or was it for something in particular?"
>briefly explain it was for a cartoon/comic book event, he nods and lets me go
>as I'm leaving on my stop he enthusiastically goes "You look absolutely fantastic, really!"

He seemed so honestly excited about such an underwhealming cosplay that I can't help but wonder about his reaction at a con. It was sweet.
>randomly macing people

Have fun in jail you psycho
>dropping friends off after con, didn't bother to change
>show up to small town kfc as lucina
>workers don't even look me in the eye placing my order
>realize they forgot my drink after sitting down with food
>go up to counter, politely ask for drink cup
>they place it by the edge of the counter instead
>filling up drink as man with his kids glares at me
>trying not to laugh the whole time
It's definitely a bad situation I put myself in but the whole experience was just bizzare
>Several years ago
>Part of a 5-6 person group in Hetalia cosplay
>walking from our hotel to the nearby convention center
>longer of a walk than anticipated
>a middle aged asian man with a camera approaches and asks if he can take a picture
>yeah, sure!
>his wife poses in the middle of all of us, flags spread
Weird but cute, they were very excited

Another con
>on the beach behind convention hotel, watching a friend get pictures taken
>middle aged couple approaches me, as I am wearing a really basic cosplay
>"hi.... so what's going on?"
>I explain that there's a convention, and that there's a costume contest, so that's why there are people in costume
>they thank me, tell my friend she looks great, and walk away down the beach into the sunset
I've been going to cons for over 10 years and I've rarely had negative experiences with normies; I've been doing this long enough that I know how to explain in a few short sentences what we're doing
Just think of the time the Mennonite took over a city in Germany and almost ed waco'd the whole place after threatening to kill all the Lutherans and catholics
>First time wearing j-fashion
>wee lass, 14 or 15
>at a con to get used to wearing in public
>neckbread followed me the whole time calling me "chibi" under his breath
>>She asks me if I'm a superhero and if I'm going to stop bad guys
>>I tell her yes and make her pinkie promise to look both ways before crossing streets from now on
This made me smile and I totally imagined Sayaka actually doing this.
Amish is literally a subsect of the Mennonites. They're just more devout about the whole avoiding worldly part.
Not to nitpick but Mennonites and amish pride are under the Anabaptist umbrella not sects of each other
sounds fake.
people are baking bread out of the fungus that grows in fat people folds?
Please tell me you told her you were a true hero of justice.
I went into into a Hot Topic wear a mint green toned down sweet coord. My friend is in Vkei:
>Greeter (Nerdy Dr Who type) who welcomes me to the store gives me a high five
>Male customer (Appears normie) says he likes my costume
>Cashier (Scene) spots me
>Her eyes visibly grow to the size of golf balls
>Oh no.jpg
>She lets out a high pitched shriek of delight that I swear lasts at least 30 seconds
>Leaves her post to come touch my dress
Basically what happened when I wore Fairy Kei to Taco Bell.
>Out in lolita with a friend to see a movie
>Come out and car won't crank
>Fuck I left the headlights on kill me
>Dig out my jumper cables and pop the hood
>Look around for someone to beg a jump.
>Guy on the far side of the parking lot is taking a picture of us while propped up against his motorcycle
>Old women sees us and walks faster to her car and leaves before we can speak to her
>All the people who were leaving the movie have long since left
>A woman our age finally pulls up just to jump us off
>Once she leaves literally 4 cars drive off at the same time
All those people were sitting around gawking at us but not offering to help.

So my aunt is a drug addict and lets Netflix babysit her kids. One is 6 and I was showing her one of my fancier coords because I know she likes Disney princesses.
>Swiping through to find another coord
>Pause on a sailor coord for like a second when swiping
And that's how I found out my cousin has been watching adult anime without anyone else knowing.

>At family gathering
>Uncle comes over and in a loud voice
>"Hey, Anon, I saw on facebook you're still dressing up for those pokemon things."
Had dinner with a couple of comm members before a ballet meetup last month. A little girl (~9 years old?) came up to us as we got ready to leave the restaurant and asked if we were in a play. It's a common question obviously but you could tell she had the whole conversation planned out a certain way so when we told her "no, we just like to dress this way" she completely froze, didn't say another word, and went back to her parents.
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I believe you, anon.

>be pre-teen, saving up allowance to buy comics from local comics shop
>they start stocking mangoes
>hello weeb phase!
>go in every time I have enough allowance to buy a new manga volume, discover Chobits
>get into lolita through Chobits, make myself a replica of the BtSSB babydoll JSK with matching headdress
>(pic isn't me, but my outfit was similar albeit shittier)
>happily wear my new lolita coord to comic book shop, which by this time also stocks anime figurines, t-shirts, badges, bags, pocky, etc.
>cashier is basically a skinnier, blond version of the Simpson's Comic Book Guy
>when I try to pay for my overpriced manga he yells: "What are you, a fancy hooker?!!??!"
>I was fourteen
It's like you guys are kids who don't remember the mallgoth myspace era. I'd believe this if the story dates to the early 2000s...
early 2000s? The hot topics i went to didn't change until around 2010, due to store management digging their heels about the whole mainstream thing. I remember one even refusing to sell twilight goods. but this begs the question, when did hot topic change?
>wearing Angelic Pretty's Magical Etoile in navy, with the sailor collar, looking genrally sailor sweet
>navy and pink accessories, hair in plaits
>walk past builders, "oh look, it's Mary Poppins"
.... how?
*Generally even
>wear white lolita coord with a white bonnet
>joke to my friends about how I'd get little bo peep comments non stop
>look, its alice in wonderland!

or alternatively
>wear alice and wonderland coord
>its wendy, from peter pan!
When Invader Zim merch got them more money than everything else in the store combined.
I've never had a bad experience with normies on my own, the problem is always a fucking autistic weeb or ita who's near me explaining cosplay/lolita to the normies asking questions in the cringiest ways imaginable. They ALWAYS bring up porn or fetishes out of nowhere. It makes me want to die.
When the Fire Nation attacked.
St. Augustine is definitely touted and touristy. I would bet real brand on this happening there.
3dpd talking shit.
Eww, Getting cooties and shit
Lol one down m8
For some fucking reason normies always ask ME what's going on at cons which is amazing bc I am usually in cosplay and I guess I just might have a trustworthy face or some shit.

My favorite was when they asked me and my friends if there was a play going on not two blocks from the convention center. Like yeah buddy, this is a big play that's taking place across town.
One retarded teenage boy asked me what was going on while we were standing right outside a yaoi panel and he was in incredulous disbelief that anime would have gay shit at all associated with it.
Had a normie scream "devil worshiper at me"...On Halloween as I was dressed as Little Witch Academia's Susy.
Always chalked it up to being near Salem at the time which is flooded with insane Christians and tourists.
People wanting to take a picture with me as I'm walking back to the hotel.

I've swapped to trainers, my everything hurts and I'm fucking starving. Fuck off.

Especially when its just so you can post on FB what "crazy amazing" thing you saw today.
Man, I had like 4 different guys in LA tell me I was the devil on one night and I was in the normiest of normie clothing.

Maybe it's just an LA thing, but I assumed it was all of the US and people just notice it more when they're already conscious of their outfit.
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>wear anything with a sailor collar no matter the color or outfit
"its sailor moon!!!!!"
>wear a sailor mars cosplay
"its sailor moon!!!"
Legit laughed out loud capped and saved thanks anon
I'd be happy with Sailor Moon to be honest. At least she's cute.
>wearing 'hoodie' with sailor collar that can be zipped up into a hood, with otherwise super normie outfit
>not even a tie or bow in front
>two people separately called me Spongebob that day
My bf thought they were confusing Spongebob with Flapjack, but Flapjack doesn't wear a sailor collar either. Maybe they were confusing Spongebob with Donald Duck...?
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A number of years ago when MLP fandom was just starting to be a thing, and just as the brony phenomena was gaining traction.
>Decide to cosplay Gusty, my favorite G1 pony.
>Have a unicorn horn attached to my wig, ears on a headband, etc.
>People react obnoxiously, but whatever.
>Go out with friends to get pizza at the con.
>Waiting in line, place is busy.
>See normie lady across the way waiting also with a beer.
>Keeps looking at me.
>About 10 minutes pass (place is busy) and lady runs up drunk af.
>Starts jacking off my horn.
>Lady darts away.
>I stand there like, wtf just happened?
ITT:Shit that did not happen

sides = gone
Yes every post here is fabricated, we all posted them for attention on an anonymous image board you fucking mong.

You have either somehow lived in a bubble or simply never cosplayed among normies before.
They're baiting. Just ignore them and don't respond.
Savannah? I've gotten a few similar things happen to me there.
Tell us Bronycon stories!
>sitting in the train, minding my own business and listening to music
>on my way to uni, just wearing some casual j-fash and a cute messy odango hairstyle
>only brand thing is pic related in navy
>some woman sitting nearby seems to be talking to me
>excuse me, did you say something?
>"you look like the one who sings"
>"Well like the one who sings! From the ESC. The manga girl. You look like her."
>putting headphones back on, trying to not lose face from confusion
>woman finally leaves, but not without giving me one last odd look

Bonus that isn't quite j-fash related, still funny:
>on my way to work
>people talk to this one guy with a euro palette full of strawberries, ask him where he got them as well, yadda yadda
>having some smalltalk, mention uni
>"Oh what are you studying?"
>tell him my study and explain that it's related to film and animation
>"Ohh so like manga? :D"
>literally all my what

I swear to god, our ESC weeb-chan has given normalfags a damn wrong idea.
>euro palette
...like a whole shipping pallet of strawberries?
Basically. He got them for 5€ at a local market and everybody on the bus was talking about that.
Well, I suppose it's certainly a conversation starter.
Dammit, this makes the Sayaka character even more depressing
Witnessed an amazing exchange between two older black women and a girl in an ita lacemonster dress at a local con this weekend.

>"Hey you in a play or something? Is that what's going on?"
"No, it's a Japanese anime convention. I'm a lolita!"
>ita walks away and one of the women gets on her phone immediately
>"Ey, where Mo at? One of those animated things is going on here. You know that animated shit she's always looking at on her computer. Go find Mo and tell her."
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Good one
>be new to lolita
>wearing bodyline's carousel skirt in lavender
>bright pink hair
>get asked if I'm alice in wonderland
>get asked if I'm red riding hood
I don't know why but that's somehow really sweet and cute
I was at a con that happened at the same time as an Indian wedding and a cruiseship full of Russians were let off at the harbour just a few feet away. Good times.
This past weekend was my birthday so I decided to wear a red and white toned down coord. My aunt immediately calls me little bo peep. After I explain that it's a Japanese fashion she starts telling other family members that I'm cosplaying sailor moon. I'm not even wearing sailor lolita.
One time while walking with my group at a meet we were mobbed by Chinese tourists for pictures, and I ended up taking so many pictures with people I got left behind for a while.

The only "negative" experience I've had is people filming us as we walked down the street at a fashion walk. Otherwise people are really nice! Especially old ladies, they are my favorite to interact with when I'm dressed up. The one time I wore sweet a nice old woman sat next to me on the train, complimented me and talked about her grandchildren for a while.
> On skytrain with friend
> Both dressed to the nines because we don't get to see each other often
> Sitting in an area that's kind of empty, until a large family of foreign tourists come on
> Just sitting and talking, minding our own business
> Half of the family splits off and seemingly walks to the other cart behind us
> One of them who stayed where they were lifts their camera and starts speaking their language in our direction
> Huh?
> Look behind us, they hadn't gone to the other cart -- they were standing behind us and posing
> Tourist with the camera is trying to take a picture of their family with us, without even acknowledging us
> We face away entirely and make it very obvious we don't want to be in their picture, but they keep trying
> Friend has enough of it, grabs my wrist and storms out
Very rude
Any self respecting person would ask permission
>convention in big convention centre
>there's another convention using the hall opposite the huge anime and vidya one
>it's a world islamic peace conclave or something
>couple of thousand weirdly dressed white people on one side
>a couple hundred weirdly shaped arabic people on the other side
>both sides look slightly wary of the other
>sat down to have some food, and earwigged on the table behind me, which was apparently an imam asking a pair of cosplayers what on earth this anime thing was about

He seemed genuinely intrigued, rather than judgemental or anything. It was an interesting day.
> Guys like that make me remember why i'm lesbian.

best friend (he a fag) has been involved in the LGBT center in my town. I go there frequently and get involved sometimes. I usually am the token straight guy

buuuuuuuutt, long story short, I couldnt help but read this comment and hate to burst your bubble, but the lesbians i personally know (I'd name them both, but I know one snoops around here) make me look kosher and very christian-like.

bottom line, lesbians are perverted like teenage boys, and gay/straight men above age 40 are just nasty. rape fearing nasty.

Related story with cosplay.

>grabbing some quick breakfast at McDonalds
>cosplaying Madoka Kaname
>older dad-type guy behind me
>"So are you supposed to be Alice in Wonderland?"
>implying a lesbian doesn't know what lesbians are like
>implying that all lesbians are huge perverts based on knowing two

Not that anon, just don't really understand your commentary.
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>con this weekend in center
>hotel connected by skybridge has national libertarian convention going on
>and irish step dance competition
>see people call little girls competing cosplayers
>people think Vermin Supreme is cosplayer
>is actually running for president
>Anaheim Convention Center
>Any Con
>Go to the Denny's
>Insert normie reaction here.

The servers don't care anymore. Now Vegas is more nifty for normie reactions.
>Wearing really shitty AC3 costume (you know the one, the cheap official one)
>after con heading home at 1am
>stop in maccies
>super drunk guy comes over saying shit like "this is the coolest shit I have seen all day"
>insisted on a picture
>went on his way

I-i wasn't expecting that
Normies have VERY low standards for costumes

They're used to halloween party city stuff that's meant to be worn once, get stained while drinking and thrown away
>all men over age 40 are nasty

You wot mate?
Kek, I actually saw a thing about this on the news tonight. Tbh, I'd vote Vermin before I'd vote Trump.
based uncle
free ponies man.
Aren't you being way too critical? For Westerners, East Asian culture is foreign and exotic it's not something they should be well versed in. You are interested in it so it's different but you shouldn't expect normal people to have the same level of knowledge as you.
Depends on the foreigners.
Have to remember people don't always know the same things as you. Even little things can be awkward/notable to other people.

I know living in asian and hispanic households as well as various' friends places around Los Angeles, different things can be very new to certain people.
OP said Pentecostal, anon.
>Sister and I went to Downtown Disney after TitanCon
>We had a fun day and are in not-caring mode so I stay in my lazy Shiny Umbreon kigurumi and she's Ms Marvel (Kamala)
>Take a few pictures by the Rainforest Cafe waterfalls
>Some guys walk by and call me a furry
>still in dont-care mode, look at each other like "oh jeez" and laugh
>eat at Earl of Sandwich, sit on the bench outside and watch people's reactions
>Surprisingly only one parent with a dirty look
>Get approached by some couple that also went there from the con
>Nice few minutes of conversation
>continue eating
>Kids around aren't approaching but you can tell they're loving it
>Another guy comes up an we have like a 10 minute discussion about cons, he's like 22 or something and just getting into the scene
>Finish eating, pack up and head home
tldr if you ever have an excuse to randomly be the only two people cosplaying in downtown disney it can be pretty fun
>went out drinking during a con
>ended up going to a lot of clubs
>walked by a table of guys
>all of them stop talking to stare at me
>one finally shouts to stop me
>anticipating the worst
>tfw they actually recognized my outfit and thought it was awesome
There's something hilarious about people that go to huge social events like cons calling others normies. Such a stupid term in the first place, I guess.
You mean yeast? Yes
one time I called a kagome sailor jupiter

to be fair they had their hair in a ponytail
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>Be atta Planet Comicon
>See someone in a modest Classic coord
>She looks super put off, has that look that most cosplayers and such get when they wade through a pack of jobber mouthed sharkies
>standing with my arms crossed near a panel entrance and i wave her over
>i see her face tighten like she expects the worse
>however to her credit she walks over and asks if i wanted a picture
>I shake my head
>lean in kinda close and mutter
>"How many normies called you Bo Peep or Alice, Lolita-chan?"
>her face when

Priceless, she slapped me on the arm and laughed. Waved her goodbye and told her to have a good day
Only faggots kiss girls
They call us weebs or nerds or simply cosplayers, we might as well have a simple term to refer to tourists or families that go to cons.
Once borrowed my friend's medieval armour for a class photo at my school. Sallet, shin and arm guards as well as a rather big chain shirt since my friend is a big guy. Transporting it was a bitch because of the weight, so I decided to just wear it on the way home in the train along with my regular clothes. People mostly just looked and thought it was funny.
>heading home from a con in a Batman print dress and transporting a large prop
>no time to make a cover for it so I keep it safe in a rifle sock
>realize at the last minute that it looks dodgy as fuck
>luckily no one questions me but I get lots of odd looks
>I step onto my train
>two young boys spot me
>one of them freaks out and starts tugging at his Dad
>the kid is yelling and obviously excited
>he keeps calling me Batman
>I thought he was being silly, but he actually thought I was Batman
>everyone has a good laugh

>heading to a meet in Twinkle Carnival
>spot a comm member on the train so I sit with her
>she tells me that some little girls nearby kept calling her 'princess'
>I spot the girls and they're freaking out even more becase there's now two of us
>they both get the courage to come over and talk to us
>one of them politely asks to touch my dress
>they were clean and super sweet so I let them
>she stands there and strokes one of the ponies on the border print
>AX a few years ago
>staying in hotel way far away from the con due to unfortunate shit
>a couple other con goers there but not many
>walking out of room in the morning, with my dad because he gave me the ride up there since he needed to be there for business anyway
>run in to maid
>she barely speaks English
>I'm in my Volibear cosplay
>"wow wow your daughter is very creative. Very pretty. Very pretty"

>day made
To be fair, Alice in wonderland adaptations have her dress in all sorts of colors. Yellow, red. Some brunettes too. Often with aprons or pinafores. I think its the length.
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A drunk tourist called my comm "butt pirates" during our ILD meet.
And honey that's the day when I learned about Homestuck.
>Mom what does this have to do with me getting on the internet?
>On my way home from my boss's Farewell dinner in lolita
>My bus stop is kinda in the area of town most known for nightclubs and bars
>Drunk man, perhaps in his mid 30s comes around the corner and sees me.
>Stops dead and reels back a little
>"Oh. My god. This is the... this is something else! You've made my night!"
>He proceeds to ask me if I'm okay (I'm fine) and if he can walk me anywhere? Do I need him to walk me to my bus stop or anything?
>I'm literally at my bus stop. Thank him.
>He tells me to stay safe and happily wanders off into the night.

Thanks dude, you too.
File under reasons I wish you could expect this from anyone without worrying about complete weirdos

>>9013498 isn't me. My dad is perfectly okay. He just didn't want to acknowledge the drunk people and give them the attention they wanted. He told me not to worry about stupid people..
Maybe he recognized the Aatp
aww this is such a cute story anon!! a lot of my friends don't know anime and stuff but still love seeing my cosplays so i understand this :)
>dressed as Sailor V
>taking Metrolink to AX
>get stopped pretty much every 5 minutes by excited normies who want to take pictures with me and tell me how much they love Sailor Moon
>everybody is really nice and treats me like a celebrity

There's definitely benefits to cosplaying from a beloved nostalgia title.
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This thread reminded me about when I was leaving Katsucon 2015, my friends and I stopped by a rest plaza and I was still cosplaying as Corrin from FE Fates. There was a guy running a trucks 4 troops table or something and he waved me down and asked why I was dressed up.

I told him about the con and a bit about Corrin and he was all impressed and asked to take a pic of me with the table to use as publicity for his group.

Felt good mang.

Doesn't even have to have a sailor collar.

I was cosplaying as Kotori Minami (snowman version) and some lady thought I was Sailor Moon.
>Be at Anime Blues a few years ago
>There's a Christian Country music festival going on in the same convention center at the same time
>To get to the music festival, you have to go through part of the anime con
>So many confused elderly people
>Not even in costume, get on an elevator with an old man obviously from the music festival
>"So what's this all about anyway? People in weird costumes."
>I politely explain
>"Shouldn't you be spending your time on something more useful like a civic duty?"
I would just reply with either a "shouldn't you be too" or an assertion that I spend more time a a month volunteering than they have done in their life
I've never had any trouble in cosplay or lolita, people have generally been politely interested or just stared. The amount of guys who will try to straight up abduct or assault someone in gyaru, though. Makes it very clear how people can come to believe that all men are rapists or some shit.
Pretty much any anime looking girl = Sailor Moon, fighter guy = dragonball and street fighter, something with a helmet = power ranger or Speed Raver in normie heads.

Though shocking a lot of people seem to know about AoT. I had a group of norms at Fanime ask if I've heard of it and if it was getting a season 2
It's quite common in Europe, France in particular. Aggressive marketing.
>The amount of guys who will try to straight up abduct or assault someone in gyaru, though.
I've never had any problems with this. Where do you live where this is an issue, fucking Zimbabwe?
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