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Florida General: OUT the door for MegaCon edition
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MegaCon is slowly creeping up upon us. Anyone feeling the MegaCrunch? Also, OUTCon is this weekend. Anyone going?
Megacon roll call!

>What days are you going?
>What events are you doing?
>Where are you staying?
>What costumes/what days?
>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe
>What days are you going?
All 4
>What events are you doing?
Got photo ops with the HP guests, HP cast Q&A, wanna hit the AA hard. Other than that I mostly Jung hang around, people watch and see friends
>Where are you staying?
Rosen Plaza, next door. I miss when the con was in Feb/March so I could stay at a better hotel and just walk over. But this late May heat? Hell nah.
>What costumes/what days?
Not sure of the exact days, but cosplaying as random characters from Harry Potter, Sherlock, and Bob's Burgers
>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe
Biggest relief? Being able to get your wristbands mailed to you in advance. Thank God, no pre-reg lines for me. I'm not even annoyed at the price, 4 days and great guests so I'm cool with it. Biggest gripe? Besides the horrible time of year, I hate that the anime and universal contest are both on the same day, no way to watch both. I'm interested in seeing what will happen at the anime costume contest now that Anime Sushi is no longer running things. Those are big shoes to fill.
>What days are you going?
4, hope the pass comes in on time
>What events are you doing?
No idea, I like to wing it
>Where are you staying?
Hilton, like I give a fuck about heat
>What costumes/what days?
May do my plague doctor though it is an old cosplay so it is pretty beat up.
>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe
Wristband mailed to me, holy shit is that nice. Biggest gripe is that I didn't book a hotel sooner and that it's probably gonna be crowded as all hell. This con has gotten so fucking big.
If I'm going to MegaCon (got back from PAX East which was a BIG trip for me) I'm only going on Saturday.

I'm playing a show at OUTCon 3 PM
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>What days are you going?
>Where are you staying?
Rosen Centre
>What costumes/what days?
Winging it desu, I'll probably plan my outfits out a few days before
>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe
I don't have to wait in the pre-reg line, god bless
Just moved to miami, is this con worth going to?
Its one of the top ten cons in the country, definitely worth a look.
Does /cgl/ still have that 4chan meetup or did that eventually go away?
>What days are you going?
All four.

>What events are you doing?
I'll be working at a booth but the only thing I care about is the Ryo Horikawa panel and signing.

>Where are you staying?
I live like five minutes away so at home.

>What costumes/what days?
Okita Souji/Sakura Saber, possibly some others left over from older cons. My next costumes will be for AWA.

>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe
Biggest relief is that I can go for free. My gripe will be trying to get into the one panel I actually care about.
We've had one each year so I assume there'll be another. It usually gets organized on here a bit before the con.
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We'll be here again giving these to seagulls for free.

>We are in the AA at A473 (near-ish the back of the room). Or look for the big wallscroll of Sylvanas.

Take care and get your cosplays done in time gulls!
Ohhh I like the new one! I'll stop by and caw!
>What days are you going?
>What costumes/what days?
Rikka Takanashi
>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe
So many people.. haven't been to a huge con in a while.

Look for me! I'll be giving away chocolate chip cookies in a little picnic basket because that's what I do.
I think I'll go to this con. I live in Florida, so might as well right? My first cosplay will be at anime expo this year, so I'll probably just wear that cosplay (Kaga from Kantai) here. Are hotels crazy? Is it actually a big convention? The website seemed a little underwhelming.
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Oh nevermind, I was thinking this was metro con. Still might go.
I decided not to this year. I really hope they change the date to next's event to Mar/Apr. But I'll hit some smaller cons like Afo but my next big con is Awa.
Same. The only reason I'm not going this year is because it's on memorial day weekend. Terrible traffic, drunk drivers, high hotel prices...All added on top of Megacon being insanely expensive already. No thanks.
Hey, it falls on my birthday this year.

Anyone got any extra hotel space?
Can't wait to get one of these. My old one from years ago is covered in brown spots and dying

>What days are you going?
Just Sunday
>What events are you doing?
I actually don't have any plans for events, I usually just like to take photos and browse the dealers room at Mega
>What costumes/what days?
Me and my bf are doing Naoto and Kanji from P4 and both costumes are maybe like halfway done lol
>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe
I really dislike how big and expensive Mega has gotten lately. I wasn't even planning on going this year at first but look at me now
>What days?
Hopefully all 4, but only buying tickets for 1. Maaaybe 2.

Rosen Centre again. That Skybridge yo.

Soul Calibur, Danbo, DC, Okamisan, menhera coords at night. Too many. Some are just to meet celebs tho.

Taking advantage of the Kevin Smith/Jay Mewes photop cause those fags never do them. DC group shoot cause it's always a blast. Pub crawl on I Drive.

>Ragrets? Relief?
My hotel room isn't stuffed, so that'll be nice, but it means I'll be on the look out for parties.
In terms of the hotels or anyone renting?
>menhera coords

Oooo neat! I hope I see you!
Is anyone going to Florida Fandomania?
Anyone make it to Outcon? They said they had 1000 attendees.
I had a table there.

It certainly felt busy because the artist alley tables were in that long hallway when you first get off the escalator at the MACC.

One major problem was that the panel rooms were off to the side and not clearly labeled with a "PANELS THIS WAY" kinda thing.
Yay, wristbands arrived today. Did a group order with some friends, definitely worth it.
For a first year con it certainly wasn't that bad, I had fun
What do you think the main reason you had fun was?
Ill be there representing for /cgl/ and /m/ in my Gundam MK-II

Might be the last time I take it out as its two years old now and my new suits are coming online.
why don´t go all overboard setting your minovsky reactor to selfdestruct at the stage?
I'm keeping it around for at least a bit longer. A friend is building a Titans Mk-II suit and I want to ado at least one show & photo-shoot with both suits together before I retire and possibly sell the suit.
Yup! Playing a show there.
What do you play?
Yeah I'm with a podcast that got invited to do panels.
I'm a guitarist/singer. I do songs based off comics, video games, Magic, etc. I've played a shitton of other Florida cons before.
Hi Eric. See you at Mizu. :)
Why are people still supporting this shitty con wtf
I agree in previous years it hasn't been that good but it's improving. and if that means I like shitty cons and so be it. I have fun.
I love small cons and all but stuff like this is why they get away with having a hentai panel in a glass panel room and treating their volunteers/guests like crap. I'm saving my money for holiday matsuri.
That hasn't happened in a long time, lol. And I was a volunteer last year and had no issues at all. new staff
Really? I was a volunteer too. Which department, if you don't mind answering?
Idk, it's all still apparently owned by the same person and I've had more than enough terrible experiences. To each their own, I guess.
I was helping the panel director. Also apparently the old chair realized he was fucking up so bad and decided to let someone else take over this year, one of the old staff, not sure which. Too bad I guess, I'll let you know how tihs year is.
So how come there aren't any decent cons in Jacksonville? There's a big nerd population there but the two (?) cons they have are pretty lame from my experience.
Because Jacksonville is a shithole
Because Jacksonville is not the destination. You pass through it to go to the real cons. Fuck Jax.
Because the con is actually changing and none of the old shitty staff which caused a bunch of problems in 2014 are there anymore. There's a new con chair, new staff, and surprisingly when I went last year it actually was better run which was weird to see
That's what I don't understand about this fucking community. Someone comes along and tries to save a con and the community comes along and shits on them instead of at least somewhat supporting them. It's stupid.
Jacksonville is like Florida's Detroit. You don't stop there and you only drive through it if you're forced to.
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>What days are you going?
All 4 of 'em
>What events are you doing?
Nothing particular. I'll be stuck at the Planet Xeeni booth for a good majority of the weekend. I was going to be running an Osomatsu meetup/shoot on Friday but there wasn't enough interest so I dropped it.
>Where are you staying?
Extended Stay America, the North one.
>What costumes/what days?
Pic related
>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe
Relief: Vendor badges are significantly cheaper than the actual Mega weekend pass god bless
Gripe: I won't be able to use my hands most of Saturday but hey that's what handlers are for
Yo for real people, complain about something being shitty and when someone listens and tries to show them Yo you guys matter people still get mad. I'm going to go back to Mizu this year because I want to see this con be as good as it was before especially with there being less cons in our area now because fuck that drive to Lauderdale
I don't understand why everyone is reviewing the con on Facebook 5 stars before it has even happened yet. That's the complete opposite of how the system is supposed to work. Also, most of the people who left the reviews are guests/staff. It seems real fishy to me.
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>mfw i have to move to jacksonville next month
There is new staff, yes, but a few of the old staff is there, and the same asshole that basically made the convention terrible for me is still the one getting all the money for it.
con chair =/= person who owns the con
It's wonderful that they're trying to fix it, but the same people are getting the money and I don't want to support that.
If you want to go, good for you.
lol I don't think they be making money right now but i get what you saying. Like you said good for you.
Surprised that none of you are discussing the metrocon layout yet.
I've been worrying about this for months. Artists and Vendors knew about this change since about November, yet the con owners made no mention publicly on their fan pages about badge-only access. They instead flooded their social media with the mascot contests, and ignored my comments to make this info public. Now that they have their hotel blocks filled, they release the info...
I'm just reading it all on facebook highly amused. I thought about attending this year for even one day just to say hi to a few friends, but honestly so many people are canceling going.
Ya this was a super dick move on their part. I feel they waited this long wanting to fill their hotel quotas first and then went surprise fuck you all. I was already on the fence about Metro and this seals it for me, nope
What happened to you?
Metro is so shitty now
For future note, about how much do you sell your suits for? I remember you sold one or two before but I'm completely blanking on how much they went for.
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>What days are you going?
prob two or three.
>What events are you doing?
would love to see the cosplay contest, was late last year because of my ex. and i got sick.
>Where are you staying?
hotel here and there
>What costumes/what days?
different versions of homura meguca, and male ranma if im gonna party.
>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe
getting my shit done on time and actually taking my time with this cosplay. plus last time i had a horrible time but now im going with great friends!

Also, for anyone that's interested im hosting a /cgl/ meet up group for florida cons on fb so we can get this gay shit organized. idk if there is one but if you want to join please let me know so we can meet up and fuck shit up.
The metrocon facebook group has me in tears laughing right now. So much butthurt about having to buy tickets. Yeah, Metro is shitty, but if they expanded the badge check area, just do what everyone else does and just have two people in your group buy a badge, send them in, and have one person bring out the next, copy and repeat until everyone gets in. It's like people have never tried to dodge paying before. You work around it, you don't demand the con let you in for free.
It's just people mad about how it'll be more expensive for teens and families and will drive down attendance or something. I can see the point they're trying to make but it is also entertaining to see just how upset so many people are. I have to say though as an artist I LOVED having the alley in that open free space and I know I wouldn't have made nearly as much money as I did last year if I was behind a paywall in the dealer's room.
Email me or ask me on FB messenger @Uberscosplay for that. Sorry but /cgl/ isn't the best place to talk turkey.

Its more about need for space than anything when I sell. I don't really like to sell them as I get pretty attached.
There are nice parts of Jacksonville just like every other city. Don't listen to just poorfags.
You mean I don't have to put up with axe soaked tards in bad Undertale closet cosplay taking up chairs in the lounge areas?
Christmas has come early!
Yeah if anything I'm kinda excited not to have to deal with a bunch of teens. Makes me regret that I can only go one day this year
Metro cast member here.

Shit is hilarious. The butthurt is fantastic. I hope people try to "protest" like some have been suggesting.

It's really not that hard to save money for a badge if you're aren't a fucking moron.
Hi Ben
Ben isn't cast which is great because he's kinda a fucking dumbass.

His boner for the mascots despite being a giant pain in the ass to the people playing them for the con is cringe-worthy.
Yeeeah, 'cause anybody actually cares about the mascots anymore. The designs this year are utter shit.
So a certain Tampa-St. Petersburg con owner is whining on social media about how depressed he thinks he is and lamenting how people he thought were friends or trustworthy turned out not to be. Remember some of your actions from 2011-2014 or so? Karma, buddy.
But he traded his baby-momma for a hip young thing! How could he POSSIBLY be sad?
Why is everyone so angry about having to pay for a pass? All Im getting from the FB page right now is "How dare you make us actually pay for an event that takes months and dozens of people to organize", and that's pretty fucking shitty if you ask me. If you dont want to pay the $80, then dont get a weekend pass? Or maybe save up your money? Like how is this different from any other con?

If you dont want to pay the full price next year, get a badge early, fucks sake.
Hmm, no one? Shame, I was hoping to go. Maybe there's a motel nearby, I suppose the nearby places are all sold out.
You could try airbnb? Downtown is very close and there seem to be a lot of apartments and other residences within walking distance, or atleast uber distance if you dont want to deal with the heat, so Im sure there are plenty of places to stay through them.
I wish I could get a two day pass but for thurday and friday. I can only go then but then it makes it really expensive to buy both days, there should be a two day week pass that's less than the weekend pass.
>>EnvyUs is a guest

jfc that bitch is still relevant? Top kek
This Is the shit people are mad about that with only two months notice with the tickets being at the highest price is when the convention drops the bomb about the badges instead of announcing it early so people could purchase them when they were at a lower rate. Con has known about this shit since at least January but now is when they dropped the bomb that is what people are pissed about too
You make Metro look even better by coming in here and flaunting that you're a cast member and wanting to give your opinion about the butt hurt people you sound like an asshole
I'm pretty sure I remember this being announced a while ago? Im not sure if it was in an email maybe, or on the FB page, but I remember hearing about this months ago. I agree, it may have not been so widely advertised as it could have been, but I remember not being worried about it because I already had my pass.
Same anon as above here, and yeah, they announced this months ago, right on the front page of their website. It's still there, too, if you just scroll down, so I really dont see any excuse.
Everybody ignore her so she cries in another video about her not being popular anymore
That moment when you realize how shitty a shitty con really is. Metro has been overpriced suck for years now. Saving my money for Matsuri.

If I really wanted to go to this shithole I'd just walk in through the fire exit again. Metro security is more interested in looking cool in their kilts and harassing people than doing any work.
Anyone know if there's a lolita meetup for mega?
Here's the reply you wanted.

I'll be an asshole to freeloaders who want to take, take, and take while giving nothing back.

Fuck you.
And this is why Metrocon is getting a shitty reputation. Keep up the good work! You do the gear proud!
>Metro security is more interested in looking cool in their kilts and harassing people than doing any work.
Fucking this they are intimidating assholes who think con security is akin to being a bouncer. They didn't make me feel safe they made me feel like they would just scowl at me or laugh if I had a serious problem.
To be honest the only reason the metrocon situation makes me angry is because the prices are crazy for a con that has literally had the same guest list for years. I don't care about Parle or Scott McNeil or Pikabellchu (how is she still a guest at cons??). I'm going to save my money for another convention instead.
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So Hioshi is arrested for drugs and sex trafficking.
>Pikabellchu (how is she still a guest at cons??)
She has a sweet car. That is the only reason anyone puts up with her.
>just find out about this con
>live only 3 hours away from Orlando
>just lost my job so broke as fuck
>don't know any weebs to hang out with in Florida at all, everyone is up north or on the west coast
>all those guests that I'd love to see at megacon
Fuck what shitty timing for me.
Sorry to hear that bro
Miami here. I guess we have Supercon?
Lol thanks for proving my point
Been there. Seen that. Like everywhere. Is there any con she isn't at? Boooooooooring!
>What days are you going? All 4
>What events are you doing? IDK, Site doesn't have a posted schedule that I could find easily/at all. No clue.
>Where are you staying? Off site, it's a shame they jacked up the Mega hotels to 150 night, so sharing with friends. Coffee machine in the gift shop area. I will be in heaven each morning.
>What costumes/what days?
Probably sticking with groups, Friday: Seraph, Saturday: Pokemon, Sunday: Fairy Tail
Friday: Shinoa/Mikaela
Sat: Jessie/Shauna (Sana)/Touko, leaning towards being a villain potentially.
Sun: Lucy- Fairy Tail

I've been playing wow and not sewing anything new, likely skipping costume contests until AFO.

>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe: Megacon badge prices, idk if buying, but will be hanging out. Relief: Cost sharing with the locals, our room cost is $70 a head, 3 nights, yes.

Undecided if I will drive up in my own car, since I want to shoot also, also other girl has been complaining on FB I am spoiling game of thrones despite my labeling spoilers. Megacon is good to hang out, not sure why the passes got so crazy expensive. They seem to think it's Dragoncon.
Just googled for the schedule (me again). http://megaconvention.com/schedule/

Will save someone 30 minutes of life trying to find this thing.
I would offer to meet up with you but I can't go to megacon because I'm a dumbass that forgot to take off of work.
>What days are you going? All 4, I take a mini vacation every year and hangout in orlando.
>What events are you doing? Some panels here and tgere, mostly dealers room and artist alleys. Also probably the annual after hours party.
>Where are you staying? Normally I get a suite with 3 bedrooms and kitchen, but this year I rented a condo with friends.
>What costumes/what days? I screwed around and procrastinated so nothing lined up at the moment...I'll bullshit something last minute.
>Biggest relief/Biggest gripe? Glad to see we can get our wristbands mailed to us now, although the pickup lines haven't been that bad recently. Biggest gripe is how shitty the timing is now, I prefered the con in late February/mid March.
Less than a week now. Is anyone still working on their cosplays?
Maybe that's why the thread was so quiet yesterday? People who start their costumes so late make me laugh.
Non poorfag here. Jacksonville is a shitty town with nothing to do.
Word of warning to all non-Central Florida peeps coming. This date range in Orlando I-Drive is absolutely atrocious. No lie as a resident attending I seriously recommend if you are walking outside the convention to buddy up. Do not go anywhere alone. This is the second worse period of time for criminal activity in the year. Hotels further down I-Drive usually hire off duty cops it's that bad. Please for the love of god do not walk alone to the bars. Especially in costume. No lie.
> tfw moving from jax to orlando in fall
Fuck this city
Seconding this. There were quite a few muggings during last year's mega of people not even in costume and one was violent.
Yea its called St. Augustine
All the "nice" areas are filled with hipsters and hipster bars. The food and music scene is pretty decent but other places are better.
if you see a dude in a blue hakone academy cycling kit, doing ab workouts on an exercise mat. Come do some reps with me.
breh, lets do it, weighted 60 sec planks

also, tfw you never see your waifu cosplayed
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Let's get it.

And no, I have and will never see a Senjougahara cosplay.
Thanks for this anon. Orlando is great but there are some seriously unsafe areas and going around iDrive this time of year in costume alone (especially Lolita) is just asking for trouble. I recommend being in large groups and making sure every group member has a buddy if you really must venture out in cosplay.
If you're a cast member can you please explain why your mascots are so tacky this year
No fucking clue. They didn't even do auditions like in years past.
teach me

>muh crab waifu ;_;
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yes they did! how long can you hold your breath and suck for?
I agree, it's boring as fuck most of the time.

Unfortunately I work a full time job with occasionally 50+hrs a week so I don't have time to go hangout at comic book shops and nerd havens anymore to meet people. Megacon is about the only place I can make time to go be in my element.
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Say hi if you see me, anon. I'll teach you the way of the アブ。
What the fuck am I looking at
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can't wait abu-kun
I only have small details left thankfully so I can sleep soundly. Looking forward to setting up tomorrow. Will anyone else be there?

Mascots are a seperate thing from the shows, they are basically shillers that go around trying to get people interested in going to Metro. They're gonna be at Mega this weekend advertising.

Looks like RJ. He ditched Metro to go be a stuntman in LA. Though I doubt that will go anywhere.
We are setting up Thurs morning instead since it's a late 2pm entry day.
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Typical Metro party. Get girls drunk then get body shots and blow jobs. And yeah a lot of people have left because of the bullshit. Even Nick's wife is in on it.
See, I really wasn't gonna go, then I realized that fucking FRANK MILLER was gonna be there.

Fuck. Anyone know a good comic book store in Miami? Need to pick up a copy of TDKR soon.

And it looks like it's airbnb for now.
So is there a cgl meet up yet?
Also really feeling that con crunch like holy
Friday 7pm by the dealer's room
Con crunch due to stupidity and family shit got me probably skipping thursday. I would say "yay only need 3 day ticket" but 3 seperate days are more expensive than all 4 rip.

Also who's ready to lobbycon the random halls beyond mega? And is the construction over at occc done? The food court?
Can someone confirm the floor plans for Mega?

My feed is blowing up into the Metro badge drama 2.0, Megacon Edition. Now with more bitching.

Hallconners on suicide watch.
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Straight from Megacon's Facebook page.
>>9021602 same anon

I'm more so pissed that the con announced this the day before, most likely all for the money. I could have saved an extra $40 (mine and husband's ticket) on food and whatnot if they posted this policy when ticket prices were announced.
Someone fucking leak the ticket badge already, fuck this new last minute policy

Saturday only

Not sure; first-timer, so gonna explore everything

Local, so commuting

Captain America (TWS)

Wristbands mailed in advance. Not sure about gripe.
Fuck St. Augustine. It may look pretty if you're visiting but it's not a good place to live for a long time unless you're old and retired, or a lazy surfer. I've been living here for over a decade and there's nothing to do, the tourists are taking over, locals are getting shafted, rents are shooting through the roof, the local businesses screw over their employees, meth labs are getting busted far too often for a town of this size, and every job is a dead-end. Everyone I know who has moved here has somehow turned into a person with no ambition. It's like the city just sucks it right out of them after a few months.
It's a lovely place to visit, don't get me wrong, but do not live here. I'm moving to a decent area of Jax soon and I sure as hell will be happy to have good food around and actual things to do. St. Augustine doesn't even have a real comic shop and good bands only come to the Amphitheatre once in a blue moon.
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so with this announced why would anyone want to go to Metro? this year or ever again?
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Can't get a straight answer!

Anyone know when the Dealers room opens each day, preferably on Thursday????
Don't bother.

He is only signing 20-30 things and its a goddam LOTTERY to get the chance.
Here you go.
whats other side of that pass??
Im tryna shoop myself a pass
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all this thread and not even one mention of the main fucking event
Already bought my tickets, I'm so hype.
Much appreciated! Thank you!
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For the people asking, here you go. I only did a little digging but if you can make use of of this pic, go for it.
Bump for pass shooping, can't vector for shit so that picture above wouldn't help if my skills weren't so lame.
Agreed! Where you at vector master
You can pick up a copy of TDKR from any bookstore that carries comics, just go to whatever Barnes and Noble/Books-A-Million/etc is closest to you and there's a 95% chance they'll have it.
MEGACON DAY 0, who here/hype
You're an amazing person thank you, now only to try and see how I can find the right colors
Vector Master save us
Any news on how closely they're checking the wristbands?

And what's going on with weapon checks?
No worries, people are posting them left and right, i hope it works for you guys!
Dealers room, currently checking merch
I've been at booth 659 most of the day. Trying to slowly feed myself since I'm not feeling perfect.
Does anyone know any info on how much autograph prices will be for Ryo Horikawa & Collen Clinkenbeard? Megacon's page has still not updated on their pricing.

And if anyone has visited Adam Hughes, can you please share if he's doing commisions or selling anything?
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Hears another shot. Vector please!!!!
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This also might help with the logo
I'm all packed so I guess I'll take a crack at it

No promises tho
So what was that big secret that's in the Megacon book that was announced for the 25th?
Megacon Tampa bay I think
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Cap and Bucky here. Any marvel meet ups happening tomorrow on Friday?
Anyone know? Anyone at all?
Hey, that's pretty good
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Pls respond ._.
Bless you for this. I'm not going this year but I shared with a few friends. Are you planning on making one for Saturday too?
It's ok for a first try, but it needs work. It doesn't really look like the ticket that was posted in >>9023185
Sorry, probably not. I'm heading to bed. Maybe someone else can give it a try?

I know it's not the best, but if it helps a couple people out I'm happy.
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This dude is so desperate. If he wasn't stealing from his job (walmart) he would of been able to buy his ticket. #bangreg
why is this thred so ded
People still waking up. I'm still waiting for a good vector of the day passes.
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different anon, I didn't put nearly as much work into this as the other guy did
Is the official megacon after party worth going to?
I cant find the artist giving out cgl pins for the life of me where u at
Anyone know what some of the prices, autograph-wise, are for the animation guests? I'm looking at Sabat, Rial, Marchi, Clinkenbeard, & Horikawa. Need to know for finances.
I can't find them either. I've asked two volunteers already where they were and they said everything's out of order.
You have to pass through the ticket vendors to get to the dealer's hall, im not sure it's going to work.
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Thank you myfeb :3c
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Frank appreciates the seagull greatly. See you at metro con?
Who has the good kush and fun animu?
normies pls go
I've got that good kush and alcohol
Excellent. We have wine and leeks. We will be at the meetup at 7 if we can find it
Oh shit nigga, I saw you today.
Where exactly is the meetup?
Outside the dealers room is a little nebulous.
Yea, plus the entire dealers room is being emptied out now
Look for lolitas and diamond dogs flag
This is a tough decision. Take a disco nap before the after party. Or meetup with lolis. Michael Jackson guide me.
Anyone going to the after party hosted by them? Worth it?
I can't believe mega is fucking dead
Monica is $25 for autographs, that includes the stuff at her table and personal items.
Cool, thanks man. How about Horikawa, Clinkenbeard, or Marchi?
I didn't see any of their signs, but I imagine that Clinkenbeard and Marchi have similar prices. As for Horikawa, I'd imagine he's a bit pricier, being a special guest and all.
Ah, ok. Thanks man. I only wanted to get autographs from Clinkenbeard and Horikawa, since I brought things for them to sign. I was only going to get Marchi, Rial, & Sabat autos if I managed to smooth-talk my way into one. I just hope Horikawa isn't celebrity price. If he's Conroy's price range, I can handle that. Anything other than that and it's pushing.
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You have to turn it into a pdf. to print!^^^
Does Megacon have a bar?
Bless you anon. Time to share with some friends.

Does anyone know how hard they're looking at the wristbands?
Hope this helps! Keep it on the down low tho. Enjoy my bruzzas.
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>Tfw stuck in New York right now surrounded by gangbangers climbing poles and digging holes
>Tfw can't go home for another 20 days
>Tfw missing first megacon

Feels shitty man. But at least I'll have bank to drop on weeb stuff now.
Nah, but clarion's is cheap and good. 4 buck beer.
First time at this con. I love all the comic stuf but everything is fucking dead right now. Where are all the parties at?
saaaame. At least for tomorrow night. Any good plans?
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Got a picture with the coolest motherfucker at the con.
are you trying to imply this is you
You're a true nigga
I left as soon as I entered
If they are they are dumb since this photo has been posted everywhere.
Ryo Horikawa's is free (thank god), no idea about anyone else.
Makes the con worth it
Well, the past two days have been pretty laid back. Let's see how crowded today gets.
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Dude same here

Wow, thanks phone
Yea I saw this guy, I got a giggle out of it
Anyone else artist alleying at megacon and feel like it has been dead?
Exhibitor here. Very dead. Record for worst sales of any convention I've done in the last 8 years.
The only thing I can think is they changed the date, and less people are in town. My friend recommended this show and he pulls 20k norm. Right now I'm at I paid for the booth and that's it.

Howd the meetup go last night? Ended up working late yesterday so I couldn't go.
Yeah, same here. Any meetup saturday?
The meet up got pushed to tonight at 7 outside the dealers room. Too many different schedules.
This line though
Has anyone seen Moonman today?
This Mega feels like Mega when it was in the other concourse. It doesnt feel right.
Yea he's around
Another vendor here. We're doing worse than ever, people just aren't buying anything. Not sure if it's a fluke for this year, or if it's the new norm with Mega Con. We're fighting to decide if we want to bother again next year.
How have other conventions within the past few months been?
Is it true that girls at Megacon are especially easy?
Pls be true
If you have to ask you're not getting any anyways
Is this shit still happening?
Yea, we're looking for people. Look for Lolita.
Got a rough location
I've paced back and forth in front of th3 dealers, no Lolita. Did th3 location move?
We're playing cards against humanity
Still? Upstairs?
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Name my band, /cgl/
Faggo and the Nerdlets.
I fucked up at the Speed Dating thing at 5:30 lol
If anyone lurks on 4chan and wants to talk to the silly Rikka from today with the cookies, email [email protected]
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Also to go along with >>9026449 and >>9026130
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I dig it
Dat Boi and the Oh Shit, Whaddup's
The Fuccbois
Last show I did was last year, so it's hard to judge. I norm do average 3k on art and print sales. I'm sitting now at table, gas, and food are paid. If I get the money I spent on invitory back Sunday I will be happy.
I just looked up the prices for sunday just to it up and jesus $40 for one day that's incredible.
Does anyone know the color for sunday?
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Why would you need to know that?
Gotcha senpai. Found it on instagram
hahaha stupid auto correct on my phone
So i can give one to you senpai~
Thread replies: 255
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